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File metadata and controls

350 lines (250 loc) · 12.4 KB


To test the accuracy of new rules, local tests can be written to verify that alerts trigger against valid input.

The CLI tool comes built-in with a test command which does exactly this.


To test a new rule, first create a new JSON file anywhere within the 'tests/integration/rules/' directory with the .json extension.

This file should contain the following structure:

    "data": "Either a string, or JSON object",
    "description": "This test should trigger or not trigger an alert",
    "log": "The log name declared in logs.json",
    "service": "The service sending the log - kinesis, s3, sns, or stream_alert_app",
    "source": "The exact resource which sent the log - kinesis stream name, s3 bucket ID, SNS topic name, or stream_alert_app_function name",
    "trigger_rules": [


Multiple tests can be included in one file by adding them to the array above.

When specifying the test data, it can be either of two fields:

  1. "data": An entire example record, with all necessary fields to properly classify
  2. "override_record": A subset of the example record, where only relevant fields are populated

The advantage of option #2 is that the overall test event is much smaller.

The testing framework will auto-populate the records behind the scenes with the remaining fields for that given log type.

For example:

    "data": {
      "account": "123456789102",
      "detail": {
        "request": {
          "eventName": "putObject",
          "bucketName": "testBucket"
      "detail-type": "API Call",
      "id": "123456",
      "region": "us-west-2",
      "resources": [
      "source": "aws.s3",
      "time": "Jan 01 2018 12:00",
      "version": "1.05"
    "description": "An example test with a full cloudwatch event",
    "log": "cloudwatch:events",
    "service": "s3",
    "source": "test-s3-bucket-name",
    "trigger_rules": [

Let's say a rule is only checking the value of source in the test event. In that case, there's no added benefit to fill in all the other data. Here is what the event would look like with override_record:

    "override_record": {
      "source": "aws.s3"
    "description": "An example test with a partial cloudwatch event",
    "log": "cloudwatch:events",
    "service": "s3",
    "source": "test-s3-bucket-name",
    "trigger_rules": [

Both test events would have the same result, but with much less effort.


Either "override_record" or "data" is required in the test event

Rule Test Reference

Key Type Required Description




Whether or not to compress records with gzip prior to testing. This is useful to simulate services that send gzipped data.


map or string


The record to test against your rules. All json log types should be in JSON object/dict format while others (csv, kv, or syslog) should be string. *This is not required if the override_record option is used.




A partial record to use in test events, more information below *This is not required if the data option is used.

description string Yes A short sentence describing the intent of the test




The log type this test record should parse as. The value of this should be taken from the defined logs in conf/logs.json




The name of the service which sent the log. This should be one of: kinesis, s3, sns, or stream_alert_app.




The name of the Kinesis Stream or S3 bucket, SNS topic or StreamAlert App function where the data originated from. This value should match a source provided in conf/sources.json




A list of zero or more rule names that this test record should trigger. An empty list implies this record should not trigger any alerts




Whether or not the test record should go through the rule processing engine. If set to true, this record will only have validation performed

For more examples, see the provided default rule tests in tests/integration/rules

Running Tests

Tests are run via the script. These tests include the ability to validate defined log schemas for accuracy, as well as rules efficacy. Additionally, alerts can be sent from the local system to a real, live alerting output (if configured).

The below options are available for running tests. Please note that each subsequent test command here includes all of the prior tests. For instance, the rules command will also test everything that the classifier command tests. See the Test Options section for available options for all of these commands.

Classifier Tests

Running tests to ensure test events classify properly:

$ python test classifier


The classifier test command does not test the efficacy of rules, and simply ensures defined test events classify as their expected schema type.

Rule Tests

Running tests to ensure test events classify properly and trigger the designated rules:

$ python test rules

Live Tests

Running tests to actually send alerts to a rule's configured outputs:

$ python test live


The live test command does not invoke any deployed Lambda functions, and only uses the local code, test events, and rules. However, authentication secrets needed to send alerts are in fact read from S3 during this process, so AWS credentials must still be set up properly.

Test Options

Any of the test commands above can be restricted to specific files to reduce time and output:

$ python test classifier --test-files <test_file_01.json> <test_file_02>


Only the name of the file is required, with or without the file extension, not the entire path.

Tests can also be restricted to specific rules:

$ python test rules --test-rules <rule_01> <rule_02>


Note that this is the name of the rule(s) themselves, not the name of the Python file containing the rule(s).

Tests can be directed to run against an alternative directory of test event files:

$ python test rules --files-dir /path/to/alternate/test/files/directory


Note that this is the name of the rule(s) themselves, not the name of the Python file containing the rule(s).

Test Examples

Here is a sample command showing how to run tests against two test event files included in the default StreamAlert configuration:

$ python test rules --test-files cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl.json cloudtrail_root_account_usage.json

This will produce output similar to the following:

Running tests for files found in: tests/integration/rules/

File: cloudtrail/cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl.json

Test #01: Pass
Test #02: Pass

File: cloudtrail/cloudtrail_root_account_usage.json

Test #01: Pass
Test #02: Pass


Total Tests: 4
Pass: 4
Fail: 0

To see more verbose output for any of the test commands, add the --verbose flag. The previous command, with the addition of the --verbose flag, produces the following output:

Running tests for files found in: tests/integration/rules/

File: cloudtrail/cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl.json

Test #01: Pass
    Description: Modifying an S3 bucket to have a bucket ACL of AllUsers or AuthenticatedUsers should create an alert.
    Classified Type: cloudwatch:events
    Expected Type: cloudwatch:events
    Triggered Rules: cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl
    Expected Rules: cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl

Test #02: Pass
    Description: Modifying an S3 bucket ACL without use of AllUsers or AuthenticatedUsers should not create an alert.
    Classified Type: cloudwatch:events
    Expected Type: cloudwatch:events
    Triggered Rules: <None>
    Expected Rules: <None>

File: cloudtrail/cloudtrail_root_account_usage.json

Test #01: Pass
    Description: Use of the AWS 'Root' account will create an alert.
    Classified Type: cloudwatch:events
    Expected Type: cloudwatch:events
    Triggered Rules: cloudtrail_root_account_usage
    Expected Rules: cloudtrail_root_account_usage

Test #02: Pass
    Description: AWS 'Root' account activity initiated automatically by an AWS service on your behalf will not create an alert.
    Classified Type: cloudwatch:events
    Expected Type: cloudwatch:events
    Triggered Rules: <None>
    Expected Rules: <None>


Total Tests: 4
Pass: 4
Fail: 0

Additionally, any given test that results in a status of Fail will, by default, print verbosely. In the below example, the cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl.json file has been altered to include a triggering rule that does not actually exist.

$ python test rules --test-files cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl.json cloudtrail_root_account_usage.json
Running tests for files found in: tests/integration/rules/

File: cloudtrail/cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl.json

Test #01: Fail
    Description: Modifying an S3 bucket to have a bucket ACL of AllUsers or AuthenticatedUsers should create an alert.
    Classified Type: cloudwatch:events
    Expected Type: cloudwatch:events
    Triggered Rules: cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl
    Expected Rules: cloudtrail_put_bucket_acl, nonexistent_rule (does not exist)

Test #02: Pass

File: cloudtrail/cloudtrail_root_account_usage.json

Test #01: Pass
Test #02: Pass


Total Tests: 4
Pass: 3
Fail: 1


It may occasionally be necessary to dynamically fill in values in the test event data. For instance, if a rule relies on the time of an event, the last_hour helper can be embedded in a test event as a key's value. The embedded helper string will be replaced with the value returned by the helper function.

Available Helpers

last_hour: Generates a unix epoch time within the last hour (ex: 1489105783).


To use these helpers in rule testing, replace a specific log field value with the following:


For example, to replace a time field with a value in the last hour, use last_hour:

  "records": [
      "data": {
        "host": "",
        "time": "<helper:last_hour>"
      "description": "example usage of helpers",
      "log": "host_time_log",
      "service": "kinesis",
      "source": "my_demo_kinesis_stream",
      "trigger_rules": [