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The Relationship between COVID and GA Bond Coupons

What happened to coupons during COVID

In March of 2020, municipal bond yields spiked, in many cases increasing over a thousand percent. Conditions deteriorated to the point where Kent Hiteshew, Deputy Associate Director of the Federal Reserve’s Division of Financial Stability, said that “state and local governments were effectively unable to borrow.” Yields stabilized and fell below pre-pandemic levels over the next few months, with research strongly suggesting that the CARES act and a variety of actions by the Federal Reserve played a large part.

These yields are important because they, in a way, estimate the real-time health of a municipal bond. When a county wants to build a new sports stadium, they finance it by issuing bonds. They, in effect, take out hundreds of thousands of small loans from investors (which are called bonds in this context) and agree to pay interest (the coupon) every year over the life of the bond.

The coupon is fixed when the debt is issued, so the coupon doesn’t tell us anything about the current health of the bond, just the expected future health of the bond at the time of issuance. Instead, analysts use the yield as the best estimate of what the current coupon would be. This matters, because when yields spike, it tells us the issuer’s financial health is worse than it was before.

Coupons represent the extra interest payments owed on municipal debts, and so they’re the primary focus of our work. However, the yield on a municipal bond is often used as a proxy for what the market estimates the real-time interest of a bond to be. While that interetpretation may fail on various grounds, the yield nonetheless tells us a lot about the health of a bond, and therefore the health of the entity that issued it.


Our analysis is based off of two principal sources of data: the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) collection of municipal data and the S&P Global Ratings metadata on bond issuances. We were awarded grants by the Pulitzer Center and the Columbia University’s Brown Institute for Media Innovation, which we used to purchase access to these data sources. The MSRB is the regulatory body in charge of overseeing municipal securities in the United States. The S&P is a credit-rating agency that serves as the formal issuer of identification numbers for securities (municipal and otherwise). We collect trade information from the MSRB that contains all purchases and sales of municipal securities between October 10th 2019 and October 10th 2021. These data include transaction characteristics such as price, time, and yield, as well as other metadata relevant to the security such as credit rating of the issuer and whether the issue was a negotiated or competitive sale. We also collect data on new issuances from the MSRB. These data form a full record of all fixed-rate municipal securities issued in the state of Georgia between 2018 and 2021. They include the same data on issuance as the transaction data.

We clean the data and derive a number of liquidity proxy variables following Schwert (2017). The major steps in data cleaning involve eliminating such bonds with too few trades during the sample period, variable coupon rates, and negative or extreme coupon rates. Using this data, we examine the relationship between COVID in the the state of Georgia and the financial obligations of bond issuers.

cusip_keep<-D_amihud_final_2 %>% group_by(cusip) %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% filter(n > 0) %>% pull(cusip)

D_amihud_final_2%>% filter(cusip%in%cusip_keep) %>%  
  ggplot(aes(x = trade_month, y = yield %>% as.numeric, group= cusip))+
  geom_line(alpha = .05)+theme(legend.position = "none")+ylim(0,10) +bbc_style()
## Warning: Removed 493 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

Bond spreads–the difference between the yield on a bond and the yield on an appropriate Treasury bond–despite having recovered significantly from their March/April 2020 peak show less recovery than yields. These bond spreads are often considered a better measure of the health of a bond, especially when considering the risk of default.

cusip_keep<-D_amihud_final_2 %>% group_by(cusip) %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% filter(n > 0) %>% pull(cusip)

D_amihud_final_2%>% filter(cusip%in%cusip_keep) %>%  
  ggplot(aes(x = trade_month, y = spread %>% as.numeric, group= cusip))+
  geom_line(alpha = .1)+theme(legend.position = "none")+ylim(-1,10)+bbc_style()
## Warning: Removed 599 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

More specifically, of the 3,088 Georgia municipal bonds we track both before and after the pandemic, 2,696 (87%) of them have seen yields recover, while 2285 (74%) have seen their spreads recover. This distinction is what animated much of the CARES Act Congressional Oversight Committee’s argument on whether to shutter the Municipal Liquidity Facility (MLF), as they eventually did in December 2020. The Democratic faction of the Committee argued that lower but elevated spreads showed that while the MLF had succeeded in its initial goal of stabilizing municipal markets, there was still work to be done, while the Republican faction argued that lower yields showed there was no need for more municipal support.


pre_data<-D_amihud_final_2 %>% mutate(when = ifelse(time_numeric>cutoff, "after_pan","before_pan")) %>% 
  filter(when=="before_pan") %>%  group_by(cusip) %>% 
  summarise(max_date = max(trade_month), which_max_trade = which.max(trade_month),
            max_yield_before = yield[which_max_trade],
            max_spread_before = spread[which_max_trade],
            GEOID = GEOID[1],
            sec_desc = sec_desc[1])

post_data<-D_amihud_final_2 %>% mutate(when = ifelse(time_numeric>cutoff, "after_pan","before_pan")) %>% 
  filter(when=="after_pan") %>%  group_by(cusip) %>% 
  summarise(min_yield_after = min(yield),min_spread_after = min(spread), last_sale = max(trade_month))

never_recovered<-pre_data %>% left_join(post_data, by = "cusip")  %>% 
         perc_diff_spread=(min_spread_after-max_spread_before)/max_spread_before) %>% 
  mutate(spread_rec = ifelse(perc_diff_spread<.1,"recovered","not_recovered"),
         yield_rec = ifelse(perc_diff_yield<.1,"recovered","not_recovered")

(never_recovered %>% filter(yield_rec=="recovered") %>% nrow)/(never_recovered %>% nrow)
## [1] 0.8800366
(never_recovered %>% filter(spread_rec=="recovered") %>% nrow)/(never_recovered %>% nrow)
## [1] 0.7432845

However, for both yields and spreads, bonds have recovered more in some counties than others. About half of the counties in Georgia have no bonds with elevated yields, while other counties see elevated yields far more frequently.

never_recovered<-pre_data %>% left_join(post_data, by = "cusip")  %>% 
         perc_diff_spread=(min_spread_after-max_spread_before)/max_spread_before) %>% 
  mutate(spread_rec = ifelse(perc_diff_spread<0,"recovered","not_recovered"),
         yield_rec = ifelse(perc_diff_yield<0,"recovered","not_recovered")

never_rec_yield<-never_recovered %>% filter(yield_rec=="not_recovered", last_sale > ymd("2021-01-01")) %>% pull(cusip)
never_rec_spread<-never_recovered %>% filter(spread_rec=="not_recovered", last_sale > ymd("2021-01-01")) %>% pull(cusip)

#this is to look by county
grouped_never_rec<-D_amihud_final_2 %>% mutate(trade_m = as.numeric(trade_month)) %>%  select(GEOID, cusip, sec_desc) %>% distinct %>% group_by(GEOID) %>% 
  summarise(never= length(which(cusip%in%never_rec_spread)),
            never_sec= length(unique(sec_desc[which(cusip%in%never_rec_spread)])),
            n_sec = length(unique(sec_desc)),
            perc_sec_never = never_sec/n_sec,
            sec_desc = list(sec_desc)) %>% arrange(desc(perc_never)) %>% 
  mutate(GEOID = as.character(GEOID)) %>% 
  left_join(GA_census_tract_data %>% select(GEOID, NAME), by = "GEOID") %>% arrange(desc(perc_sec_never))

grouped_never_rec %>% arrange(desc(perc_never), desc(n)) 
## # A tibble: 116 x 9
##    GEOID never never_sec n_sec perc_sec_never     n perc_never sec_desc  NAME   
##    <chr> <int>     <int> <int>          <dbl> <int>      <dbl> <list>    <chr>  
##  1 13131     1         1     1          1         1      1     <chr [1]> Grady …
##  2 13035     2         2     2          1         3      0.667 <chr [3]> Butts …
##  3 13169     2         1     1          1         4      0.5   <chr [4]> Jones …
##  4 13231     2         1     1          1         4      0.5   <chr [4]> Pike C…
##  5 13081     3         1     1          1        10      0.3   <chr [10… Crisp …
##  6 13217     4         4     6          0.667    14      0.286 <chr [14… Newton…
##  7 13211     2         2     2          1         7      0.286 <chr [7]> Morgan…
##  8 13305     2         2     2          1         8      0.25  <chr [8]> Wayne …
##  9 13047     1         1     1          1         4      0.25  <chr [4]> Catoos…
## 10 13149     1         1     1          1         4      0.25  <chr [4]> Heard …
## # … with 106 more rows
#we can also look by issuer
grouped_never_rec<-D_amihud_final_2 %>% mutate(trade_m = as.numeric(trade_month),issuer_n = str_sub(cusip,1,6))%>%  
  select(issuer_n, cusip, sec_desc, GEOID) %>% distinct %>% group_by(issuer_n) %>% 
  summarise(never= length(which(cusip%in%never_rec_yield)),
            never_sec= length(unique(sec_desc[which(cusip%in%never_rec_yield)])),
            n_sec = length(unique(sec_desc)),
            perc_sec_never = never_sec/n_sec,
            sec_desc = list(sec_desc),
            GEOID = GEOID[1]) %>% arrange(desc(perc_never)) %>% 
  mutate(GEOID = as.character(GEOID)) %>% 
  left_join(GA_census_tract_data %>% select(GEOID, NAME), by = "GEOID") %>% arrange(desc(perc_sec_never))

grouped_never_rec%>% arrange(desc(perc_never), desc(n)) 
## # A tibble: 438 x 10
##    issuer_n never never_sec n_sec perc_sec_never     n perc_never sec_desc GEOID
##    <chr>    <int>     <int> <int>          <dbl> <int>      <dbl> <list>   <chr>
##  1 36274P       2         1     1          1         2     1      <chr [2… 13139
##  2 04781G       1         1     1          1         3     0.333  <chr [3… 13121
##  3 26114C       1         1     1          1         3     0.333  <chr [3… 13121
##  4 652577       1         1     2          0.5       3     0.333  <chr [3… 13217
##  5 226688       3         1     1          1        10     0.3    <chr [1… 13081
##  6 721115       1         1     1          1         4     0.25   <chr [4… 13231
##  7 05115C       2         1     1          1        12     0.167  <chr [1… 13245
##  8 243039       1         1     1          1         8     0.125  <chr [8… 13087
##  9 04777L       1         1     2          0.5      12     0.0833 <chr [1… 13121
## 10 12033R       1         1     3          0.333    13     0.0769 <chr [1… 13031
## # … with 428 more rows, and 1 more variable: NAME <chr>
D_issues %>% filter(desc=="MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, GEORGIA / REVENUE BONDS (GOVERNMENTAL PROJECTS) SERIES 2020" ) %>% mutate(true_coupon = principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price)*(coupon)/principal_amount_at_issuance, true_amount = principal_amount_at_issuance/dollar_price*100, ttm=(maturity_date - dated_date)/365, ttm = round(ttm,0)) %>% select(true_coupon, true_amount, dated_date, ttm) %>% mutate(k=true_amount*.012*ttm) %>% summarise(sum(k))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   `sum(k)`    
##   <drtn>      
## 1 2513811 days


We want to estimate whether and the degree to which COVID was associated with an increase to the actual dollar cost that issuing entities must pay over time. To estimate that increase, we need to examine how coupon rates changed during the pandemic.

One important caveat is that municipal bond issuers don’t pay interest on the stated amount of a bond, what’s known as the face value of the bond. For reasons specific to the bond market, bonds are issued either above or below par (a value relative to 100, where bonds “priced” above 100 are said to be priced over par while bonds “priced” below 100 are said to be under par). One can, however, using the total dollar amount of bond issuance, the par pricing, and the face coupon, work backwards to determine the actual interest rate municipalities pay on the actual dollar value of their debt. We call this figure the true coupon, and treat this as our dependent variable, following conversations with bond analysts and underwriters. From now on, whenever we refer to coupons, we mean true coupons.

D_plot<-D_now  %>% mutate(issue_date_p = issue_date_d) %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2018-01-01")))

D_plot %>% ggplot(aes(x = issue_date_d, y = true_coupon*100))+geom_point()+geom_smooth()+geom_vline(xintercept=ymd("2020-03-01"))+geom_vline(xintercept=ymd("2020-11-01"))+xlab("Date")+ylab("Coupon")+bbc_style()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'

What we see is that coupons had been steadily declining since 2018. We see an increase in average coupons right around the beginning of COVID and a drop in the coupon shortly afterwards. This drop continues until the beginning of the largest wave of COVID in Georgia and in the U.S, when it begins to increase. This seems strange, but it’s consistent with prior research (Bi, 2021) giving evidence that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy and Congress’ fiscal policy helped stabilize the municipal market in the early part of the recession, but that COVID rates affected long-term credit concerns.

As long-term concerns over a continuing pandemic take precedent over past stimulus, issuers begin increasing rates to attract investors, a suggestion initially made in (Bi, 2021). While a benefit to investors, increased coupon rates at issuance represent real extra dollars municipalities must pay in interest.

We can use a regression discontinuity design to formalize this intuition and account for covariates. Regression discontinuity is a quasi-experimental design type intended to allow for causal inference about a treatment effect. Of quasi-experimental post-treatment designs, it is regarded as providing the best estimates of the local treatment effect.

A regression discontinuity design aims to choose a variable along which there is a “discontinuity” related to the treatment. That is, some variable across which the individuals being studied are similar, except for the treatment. Here, we use time. The intuition is that bond issuers issuing bonds on March 10th 2020 are extremely similar to bond issuers issuing bonds on March 28th 2020, except for the fact the March 28th issuers are living in a post-COVID world. If there are significant differences in the characteristics of the bonds those two groups issue, they’re likely caused by COVID.

#we impute missing variables to keep as many cusips as possible

#regression discontinuity to check the robustness of the effect. this estimate the pre-post as .5%
coup = D_now$true_coupon*100
dates= D_now$issue_date_d %>% as.numeric

gam_re_coup_rdd<-rdrobust(y = coup, x =dates,c = as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-17")),
                          covs =D_now %>%
                          stdvars = TRUE,
                          all =TRUE
## [1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."
rd_plot<-rdplot(y = coup, x =dates,  c = as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-17")),binselect="qs",
                          covs = D_now %>%
       y.lim = c(0,6)
## [1] "Mass points detected in the running variable."

rdplot_mean_bin = rd_plot$vars_bins[,"rdplot_mean_bin"]
rdplot_mean_y   = rd_plot$vars_bins[,"rdplot_mean_y"]
y_hat           = rd_plot$vars_poly[,"rdplot_y"]
x_plot          = rd_plot$vars_poly[,"rdplot_x"]
rdplot_cil_bin =  rd_plot$vars_bins[,"rdplot_ci_l"]
rdplot_cir_bin =  rd_plot$vars_bins[,"rdplot_ci_r"]
rdplot_mean_bin=  rd_plot$vars_bins[,"rdplot_mean_bin"]

col.lines = "blue"
col.dots  = 1
type.dots = 20
title="RD Plot"
x.label="X axis"
y.label="Y axis"
x.lim=c(min(dates, na.rm=T),max(dates, na.rm=T))
y.lim=c(min(coup, na.rm=T), max(coup, na.rm=T))

temp_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
  geom_point( aes(x = rdplot_mean_bin, y = rdplot_mean_y), col = col.dots, na.rm = TRUE) +
  geom_line(  aes(x = x_plot_l, y = y_hat_l), col = col.lines) +
  geom_line(  aes(x = x_plot_r, y = y_hat_r), col = col.lines) +
  labs(x = x.label, y = y.label) + ggtitle(title) +
  labs(title = title, y = y.label, x = x.label) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim) +
  theme(legend.position = "None") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = c_f, size = 0.5)

## Add confidence intervals 
temp_plot_1 <- temp_plot +
  geom_errorbar(aes(x = rdplot_mean_bin, ymin = rdplot_cil_bin, ymax = rdplot_cir_bin), linetype = 1)

Examining the discontinuity model shows that there seems to be a local treatment effect comparing bonds on either side of March 17, 2020. Bias-corrected 95% confidence intervals estimate the effect is somewhere between 43 and 77 basis points, robust CI’s estimate the treatment effect between 42 and 78 basis points, and conventional CI’s estimate the effect between 45 and 80 basis points. All CI’s largely agree.

We can examine this effect graphically. The vertical black line in the plot above give March 2020. The red line represents the relationship between time and the coupon rates of newly issued bonds in Georgia. The date on the x-axis is a numeric date with 0 set as 1970-01-01. What we see here is that prior to the pandemic, bond coupons were trending downwards. However, immediately following the beginning of the pandemic, coupons spiked. They then decreased, in response to stimulus, only to again start climbing as the extent and duration of the pandemic became clear.

To estimate the extent of the effect of COVID as an epidemiological factor as opposed to socio-economic event, we estimate a mixed-effects Gaussian GAM, modeling individual bond’s true coupons over the period from October 2018 to the present (September 2021). Nearly all terms are continuous smooth terms that provide either Census information about the county in which the bond was issued or individual bond characteristics from the MSRB. We include fixed effects for the class of organization issuing the bond (hospital, school, airport, tax, government,…), fixed effects for a computed average of credit ratings by credit rating organizations, and random effects for individual issuers. Lastly, we include a parametric term for lagged COVID cases in the county a bond was issued in. We also include an interaction effect identified as important in (Bi, 2020). While we would like to include other elements of the Bi model, namely an interaction between pre-refunded bonds and COVID, we don’t observe enough pre-refunded bonds to properly estimate the interaction.

k_v = 60
#random effects quasi high knot

D_now_f<-D_now%>% filter(true_coupon>0, callable!="none") %>% mutate(issue_date_d = as.numeric(issue_date_d), conduit = as_factor(conduit))

gam_re_coup_p_k<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty, k =k_v)+ s(issue_date_d, k =30)+s(estimate_med_inc, k =k_v)+maturity_date+
                     s(perc_white, k =k_v)+s(total_agi, k =k_v)+s(TB4WK, k =20)+s(summary_est, k =k_v)+I_s+maturity_date*I_s+
                sec_desc_class+s(issuer_n, bs = "re")+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "quasipoisson",
              data =  D_now_f)

#random effects gauss high knot
gam_re_coup_n_k<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty, k =k_v)+ s(issue_date_d, k =30)+s(estimate_med_inc, k =k_v)+maturity_date+
                     s(perc_white, k =k_v)+s(total_agi, k =k_v)+s(TB4WK, k =20)+s(summary_est, k =k_v)+I_s+maturity_date*I_s+
                sec_desc_class+s(issuer_n, bs = "re")+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "gaussian",
              data =  D_now_f)

#random effects quasi
gam_re_coup_p<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty)+ s(issue_date_d)+s(estimate_med_inc)+maturity_date+
                sec_desc_class+s(issuer_n, bs = "re")+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "quasipoisson",
              data =  D_now_f)

#random effects gauss for estimating
gam_re_coup_n<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty)+s(summary_est)+ s(issue_date_d)+s(estimate_med_inc)+s(maturity_date)+
                sec_desc_class+s(issuer_n, bs = "re")+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "gaussian",
              data =  D_now_f)

##random effects gauss for model checking
gam_re_coup_n_s<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty)+s(summary_est)+ s(issue_date_d)+s(estimate_med_inc)+s(maturity_date)+
                     s(issue_date_d, I_s)+
                sec_desc_class+s(issuer_n, bs = "re")+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "gaussian",
              data =  D_now_f)

#random effects gauss w/o COVID
gam_re_coup_n_no_c<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty)+s(summary_est)+ s(issue_date_d)+s(estimate_med_inc)+maturity_date+
                sec_desc_class+s(issuer_n, bs = "re")+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "gaussian",
              data =  D_now_f)

#quasipoiss gam
gam_fe_coup_p<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty)+s(summary_est)+ s(issue_date_d)+s(estimate_med_inc)+maturity_date+
                sec_desc_class+issuer_n+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "quasipoisson",
              data =  D_now_f)
## Warning in sqrt(family$dev.resids(object$y, object$fitted.values,
## object$prior.weights)): NaNs produced
#normal gam
gam_fe_coup_n<-bam(formula = true_coupon~s(perc_poverty)+s(summary_est)+ s(issue_date_d)+s(estimate_med_inc)+maturity_date+
                sec_desc_class+issuer_n+sales_type+ rating_f+callable+taxable+conduit,
                family = "gaussian",
              data =  D_now_f)

lm_coup_g<-lm(formula = true_coupon~perc_poverty+summary_est+ issue_date_d+estimate_med_inc+maturity_date+
              data =  D_now_f)

We also estimate a series of other models to examine the sensitivity of the inferences to model specification. Our alternatively specified models are a simple linear model, a Poisson GAM with fixed effects, a Gaussian GAM with random effects, a Poisson GAM with mixed effects, a Gaussian GAM with mixed effects and more knots allowed for the smooth terms in the model, as well as a Poisson GAM with mixed effects and a greater number of knots allowed for the smooth terms.

All of the models, including the linear model, reject the null hypothesis that the COVID coefficient is 0 and whose lower confidence bounds remain not only away from 0, but represent differences that would be relevant in the real world. We also present diagnostic plots examining the fit of the Gaussian mixed-effects GAM.

tibble(x = gam_re_coup_n$model$`issue_date`,y = gam_re_coup_n$residuals) %>% ggplot(aes(x = x, y =y))+geom_point()+geom_smooth()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'

tibble(y = gam_re_coup_n$fitted.values,x = gam_re_coup_n$y) %>% ggplot(aes(x = x, y =y))+geom_point()+geom_smooth()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'


qqplot(y = gam_re_coup_n$residuals, rnorm(length(gam_re_coup_n$residuals)))

These are, in order, plots looking for autocorrelation, a residual vs fitted plot, a histogram examining the distribution of the residuals, and a qqplot.

While all plots conform to expectations, the autocorrelation plot is the closest to concerning. While there is no autocorrelation in the mean of the residuals, it’s possible that there is some autocorrelation in the variance of the residuals. However, the data is not quite time series. We observe issues from issuers. Some of those issuers issue multiple times throughout our sample period, but our most frequent issuer only issues 9 times throughout, making time series estimation difficult.

A subsequent possible concern is that correlation between the time variable and the COVID variable leads to a conflation between our estimate of COVID and our estimate of the time variable. Because our results depend on properly estimating the effect of COVID on the coupon rate, we need to check the degree to which COVID actually contains useful information.

One way to do this is to compare our Gaussian mixed-effects model that contains COVID as a regressor against a nested model that does not contain COVID as a regressor. If the second model proves more informative, then we have some evidence that our estimate of COVID is explaining some new variance, as opposed to merely partitioning the variance already attributed to time.

We can test whether this is the case by a likelihood ratio test between the two models.

logLik_no_c <-logLik(gam_re_coup_n_no_c)
logLik_c <-logLik(gam_re_coup_n)

test_stat <- (-2) * (as.numeric(logLik(gam_re_coup_n_no_c))-as.numeric(logLik(gam_re_coup_n)))

pchisq(test_stat, df = 177.7148-174.8757, lower.tail = FALSE)
## [1] 8.503009e-26

Doing so leads us to reject the null that that the likelihood ratio between the two models is equal to 1, that is that the goodness of fit of the two models is identical. This seems to confirm that including COVID in the model adds to the explained variance of the true coupon rate.

We can also plot the partial effects plots of the issue_date smooth for the COVID and no COVID models to see whether there is a difference. No difference here would mean that adding COVID doesn’t affect our time estimate, which would imply some conflation between the COVID estimate and the time estimate. What we see, instead, is the sort of “COVID penalty” this work attempts to show. The partial smooth for time in the non-COVID model is, post-COVID, almost everywhere higher than the partial smooth for the model with COVID included. While the two are clearly correlated, this plot shows the two being visibly disentangled.

no_c_p<-visreg(gam_re_coup_n_no_c, "issue_date_d", gg=TRUE)
c_p<-visreg(gam_re_coup_n_s, "issue_date_d",gg=TRUE)

D_plot<-rbind(c_p$data %>% add_column(type = "with covid"),no_c_p$data %>% add_column(type = "wo covid")) %>% mutate(y = as_date(y))

D_plot %>% ggplot(aes(x =x , y=y, color = type))+geom_smooth()+xlim(low_cut, high_cut)
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'

## Warning: Removed 582 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).

Examination of the COVID-included Gaussian mixed-effects GAM model shows a variety of sensible inferences that function as sanity checks. The smooth estimate of the trend over time has a reasonable shape. Likewise, we estimate that competitive sales will have higher coupons than negotiated sales, all else constant–a suggestion made to us multiple times. On the other hand, it is somewhat surprising that callable bonds are estimated to have lower coupons that non-callable bonds. Looking at a violin plot of callable bonds v the true coupon seems to confirm that inference, however.

D_now %>% ggplot(aes(x = callable, y = true_coupon))+geom_violin()

Following Cornaggia (2021), we translate increased bond coupons into the extra dollar-value payments local governments would pay if bonds were re-issued. To do this, we take the estimated coefficient for the effect of COVID on the coupon rate and use it to calculate the coupon rate for each bond issued post-March 2020 setting COVID equal to zero.

Let the principal owed on bond i be pi, the coupon of that bond be ci, and the number of years until maturity mi. Cornaggia, sensibly, tells us to calculate the total amount of interest cost for that bond as:

oi = pi ⋅ ci ⋅ mi.

We’re interested in estimating what this cost would have looked liked in the absence of COVID, given an estimate of the effect of COVID on the coupon rate.

Now, let our estimate of the effect of COVID on the coupon rate be β̂covid and let Ii be number of COVID cases in the month prior to the issuance of bond i. Because our estimate comes from a Poisson model, eβ̂covid gives us the multiplicative effect of one extra COVID case on the coupon rate of a bond, given on the linear scale. We can use the actual number of COVID cases and this estimate to work backwards from the actual coupon rate for bond i, ca, i, to bond i’s estimated coupon rate without COVID, ce, i as:

ci, e = ci, a ⋅ eβ̂covid ⋅ Ii

giving the new amount of interest due as:

oi, e = ci, a ⋅ eβ̂covid ⋅ Ii ⋅ pi ⋅ mi

and the difference between the actual and COVID-less estimate as:

$$ d_{i} = o_{i,a}-o_{i,e}\\\ = p_{i} \cdot m_{i} \cdot (c_{i,a}-c_{i,a}\cdot e^{-\hat{\beta}_{covid} \cdot I_{i}})\\\ = p_{i} \cdot m_{i} \cdot c_{i,a} \cdot (1-e^{-\hat{\beta}_{covid} \cdot I_{i}}) $$

By summing this quantity up over i, where i indexes the bonds issued post-COVID, we can reach an estimate for the total extra interest cost borne by issuers paying higher coupons post-COVID. We can also translate the MLE SE into MLE lower and upper confidence bounds for the estimates.


Vcv_p_re_k <- vcov(gam_re_coup_p_k, unconditional = TRUE)
V_p_re_k <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_p_re_k))
ci_h_p_re_k <- del_yield_covid_p_re_k+1.96*se_p_re_k
ci_l_p_re_k <- del_yield_covid_p_re_k-1.96*se_p_re_k


Vcv_n_re_k <- vcov(gam_re_coup_n_k, unconditional = TRUE)
V_n_re_k <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_n_re_k))
ci_h_n_re_k <- del_yield_covid_n_re_k+1.96*se_n_re_k
ci_l_n_re_k <- del_yield_covid_n_re_k-1.96*se_n_re_k


Vcv_p_re <- vcov(gam_re_coup_p, unconditional = TRUE)
V_p_re <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_p_re))
ci_h_p_re <- del_yield_covid_p_re+1.96*se_p_re
ci_l_p_re <- del_yield_covid_p_re-1.96*se_p_re


Vcv_n_re <- vcov(gam_re_coup_n, unconditional = TRUE)
V_n_re <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_n_re))
ci_h_n_re <- del_yield_covid_n_re+1.96*se_n_re
ci_l_n_re <- del_yield_covid_n_re-1.96*se_n_re


Vcv_p_fe <- vcov(gam_fe_coup_p, unconditional = TRUE)
V_p_fe <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_p_fe))
ci_h_p_fe <- del_yield_covid_p+1.96*se_p_fe
ci_l_p_fe <- del_yield_covid_p-1.96*se_p_fe


Vcv_n_fe <- vcov(gam_fe_coup_n, unconditional = TRUE)
V_n_fe <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_n_fe))
ci_h_n_fe <- del_yield_covid_n+1.96*se_n_fe
ci_l_n_fe <- del_yield_covid_n-1.96*se_n_fe


Vcv_lm <- vcov(lm_coup_g, unconditional = TRUE)
V_lm <- sqrt(diag(Vcv_lm))
ci_h_lm <- del_yield_covid_lm+1.96*se_lm
ci_l_lm <- del_yield_covid_lm-1.96*se_lm

#this comes from looking at the difference between the amount due under the current true coupon (time to maturity * amount of loan * true coupon as it is) and the amount due under the estimated hypothetical coupon where there was no covid (time to maturity * amount of loan * true coupon as it is * e^(-estimate*covid cases))

extra_interest_p_re_k<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = exp(del_yield_covid_p_re_k)^(-I_s),
         mult_high = exp(ci_h_p_re_k)^(-I_s),
         mult_low = exp(ci_l_p_re_k)^(-I_s)) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>% 
    k = ttm*actual_price*true_coupon*(1-mult),
    k_low=ttm*actual_price*true_coupon*(1-mult_low))%>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "p gam re k", .before=1)

extra_interest_n_re_k<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = (del_yield_covid_n_re_k)*(I_s),
         mult_high = (ci_h_n_re_k)*(I_s),
         mult_low = (ci_l_n_re_k)*(I_s)) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>% 
    k = ttm*actual_price*mult,
    k_high = ttm*actual_price*mult_high,
    k_low = ttm*actual_price*mult_low) %>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "n gam re k", .before=1)

extra_interest_p_re<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = exp(del_yield_covid_p_re)^(-I_s),
         mult_high = exp(ci_h_p_re)^(-I_s),
         mult_low = exp(ci_l_p_re)^(-I_s)) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>% 
    k = ttm*actual_price*true_coupon*(1-mult),
    k_low=ttm*actual_price*true_coupon*(1-mult_low)) %>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "p gam re", .before=1)

extra_interest_n_re<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = (del_yield_covid_n_re)*(I_s),
         mult_high = (ci_h_n_re)*(I_s),
         mult_low = (ci_l_n_re)*(I_s)
         ) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>% 
    k = ttm*actual_price*mult,
    k_high = ttm*actual_price*mult_high,
    k_low = ttm*actual_price*mult_low
    ) %>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "n gam re", .before=1)

extra_interest_p<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = exp(del_yield_covid_p)^(-I_s),
         mult_high = exp(ci_h_p_fe)^(-I_s),
         mult_low = exp(ci_l_p_fe)^(-I_s)) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>% 
    k = ttm*actual_price*true_coupon*(1-mult),
    k_low=ttm*actual_price*true_coupon*(1-mult_low))%>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "p gam fe", .before=1)

extra_interest_n<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = (del_yield_covid_n)*(I_s),
         mult_high = (ci_h_n_fe)*(I_s),
         mult_low = (ci_l_n_fe)*(I_s)) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>% 
    k = ttm*actual_price*mult,
    k_high = ttm*actual_price*mult_high,
    k_low = ttm*actual_price*mult_low)  %>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "n gam fe", .before=1)

extra_interest_lm<-D_now %>% filter(issue_date>as.numeric(ymd("2020-03-01"))) %>%
  mutate(actual_price =principal_amount_at_issuance/(dollar_price/100),
         mult = (del_yield_covid_lm)*(I_s),
         mult_high = (ci_h_lm)*(I_s),
         mult_low = (ci_l_lm)*(I_s)) %>% 
  select(actual_price, ttm, mult,mult_high,mult_low,true_coupon,I_s) %>%
    k = ttm*actual_price*mult,
    k_high = ttm*actual_price*mult_high,
    k_low = ttm*actual_price*mult_low)  %>% group_by() %>% 
  summarise(d=sum(k), d_low = sum(k_low),d_high = sum(k_high)) %>% 
  add_column(model = "lm", .before=1)

extra_interest_lm) %>% mutate(model = as_factor(model))

D_ests$model<- factor(D_ests$model, levels = c("lm","n gam fe","p gam fe","n gam re", "p gam re", "n gam re k", "p gam re k"))

D_ests %>% ggplot(aes(x = model, y = d))+geom_point()+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = d_low, ymax = d_high))+ylim(0,8*10^8)+
  ylab("Estimated effect of COVID")+xlab("model")

D_ests %>% filter(model!="lm") %>% group_by() %>% summarise(d = mean(d), d_low = mean(d_low), d_high = mean(d_high))
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##            d      d_low     d_high
##        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 508502995. 364316274. 646105005.

If we take the estimates from our Gaussian mixed effects model, we get estimates of the cost of COVID due to increased interest rates between about $438 million and $789 million, with a point estimate at $613 million.

Likewise, we can exclude the linear model from the estimates and take an average of model results to see that a range of about $357 million to $639 million, with a point estimate at $501 million.


Many thanks to The Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University and The Pulitzer Center for the grants that made this work possible. Special thanks to Mark Hansen and Juan Saldarriaga of the Brown Institute and Boyoung Lim of the Pulitzer Center for their help and guidance, to Michael Lavine, professor of statistics at the University of Massachussetts Amerst, for statistical consulting and methodological vetting, to Ken Foskett, former editor at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, for editing throughout, to J. Scott Trubey of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for reporting, and to John Perry of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for data scraping.