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85 lines (57 loc) · 6.58 KB

Development log

A document to make notes and reflections about the development of my game


  • Investigated means to create a game using JS. Discovered Kaboom.js and replit, a JS library and browser based IDE that work together to make the process of game creation more simple.
  • Watched parts of a tutorial on how to use Kaboom to create clones of Space Invaders, Super Mario and Zela. Useful but noted that the video is outdated, and the syntax for using Kaboom has changed


  • Experimented with Kaboom.js and replit. Made some simple sprites and created a map, added some movement functionality for moving a player around.


  • Created a basic map with walls and player sprite. Player has movement that changes based on direction, walls and player are solid so can't move through each other.

  • created the structure of the first map.

  • tried to get text to appear when player is in proximity to an object in the game. Can only get text to appear, cannot seem to find functionality for checking constant proximity.


  • Worked on trying to get text appear when player is near object. after trying several methods including using collision, I found I could access the property for the players x and y position, and use this to check if they were near the console object. By changing the movement speed of the character, I could get them to stop when they press a key by the console, and return to normal gameplay by pressing another key to get out. Note: one particular issue I am having is that the docs appear to have some mistakes.


  • added a character text input once the player accesses the console.


  • Due to a multitude of issues with the text entry functionality, decided to change the way the player interacts with the console by giving a set menu of options. This was achieved by registering a button input and creating a sprite showing a list of options the player could choose.

  • once the player is using the console, a boolean is toggled that allows them to choose where the bridge will move to based on CSS flexbox code. I decided to make the bridge two parts, so it made more sense from a CSS Flexbox perspective how it works. This was done by creating functions which create and destroy bridge sprites, based on x and y coordinates added in. The same was done with invisible walls which make sure the player can't go out of bounds.

  • to make the level more interesting, a switch was added that unlocks the door. Now, to complete the level the player must use on flexbox setting to access the switch, then another to access the door.

  • it has been challenging using a library that is very new. There is not a lot of help online about other people using kaboom js so most troubleshooting has had to be done through the documentation.

Next steps: - Finalise the first level. Make the door lead to a new map - Add another interactive sign that explains the bridge - add text that tells the player the door is locked if they try using it before the switch is flipped


  • to simplify the code, tried to move parts of it to another file and import it to main.js. This is proving problematic however, and I can't seem to resolve it. I have got it working with the level maps, so these have been moved to maps.js as well as the object configuring the maps.

  • added an intro screen, and moved the code into a scene structure. first scene is an intro screen, second scene is the first level of the game.

  • added a check for if the door is locked or not. if locked, the player gets a message telling them this which is removed after 3 seconds. Had to make the text a variable with a tag and "destroyall" targetting that tag to get the message to dissapear if the player constantly tries to access the door.

  • added a message that lets the player know the door has been unlocked when they flip the switch.

  • added an intro screen explaining the first level


  • began on level 2. Discovered I can create the level within a function, and export it to the main file to be used as a call back. This allows me to keep the code neater. Multiple files seems to work as long as Kaboom is only called in the main file.


  • started adding functionality to level 2. Came up with a way to effectively pick up an item and place it elsewhere on a level, using tracking of item and player coordinates.Have this working with one item, now need to add the other items to the level and make the code repeatable so that the puzzle can be solved.

  • fixed issue with coordinates not working when picking up item by adding a different button to put down item.


  • moved pick up item logic into a function to make it reusable. Tweaked the coordinates around picking up and putting down items to make it smoother.
  • added in all items/sprites so the code puzzle can be completed. Added in some incorrect lines as part of the puzzle.
  • next steps: make a door that is opened when the correct code lines are in place.


  • added invisible sprites where the lines of code will go, which set a boolean to true if the correct line of code collides with the sprite. the boolean returns to false if onUpdate the game detects the item is back in the inventory.
  • next steps: tighten up the controls around picking up and placing lines of code. add a door that unlocks once all lines of code are in place.


  • added logic for checking that all code lines are in the right place, and unlocking door if this is true.
  • changed idea slightly - added a button that must be pushed once lines are in place. This simplifys the sending of messages to the player once everything is correct.
  • added an inventory sprite to the bottom of the screen, where the item the player is carrying goes.


  • added key to player object that records direction, so this can be accessed. used this to restrict accessing run button to only when player is facing up, and picking up code blocks only when player is facing right.
  • added logic so once all code lines are in place and player presses button, door unlocks. Still need to add door. button returns error message to player if lines not in the right place.
  • restricted player to only placing code blocks in code area, but this might cause more problems if I am to keep using "incorrect" lines as part of the puzzle.


  • added logic preventing placing the code blocks in certain parts of the level
  • added a door to exit, which is unlocked when the correct code is run
  • two levels currently at a playable state.


  • changed github repo