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File metadata and controls

94 lines (73 loc) · 5.32 KB


This python package contains the base images used by Airbyte connectors. It is intended to be used as a python library. Our connector build pipeline (airbyte-ci) uses this library to build the connector images. Our base images are declared in code, using the Dagger Python SDK.

Where are the Dockerfiles?

Our base images are not declared using Dockerfiles. They are declared in code using the Dagger Python SDK. We prefer this approach because it allows us to interact with base images container as code: we can use python to declare the base images and use the full power of the language to build and test them. However, we do artificially generate Dockerfiles for debugging and documentation purposes.

Example for airbyte/python-connector-base:

RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC /etc/localtime
RUN pip install --upgrade pip==24.0 setuptools==70.0.0
RUN pip install poetry==1.6.1
RUN sh -c apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get clean
RUN sh -c apt-get install -y socat=
RUN sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr=5.3.0-2 poppler-utils=22.12.0-2+b1
RUN mkdir /usr/share/nltk_data

Base images


Version Published Docker Image Address Changelog
2.0.0 Use Python 3.10
1.2.3 Use latest root image version and update system packages
1.2.2 Fix Python 3.9.19 image digest
1.2.1 Upgrade to Python 3.9.19 + update pip and setuptools
1.2.0 Add CDK system dependencies: nltk data, tesseract, poppler.
1.1.0 Install socat
1.0.0 Initial release: based on Python 3.9.18, on slim-bookworm system, with pip==23.2.1 and poetry==1.6.1

How to release a new base image version (example for Python)



  1. poetry install
  2. Open base_images/python/
  3. Make changes to the AirbytePythonConnectorBaseImage, you're likely going to change the get_container method to change the base image.
  4. Implement the container property which must return a dagger.Container object.
  5. Recommended: Add new sanity checks to run_sanity_check to confirm that the new version is working as expected.
  6. Cut a new base image version by running poetry run generate-release. You'll need your DockerHub credentials.

It will:

  • Prompt you to pick which base image you'd like to publish.
  • Prompt you for a major/minor/patch/pre-release version bump.
  • Prompt you for a changelog message.
  • Run the sanity checks on the new version.
  • Optional: Publish the new version to DockerHub.
  • Regenerate the docs and the registry json file.
  1. Commit and push your changes.
  2. Create a PR and ask for a review from the Connector Operations team.

Please note that if you don't publish your image while cutting the new version you can publish it later with poetry run publish <repository> <version>. No connector will use the new base image version until its metadata is updated to use it. If you're not fully confident with the new base image version please:

  • please publish it as a pre-release version
  • try out the new version on a couple of connectors
  • cut a new version with a major/minor/patch bump and publish it
  • This steps can happen in different PRs.

Running tests locally

poetry run pytest
# Static typing checks
poetry run mypy base_images --check-untyped-defs