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Qdrant Destination

This is the repository for the Qdrant destination connector, written in Python. For information about how to use this connector within Airbyte, see the documentation.

Local development


To iterate on this connector, make sure to complete this prerequisites section.

Minimum Python version required = 3.10.0

Installing the connector

From this connector directory, run:

poetry install --with dev

Create credentials

If you are a community contributor, follow the instructions in the documentation to generate the necessary credentials. Then create a file secrets/config.json conforming to the destination_qdrant/spec.json file. Note that the secrets directory is gitignored by default, so there is no danger of accidentally checking in sensitive information. See integration_tests/sample_config.json for a sample config file.

If you are an Airbyte core member, copy the credentials in Lastpass under the secret name destination qdrant test creds and place them into secrets/config.json.

Locally running the connector

python spec
python check --config secrets/config.json
python write --config secrets/config.json --catalog integration_tests/configured_catalog.json

Locally running the connector docker image


Via airbyte-ci (recommended):

airbyte-ci connectors --name=destination-qdrant build

An image will be built with the tag airbyte/destination-qdrant:dev.

Via docker build:

docker build -t airbyte/destination-qdrant:dev .


Then run any of the connector commands as follows:

docker run --rm airbyte/destination-qdrant:dev spec
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets airbyte/destination-qdrant:dev check --config /secrets/config.json
# messages.jsonl is a file containing line-separated JSON representing AirbyteMessages
cat messages.jsonl | docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets -v $(pwd)/integration_tests:/integration_tests airbyte/destination-qdrant:dev write --config /secrets/config.json --catalog /integration_tests/configured_catalog.json


You can run our full test suite locally using airbyte-ci:

airbyte-ci connectors --name=destination-qdrant test

Unit Tests

To run unit tests locally, from the connector directory run:

poetry run pytest -s unit_tests

Integration Tests

To run integration tests locally, make sure you have a secrets/config.json as explained above, and then run:

poetry run pytest -s integration_tests

Customizing acceptance Tests

Customize acceptance-test-config.yml file to configure tests. See Connector Acceptance Tests for more information. If your connector requires to create or destroy resources for use during acceptance tests create fixtures for it and place them inside integration_tests/

Dependency Management

All of your dependencies should go in, NOT requirements.txt. The requirements file is only used to connect internal Airbyte dependencies in the monorepo for local development. We split dependencies between two groups, dependencies that are:

  • required for your connector to work need to go to MAIN_REQUIREMENTS list.
  • required for the testing need to go to TEST_REQUIREMENTS list

Publishing a new version of the connector

You've checked out the repo, implemented a million dollar feature, and you're ready to share your changes with the world. Now what?

  1. Make sure your changes are passing our test suite: airbyte-ci connectors --name=destination-qdrant test
  2. Bump the connector version in metadata.yaml: increment the dockerImageTag value. Please follow semantic versioning for connectors.
  3. Make sure the metadata.yaml content is up to date.
  4. Make the connector documentation and its changelog is up to date (docs/integrations/destinations/
  5. Create a Pull Request: use our PR naming conventions.
  6. Pat yourself on the back for being an awesome contributor.
  7. Someone from Airbyte will take a look at your PR and iterate with you to merge it into master.