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How to Update Precompiled Dependencies

For dependencies included in zips to be usable with Lambda Layers, files must reside within a python directory. See the AWS documentation for more information.

Building Dependencies Using EC2

An EC2 instance that resembles the AWS Lambda environment must be launched. This should use the Amazon Linux AMI, documented here.

If you are unfamiliar with EC2 instances and how to launch/connect to them, visit this User Guide.

ssh into EC2 instance

# ssh to ec2 instance
$ ssh -i /path/to/<private-key>.pem ec2-user@public.dns.address

On EC2 Instance

# Remove any previous caches
$ rm -rf $HOME/.cache/pip/

# Create and source venv
$ python3.7 -m venv $HOME/venv
$ source $HOME/venv/bin/activate

# Upgrade pip and setuptools (they are super old)
$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

# Make a temp build directory and temp pip install directory
$ mkdir -p $HOME/build_temp $HOME/pip_temp/python

# Install all of the dependencies to this directory
$ pip install boxsdk[jwt]==2.6.1 --build $HOME/build_temp/ --target $HOME/pip_temp/python

# Replace the `boxsdk[jwt]==2.6.1` below with the desired package & version
# For example, the following would update the aliyun dependencies:
# pip install aliyun-python-sdk-actiontrail==2.0.0 --build $HOME/build_temp/ --target $HOME/pip_temp

# Change into the install directory
$ cd $HOME/pip_temp

# Cleanup any pyc files
$ find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm -rf

# Zip it all up
$ zip -r .

# Exit the ssh session
$ exit

Back On Local System

# scp to local host's current directory
$ scp -i /path/to/<private-key>.pem ec2-user@public.dns.address:~/pip_temp/ .

Building Dependencies Using Vagrant

There is a Vagrantfile located in the root of the StreamAlert repository. This file can be used to spin up a virtual machine and build dependencies for the box sdk or aliyun sdk.

Install Vagrant

Please visit the Vagrant download page for more information on Vagrant. It is recommended to install the latest version of Vagrant.

Start the Virtual Machine

# It may take few minutes to start the virtual machine for the first time, depending on your network speed
$ vagrant up

SSH and Build Dependencies

$ vagrant ssh

# make sure you create virtual environment with python3.7
$ which python3.7

# Create and use venv
$ mkvirtualenv --python=$(which python3.7) venv

# upgrade pip and setuptools if neccessary
$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

$ mkdir -p $HOME/build_temp $HOME/pip_temp/python
$ pip install boxsdk[jwt]==2.9.0 --build $HOME/build_temp/ --target $HOME/pip_temp/python

# Replace the `boxsdk[jwt]==2.6.1` below with the desired package & version
# For example, the following would update the aliyun dependencies:
# pip install aliyun-python-sdk-actiontrail==2.0.0 --build $HOME/build_temp/ --target $HOME/pip_temp

$ cd $HOME/pip_temp
$ find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm -rf

# Install zip package
$ sudo apt-get install zip
$ zip -r .

Copy the Dependencies Locally

Copy the file from the virtual machine to the local host.

$ cp /vagrant/streamalert_cli/_infrastructure/modules/tf_globals/lambda_layers/boxsdk[jwt]
$ exit  # exit the session

Stop the Virtual Machine

Suspend the Vagrant virtual machine after you are finished building and copying dependencies.

$ vagrant suspend

Destroy the VM

Optionally, destroy the Vagrant virtual machine to free up disk space.

$ vagrant destroy