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181 lines (117 loc) · 5.58 KB


This file contains a brief summary of new features and dependency changes or releases, in reverse chronological order.

1.0.0 (2023-XX-XX)

Breaking Changes

  • Refocused project from working solely on Bots API to working with the broader airSlate API. The project has shifted its focus from working exclusively on the Bots API to encompass the full range of functionality available through the airSlate API. This change will enable us to better support the needs of our users and provide a more comprehensive solution for their workflow automation needs. We will continue to maintain and update our Bots API functionality, but with a renewed emphasis on integration with the wider airSlate ecosystem.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.7 due to end-of-life status. Python 3.7 reached its end-of-life date in June 2023, which means it will no longer receive bug fixes or security updates from the Python development team. As a result, we have removed support for Python 3.7 in order to ensure the ongoing security and stability of our package. Users who require Python 3.7 can continue to use older package versions that support it.


  • Provided resource class to work with Organizations API.


  • Overhauled to improve parsing of changelog and better detection of current package version.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Streamlined code to reduce duplication and improve maintainability.
  • Revamped requirements files to ensure better reproducibility of builds.
  • Updated dependency versions and added more precise version constraints where applicable to prevent unexpected package updates during builds.
  • Change coverage collection technics and tests run thanks to coverage.

0.4.0b1 (2023-03-25)


  • Added support for Python 3.11.


  • Changed additional groups of dependencies declared in so that develop is superset now for testing and docs.

Bug Fixes

  • Don't include tests package in wheel. Previously pip install airslate used to install a top-level package tests. This was fixed.
  • Fixed package description.

0.3.0a1 (2021-02-18)


  • Provided ability to get and assign Tags for a given Slate.
  • Provided ability to get and update Fields for a given Document.
  • Introduced airslate.exceptions.NotFoundError to raise from client when the server can not find the requested resource.
  • Introduced airslate.facades facade module to provide an easy to access API resources:
    • client.addons.auth() - get access token for an Addon installed in an Organization
    • client.addons.files.get() - get the requested Slate Addon File
    • - download contents of the requested Slate Addon File
    • client.documents.fields() - get Fields for a given Document
    • client.documents.update_fields() - update Fields for a given Document
    • client.flows.documents.collection() - get supported Documents for a given Flow
    • client.slates.tags.assign() - assign Tags to a given Slate
    • client.slates.tags.collection() - get all Slate Tags for a given Flow
  • Entity attributes are now accessible via dot notation, i.e. entity['id'] is the same as
  • Implement airslate.entities.base.BaseEntity.to_dict() to convert entities to a dictionary.
  • Implement airslate.entities.base.BaseEntity.__getstate__() as well as airslate.entities.base.BaseEntity.__setstate__() to provide ability to persist and load entities state.
  • Implement airslate.client.Client.patch() to send PATCH requests.

Breaking Changes

  • Moved client.addons.access_token() to client.addons.auth() facade.
  • Moved client.slate_addon_files to client.addons.files() facade.
  • Moved client.flow_documents to client.flows.documents() facade.
  • BaseEntity.set_attributes() from airslate.entities.base module has been removed. Users are recommended to use entity.attributes.update(dict).
  • BaseEntity.original_included from airslate.entities.base module has been removed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed included parsing for BaseEntity.from_one and BaseEntity.from_collection when call filter_included.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Provided utils utility module for be use within airslate package:
    • airslate.client.Client.DEFAULT_HEADERS was moved to airslate.utils.default_headers()
    • airslate.session.USER_AGENT was moved to airslate.utils.default_user_agent()

0.2.1 (2021-02-08)


  • Provided ability to get slate addon file.
  • Added new resources:
    • airslate.resources.slate_addon.SlateAddonFiles - represent slate addon files resource
  • Added new entities:
    • airslate.entities.addons.SlateAddon - represent slate addon entity
    • airslate.entities.addons.SlateAddonFile - represent slate addon file entity
  • The base entity class as well as all derived classes now provide the following methods:
    • has_one() - create an instance of the related entity
    • from_one() - create an instance of the current class from the provided data

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Change default string representation of entities. Now it has the following form: <EntityName: id=ID, type=TYPE>.

0.1.0 (2021-02-07)

  • Initial release.