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preliminary brfss update
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ajdamico committed Dec 4, 2012
1 parent 19ec044 commit b54cbe5
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Showing 8 changed files with 895 additions and 60 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@

require(sqlsurvey) # load sqlsurvey package (analyzes large complex design surveys)

setwd( "C:/My Directory/BRFSS/" )

source_https <- function(url, ...) {
# load package

# parse and evaluate each .R script
sapply(c(url, ...), function(u) {
eval(parse(text = getURL(u, followlocation = TRUE, cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl"))), envir = .GlobalEnv)
source_https( "" )
source_https( "" )

stopifnot( file.exists( paste0( getwd() , "/MonetDB" ) ) )

bat.file.location = paste0( getwd() , "\\MonetDB\\monetdb.bat" ) ,
monetdb.program.path = "C:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5\\" , = paste0( getwd() , "\\MonetDB\\" ) ,
dbname = "brfss" ,
dbport = 50003

shell.exec( "C:/My Directory/BRFSS/MonetDB/monetdb.bat" )

dbname <- "brfss"
dbport <- 50003

Sys.sleep( 20 )

monetdriver <- "c:/program files/monetdb/monetdb5/monetdb-jdbc-2.7.jar"
drv <- MonetDB( classPath = monetdriver )
monet.url <- paste0( "jdbc:monetdb://localhost:" , dbport , "/" , dbname )
db <- dbConnect( drv , monet.url , user = "monetdb" , password = "monetdb" ) <- 1984:2011

require(foreign) # load foreign package (converts data files into R)

tf <- tempfile()
td <- tempdir()

for ( year in intersect( , 1984:2001 ) ){

tablename <- paste0( 'b' , year )

fn <-
ifelse( year < 1990 ,
paste0( "" , substr( year , 3 , 4 ) , "" ) ,
paste0( "" , substr( year , 3 , 4 ) , "" )

download.file( fn , tf , mode = 'wb' )
local.fn <- unzip( tf , exdir = td )

x <- read.xport( local.fn )
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
write.csv( x , tf , row.names = FALSE )

# rows to check then read
rtctr <- nrow( x )

# reset all try-error objects
first.attempt <- second.attempt <- NULL

# first try it with NAs for NA strings
first.attempt <- try( db , tf , tablename , nrows = rtctr , na.strings = "NA" , nrow.check = rtctr ) , silent = TRUE )

# then try it with "" for NA strings
if( class( first.attempt ) == "try-error" ) {
write.csv( x , tf , row.names = FALSE , na = "" )

try( dbRemoveTable( db , tablename ) , silent = TRUE )

second.attempt <-
try( db , tf , tablename , nrows = rtctr , na.strings = "" , nrow.check = rtctr ) , silent = TRUE )

# if that still doesn't work, import the table manually
if( class( second.attempt ) == "try-error" ) {

try( dbRemoveTable( db , tablename ) , silent = TRUE )

colTypes <-
sapply( x , class ) == 'numeric' ,

colDecl <- paste( names( x ) , colTypes )

sql.create <-
tablename ,
) ,
colDecl ,
collapse = ", "

# create the table in the database
dbSendUpdate( db , sql.create )

sql.update <-
"copy " ,
rtctr ,
" offset 2 records into " ,
tablename ,
" from '" ,
tf ,
"' using delimiters ',' null as ''"

dbSendUpdate( db , sql.update )


file.remove ( local.fn )

rm( x )



for ( year in intersect( , 2002:2011 ) ){

file.remove( tf )

if (year == 2011){

fn <- ""
sas_ri <- ""

} else if ( year == 2002 ){

fn <- paste0( "" , year , "ASC.ZIP" )
sas_ri <- paste0( "" , year , "/SASOUT" , substr( year , 3 , 4 ) , ".SAS" )

} else {

fn <- paste0( "" , substr( year , 3 , 4 ) , "ASC.ZIP" )
sas_ri <- paste0( "" , year , "/SASOUT" , substr( year , 3 , 4 ) , ".SAS" )


z <- readLines( sas_ri )

if ( year == 2009 ) z <- z[ -159:-168 ]
if ( year == 2011 ) z <- z[ !grepl( "CHILDAGE" , z ) ]

z <- gsub( "_" , "x" , z , fixed = TRUE )
z <- z[ !grepl( "SEQNO" , z ) ]
z <- z[ !grepl( "IDATE" , z ) ]
z <- z[ !grepl( "PHONENUM" , z ) ]
z <- gsub( "\t" , " " , z , fixed = TRUE )
z <- gsub( "\f" , " " , z , fixed = TRUE )

writeLines( z , tf )

read.SAScii.monetdb (
fn ,
tf ,
beginline = 70 ,
zipped = T ,
tl = TRUE ,
tablename = paste0( 'b' , year ) ,
connection = db


# designate weight, psu, and stratification variables
survey.vars <-
year = 1984:2011 ,
weight = c( rep( 'x_finalwt' , 10 ) , rep( 'xfinalwt' , 17 ) , 'xllcpwt' ) ,
psu = c( rep( 'x_psu' , 10 ) , rep( 'xpsu' , 18 ) ) ,
strata = c( rep( 'x_ststr' , 10 ) , rep( 'xststr' , 18 ) )

# convert all columns in the survey.vars table to character strings,
# except the first
survey.vars[ , -1 ] <- sapply( survey.vars[ , -1 ] , as.character )

for ( year in ){

tablename <- paste0( "b" , year )
strata <- survey.vars[ survey.vars$year == year , 'strata' ]
psu <- survey.vars[ survey.vars$year == year , 'psu' ]
weight <- survey.vars[ survey.vars$year == year , 'weight' ]

dbSendUpdate( db , paste0( 'alter table ' , tablename , ' add column one int' ) )
dbSendUpdate( db , paste0( 'UPDATE ' , tablename , ' SET one = 1' ) )
dbSendUpdate( db , paste0( 'alter table ' , tablename , ' add column idkey int auto_increment' ) ) <-
weight = weight ,
nest = TRUE ,
strata = strata ,
id = psu , = tablename ,
key = "idkey" ,
# check.factors = 10 , # defaults to ten
database = monet.url ,
driver = drv ,
user = "monetdb" ,
password = "monetdb"

save( , file = paste( tablename , 'design.rda' ) )


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