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Euler's sieve

A formally verified Euler's Sieve, written in OCaml. The proof was made with Why3.

Description of the repository

The proof is in the folder Why3, in the file euler_sieve.mlw. In the same folder, there is also the Why3 session in euler_sieve.

In the OCaml folder, there are some files that are not related with the proof. In particular, the file is the implementation of the sieve of Eratosthene used for benchmarks. The file an implementation of the segmented sieve of Eratosthene.

To replay the proof

cd Why3
why3 replay euler_sieve

To extract the OCaml code

cd Why3

The code will be automatically extracted in the file This extracted code is also written below.

The verified OCaml code

type t = {
  arr: (int array);
  max: int;
  max_arr: int;

let create (max1: int) : t =
  let len_arr = (max1 - 1) / 2 + 1 in
  let arr1 = Array.make len_arr (-2) in
  (let o = len_arr - 1 in let o1 = 1 in
   for i = o1 to o do
     arr1.(i) <- (if i = len_arr - 1 then max1 + 1 else 2 * i + 3)
  { arr = arr1; max = max1; max_arr = (max1 - 1) / 2 }

let set_next (t1: t) (i1: int) (v: int) : unit = (t1.arr).(i1 / 2) <- v

let get_next (t1: t) (i1: int) : int =
  let x = i1 / 2 in if (t1.arr).(x) < 0 then - (t1.arr).(x) else (t1.arr).(x)

let set_mark (t1: t) (i1: int) : unit =
  let x = i1 / 2 in if (t1.arr).(x) >= 0 then (t1.arr).(x) <- - (t1.arr).(x)

let get_mark (t1: t) (i1: int) : bool = (t1.arr).(i1 / 2) < 0

let get_max (t1: t) : int = t1.max

let remove_products (t1: t) (n: int) : unit =
  let d = get_max t1 / n in
  let rec loop (p: int) : unit =
    let next = get_next t1 p in
    if 0 <= next && next <= get_max t1
    then begin
      if next <= d
      then begin
             set_mark t1 (n * next);
             if get_mark t1 next
             then begin set_next t1 p (get_next t1 next); loop p end
             else loop next
           end end in
  set_mark t1 (n * n); loop n

let euler_sieve (max1: int) : (int array) =
  let t1 = create max1 in
  let rec loop1 (n: int) : unit =
    remove_products t1 n;
    let nn = get_next t1 n in if nn <= max1 / nn then loop1 nn in
  if max1 >= 9 then loop1 3;
  let cnt = ref 1 in
  let p = ref 1 in
  (t1.arr).(0) <- 2;
  while 2 * !p + 1 <= max1 do
    let next = (t1.arr).(!p) / 2 in
    if next <= t1.max_arr
      if (t1.arr).(next) < 0
      then (t1.arr).(!p) <- - (t1.arr).(next)
        begin (t1.arr).(!cnt) <- 2 * !p + 1; cnt := !cnt + 1; p := next end
        (t1.arr).(!cnt) <- 2 * !p + 1; cnt := !cnt + 1; p := t1.max_arr + 1
  Array.sub t1.arr 0 !cnt


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