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File metadata and controls

391 lines (280 loc) · 9.99 KB

Track media and objects

Aim supports variety of data sources. Basic logging of Run params covers Python builtin types (such as int, float , bool, bytes and str) as well as composition of those into dictionaries, lists, tuples at any depth.

In addition to the builtin types, Aim provides native support for OmegaConf configs, thus simplifying integration for projects running with Hydra.

Starting from v3.6.0 Aim provides integration with activeloop/hub datasets. Hub is the open-source dataset format for AI.

Tracking of data includes metrics, images, audio, text and chart figures. Here's the complete list of Aim objects provided by the package:

Tracking multiple values

Starting from v3.14.0 Aim provides ability to track multiple values at once. To track multiple values of different sequences of the same context, just pass a dictionary of <name: value> pairs to the track method:

aim_run.track({'accuracy': 98.2, 'loss': 0.001}, context={'subset': 'train'}, step=10, epoch=1)

Note: The name argument should be set to None in this case.

More examples

The following code snippet

from aim import Run

aim_run = Run()

metrics = {'accuracy': 0.72, 'f1': 0.99}
for metric, val in metrics.items()
  aim_run.track(val, name=metric, context={'subset': 'train'})

can be simplified to:

from aim import Run

aim_run = Run()

aim_run.track({'accuracy': 0.72, 'f1': 0.99}, context={'subset': 'train'})

Distribution tracking with Aim

You can store distribution objects in Aim repository using our aim.Distribution object.

from aim import Distribution

aim.Distribution accepts the following parameters

  • distribution: array-like object used to construct aim.Distribution.
  • bin_count: Optional distribution bin count. 64 by default, max 512.

Your data is converted to numpy.histogram upon initialization of the object.

Simple example of initializing and tracking distribution

import random
from aim import Run, Distribution

run = Run()
d = Distribution(
    distribution=[random.randrange(0, 10000) for _ in range(1000)],
run.track(d, name='dist', step=0)

Image tracking with Aim

Aim lets your track an image using aim.Image object

To get started, first import the Image object into your code.

from aim import Image

Our Image object uses Pillow under the hood. Image object supports the following inputs as data source.

  • Path to an image file
  • PIL (Pillow object)
  • torch.Tensor (PyTorch tensor object)
  • tf.Tensor (TensorFLow tensor object)
  • np.array (Numpy array object)
  • matplotlib.figure.Figure (matplotlib figure object)

Here's an example of tracking image from file path

path = "~/test_image.png"
aim_image = Image(path)

Image object also has the following arguments:

caption  (:obj: `str`,  optional): Optional image caption. '' by default. 
format   (:obj: `str`,  optional): Parameter for PIL's .save() method. 'png' by default.
quality  (:obj: `int`,  optional): Parameter for PIL's .save() method. 85 by default.
optimize (:obj: `bool`, optional): Parameter for PIL's .save() method. False by default.

For more information on the format, quality and optimize parameters, refer to Pillow documentation.

Using these parameters you can manipulate image quality and/or convert the image format from .png to jpeg or to any other format (which is supported by Pillow)

from aim import Run, Image

# Initialize a new run
run = Run()

for step in range(1000):
    # Log image
    path = f"~/test_image_{step}.png"
    aim_image = Image(

    run.track(aim_image, name='images', step=step)

Audio tracking with Aim

Aim lets your track an audio data using aim.Audio object

To get started, first import the Audio object into your code.

from aim import Audio

You can use Audio object to track MP3, WAV and FLAC audio data. Audio object supports the following data as input.

  • File path
  • Raw bytes
  • io.BytesIO stream
  • Numpy array (only for WAV audio format)

This object comes with the following optional arguments.

format  (:obj:`str`): Format of the audio source. Choices are ('flac', 'mp3', 'wav')
rate    (:obj:`int`): Only for WAV. Rate of the audio file, defaults to 22500
caption (:obj:`str`): Optional audio caption. An empty string by default.

Complete example of tracking WAV audio data.

import os.path
from aim import Run, Audio

# Initialize a new run
run = Run()

for step in range(1000):
    # Log image
    path = f"~/test_audio_{step}.mp3"
    aim_audio = Audio(

    run.track(aim_audio, name='audios', step=step)

Text tracking with Aim

Aim lets your track text/string during your training process.

To get started, first import the Text object into your code.

from aim import Text

In order to use the Text object, you just need to ensure that your input data type is a string.

Here's an example of Text usage:

import random
import string
from aim import Run, Text

# Initialize a new run
run = Run()

for step in range(100):
    # Generate a random string for this example
    random_str = ''.join(random.choices(
        string.ascii_uppercase +
        string.digits, k=20)
    aim_text = Text(random_str)
    run.track(aim_text, name='text', step=step)

Figure tracking with Aim

Aim provides a Figure object which can be used to track plotly and matplotlib figures.

To get started, first import the Figure object into your code.

from aim import Figure

You should pass either Plotly Figure or matplotlib Figure as input source to Aim's Figure object.

Here's an example of tracking a plotly figure

import as px
from aim import Run, Figure

# Initialize a new run
run = Run()

# First we create Plotly figure
fig =["a", "b", "c"], y=[1, 3, 2])

# Now we convert it to Aim Figure
aim_figure = Figure(fig)

run.track(aim_figure, name="plotly_figures", step=0)

It is also easy to track matplotlib figure. Please note that the conversion process is done by Plotly under the hood.

from aim import Run, Figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Initialize a new run
run = Run()

# define matplotlib figure
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot([1, 2, 3])

# Now we convert it to Aim Figure using (Plotly's functions)
aim_figure = Figure(fig)

run.track(aim_figure, name="matplotlib_figures", step=0)

Tracking matplotlib figures with Aim

In order to track matplotlib figures with Aim, either pass the matplotlib figure to Aim's Image or Figure object.

Converting matplotlib to Aim Image

from aim import Run, Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

run = Run()

# define matplotlib figure
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot([1, 2, 3])

# pass it to aim Image
aim_img = Image(fig)
run.track(aim_img, step=0, name="matplotlib_images")

Converting matplotlib to Aim Figure

Please note that the conversion process is done by Plotly under the hood.

from aim import Run, Figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

run = Run()

# define matplotlib figure
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot([1, 2, 3])

aim_figure = Figure(fig)
run.track(aim_figure, step=0, name="matplotlib_figures")

Logging activeloop/hub dataset info with Aim

Aim provides wrapper object for hub.dataset. It allows to store the dataset info as a Run parameter and retrieve it later just as any other Run param. Here is an example of using Aim to log dataset info:

import hub

from aim.sdk.objects.plugins.hub_dataset import HubDataset
from aim.sdk import Run

# create dataset object
ds = hub.dataset('hub://activeloop/cifar100-test')

# log dataset metadata
run = Run(system_tracking_interval=None)
run['hub_ds'] = HubDataset(ds)

Log DVC metadata with Aim

If you are using DVC to version your datasets or track checkpoints / other large chunks of data, you can use Aim to record the info about the tracked files and datasets on Aim. This will allow to easily connect your datasets info to the tracked experiments. Here is how the code looks like

from aim.sdk import Run
from aim.sdk.objects.plugins.dvc_metadata import DvcData

run = Run(system_tracking_interval=None)

path_to_dvc_repo = '.'
run['dvc_info'] = DvcData(path_to_dvc_repo)

If we consider the following sample repo provided by DVC team:

Run the following command to list repository contents, including files and directories tracked by DVC and by Git.

$ git clone
$ cd example-get-started
$ dvc list .

If we apply our previous code snippet on the same repo - we can observe the same information added to Run parameters.

    'dvc_info.dataset.source': 'dvc',
    'dvc_info.dataset.tracked_files': [
        '.dvcignore', '.github', '.gitignore',
        '', 'data', 'dvc.lock',
        'dvc.yaml', 'model.pkl', 'params.yaml',
        'prc.json', 'roc.json', 'scores.json', 'src'