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SEA-LION Pre-Training Setup Guide

SEA-LION 3B and 7B models are trained on 32 nodes of A100 40GB on AWS EC2

Software Stack

  • AWS Parallel Cluster
  • SLURM (Installed with Parallel Cluster)
  • Composer and LLM Foundry


  1. Create key pair

  2. VPC creation with web UI (Need NAT gateway)

    1. Use the cluster name as the project name
    2. Check "Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address" in the public subnet
  3. Create two S3 buckets

    1. common: for data, checkpoint, and Python source files
    2. mlflow: for MLFlow logging
  4. Modify cluster config YAML with:

    1. KeyName
    2. Common S3 bucket name
    3. Public subnet ID for HeadNode
    4. Private subnet ID for SlurmQueues
    5. Number of p4d.24xlarge instances
    6. Capacity reservation ID
  5. Launch with pcluster package

    1. Wait for it to finish (around 30+ min)
  6. Manually upload a copy of llm-foundry-<commit hash>.zip to s3://<cluster name>-common/source_files

  7. SSH into the head node

    pcluster ssh -i </path/to/key> -n <cluster name>
  8. Take ownership and change permission of /fsx/mlflow

    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /fsx/mlflow
    chmod 777 /fsx/mlflow
  9. Clone nscc_working to /fsx and checkout the aws-ec2-3b branch

cd /fsx
git clone
cd nscc_working
git checkout aws-ec2-3b
  1. Start an interactive session to install dependencies

    1. It takes some time to spin up a compute node
    2. It takes some time to build flash-attn
    srun --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 --cpus-per-task 96 --gres=gpu:8 --time 12:00:00 --pty bash
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3.8-venv
    python3 -m venv /fsx/envs/mosaicml
    source /fsx/envs/mosaicml/bin/activate
    cd </path/to/nscc_working/engr/mosaicml_workspace>
    PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) bash scripts/
  2. Launch the training job

    sbatch launch.slurm
  3. Wait for job to start running and create the MLFlow Server instance (in a separate local terminal)

    cd </path/to/nscc_working/engr/mosaicml_workspace>
    python scripts/python/ -n <cluster name> --instance-type <instance type>

    Note: Instance type must be available in the cluster's availability zone.

  4. Copy content from fstab_entry to /etc/fstab and reboot

  5. Start the MLFlow server

    source /fsx/envs/mosaicml/bin/activate
    mlflow server -h --backend-store-uri file:///fsx/mlflow/<model size>-multi-node-sharded/mlruns --no-serve-artifacts

Adding public keys

Note: this needs to be done on both the head node and the mlflow server instance

  1. Obtain a public key

    1. Either convert the AWS key pair .pem file
      ssh-keygen -f </path/to/keypair.pem> -y > </path/to/>
    2. Generate a new key pair with a third party tool
  2. Copy the content of the public key file and append to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys

Launch a new job

  1. Modify launch.slurm

    1. Change job name to the appropriate model size to log files are name properly
  2. Modify

    1. Change model_size to the appropriate model size
    2. Ensure load_path='null' and autoresume='false'
  3. Launch with sbatch launch.slurm

Resume from latest checkpoint

  1. Modify launch.slurm

    1. Export MLFLOW_CONCAT_RUN_ID with content from MLFLOW_RUN_ID found in the base directory. Alternatively, get the "Run ID" from MLFlow web UI.
  2. Modify

    1. Change autoresume='true'

Resume from previous checkpoint

  1. Modify MLFLOW_CONCAT_RUN_ID in launch.slurm

  2. Modify

    1. Change autoresume='false'
    2. Change load_path=${S3_BUCKET}/checkpoint/${run_name}/<epoch>-<batch>/<epoch>-<batch>-rank{rank}.pt

Useful commands

  • sinfo: General queue status
  • squeue: Running/queued jobs in queue
  • scontrol show nodes: Display compute node info. State is useful for telling why job isn't running yet, e.g., powering up, down, not responding
  • cat /var/log/parallelcluster/clustermgtd: View cluster management logs

Modifications for 3B (32 instances)

Create placement group

Modify FSx Capacity

1200 -> 7200 Left PerUnitStorageThroughput untouched as 7.2*125=900 is more than the throughput spike observed in the 8 instances trial.

Seeing spikes are >900, will increase to 250 throughput

Placement group related

ParallelCluster creation warning messages

  "level": "WARNING",
  "type": "PlacementGroupCapacityReservationValidator",
  "message": "When using an open or targeted capacity reservation with an unrelated placement group, insufficient capacity errors may occur due to placement constraints outside of the reservation even if the capacity reservation has remaining capacity. Please consider either not using a placement group for the compute resource or creating a new capacity reservation in a related placement group."

Insufficient capacity

After failing a job due to write permissions (did not chown /fsx/mlfow), encountered a timeout error message.

2023-08-07 05:11:35,692 - [slurm_plugin.clustermgtd:_reset_timeout_expired_compute_resources] - INFO - The following compute resources are in down state due to insufficient capacity: {'queue1': {'p4d24xlarge': ComputeResourceFailureEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 7, 5, 2, 29, 692383, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), error_code='InsufficientInstanceCapacity')}}, compute resources will be reset after insufficient capacity timeout (600.0 seconds) expired

Suggested solutions seem to be to just wait it out