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Installing PCSE

Requirements and dependencies

PCSE is being developed on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and Windows 7 using Python 2.7.14 and python 3.6.5 . As Python is a platform independent language, PCSE works equally well on Linux, Windows or Mac OSX. Before installing PCSE, Python itself must be installed on your system. Most Linux systems provide Python through the native package manager. For Windows users the most straightforward approach for installing Python is through one of the prepackaged Python distributions such as Enthought Canopy, Anaconda or PythonXY. The advantage of the prepackaged distributions is that they provide a working version of Numpy out-of-the-box which can be difficult to install on Windows. Mac OSX users can most easily install Python and Numpy using HomeBrew, i.e brew install Python Numpy.

The dependencies of PCSE are the following:

  • Numpy >= 1.6
  • SQLalchemy >= 0.8
  • PyYAML >= 3.11
  • xlrd >= 0.9.3
  • xlwt >= 1.0.0
  • pandas >= 0.20
  • requests >= 2.0.0
  • traitlets-pcse ==

The last package in the list is a modified version of the traitlets package which provides some additional functionality used by PCSE.

Setting up your python environment

A convenient way to set up your python environment for PCSE is through the Anaconda python distribution. In the present PCSE Documentation all examples of installing and using PCSE refer to Windows 7 platform.

First, we suggest you download and install the MiniConda python distribution which provides a minimum python environment that we will use to bootstrap a dedicated virtual environment for PCSE. For the rest of this guide we will assume that you use Windows 7 and install the 32bit miniconda for python 3 (Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86.exe). The virtual enviroment that we will create contains not only the dependencies for PCSE, it also includes many other useful packages such as IPython Pandas and the Jupyter notebook. These packages will be used in the Getting Started section as well.

After installing MiniConda you should open a command box and check that conda is installed properly:

C:\>conda info
Current conda install:

             platform : win-32
        conda version : 4.0.5
  conda-build version : not installed
       python version :
     requests version : 2.9.1
     root environment : C:\Miniconda3  (writable)
  default environment : C:\Miniconda3
     envs directories : C:\Miniconda3\envs
        package cache : C:\Miniconda3\pkgs
         channel URLs :
          config file : None
    is foreign system : False

Now we will use a Conda environment file to recreate the python environment that we use to develop and run PCSE. First you should download the conda environment file which comes in two flavours, an environment for running PCSE on python 3 (:download:`downloads/py3_pcse.yml`) and one for python 2 (:download:`downloads/py3_pcse.yml`). Both environments include the Jupyter notebook and IPython which are needed for running the getting started section and the example notebooks. Save the environment file on a temporary location such as d:\temp\make_env\. We will now create a dedicated virtual environment using the command conda env create and tell conda to use the environment file with the option -f p3_pcse.yml as show below:

(C:\Miniconda3) D:\temp\make_env>conda env create -f py3_pcse.yml
Fetching package metadata .............
Solving package specifications: .
intel-openmp-2 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:00   6.39 MB/s

... Lots of output here

Installing collected packages: traitlets-pcse
Successfully installed traitlets-pcse-5.0.0.dev0
# To activate this environment, use:
# > activate py3_pcse
# To deactivate an active environment, use:
# > deactivate
# * for power-users using bash, you must source

You can then activate your environment (note the addition of (py3_pcse) on your command prompt) and run an upgrade to upgrade all packages to the latest versions:

D:\temp\make_env>activate py3_pcse
Deactivating environment "C:\Miniconda3"...
Activating environment "C:\Miniconda3\envs\py2_pcse"...

D:\temp\make_env>activate py3_pcse
(py3_pcse) D:\temp\make_env>

Installing and testing PCSE

The easiest way to install PCSE is through the python package index (PyPI). Installing from PyPI is mostly useful if you are interested in using the functionality provided by PCSE in your own scripts, but are not interested in modifying or contributing to PCSE itself. Installing from PyPI is done using the package installer pip which searches the python package index for a package, downloads and installs it into your python environment:

(py3_pcse) D:\temp\make_env>pip install pcse
Collecting PCSE
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): numpy>=1.6.0 in c:\miniconda3\envs\py2_pcse\lib\site-packages (from PCSE)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): xlrd>0.9.0 in c:\miniconda3\envs\py2_pcse\lib\site-packages (from PCSE)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): tabulate>=0.7.0 in c:\miniconda3\envs\py2_pcse\lib\site-packages (from PCSE)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): SQLAlchemy>=0.8.0 in c:\miniconda3\envs\py2_pcse\lib\site-packages (from PCSE)
Installing collected packages: PCSE
Successfully installed PCSE-5.2

If you are wondering what the difference between pip and conda are than have a look here

If you want to develop with or contribute to PCSE, than you should fork the PCSE repository on GitHub and get a local copy of PCSE using git clone. See the help on github and for Windows/Mac users the GitHub Desktop application.

To guarantee its integrity, the PCSE package includes a number of self tests that test individual components as well as the entire simulation. These tests verify that the output produced by the different components matches with the expected outputs. Test data for the individual components can be found in the pcse.tests.test_data package, while the test data for the entire chain is stored in an SQLite database (pcse.db). This database can be found under .pcse in your home folder and will be automatically created when importing PCSE for the first time. When you delete the database file manually it will be recreated next time you import PCSE.

For testing the PCSE package we need to start python and import pcse:

(py3_pcse) D:\temp\make_env>python
Python 3.7.0 (default, Aug 14 2018, 19:12:50) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pcse
Building PCSE demo database at: C:\Users\wit015\.pcse\pcse.db ... OK

Next, the tests can be executed by calling the test() function at the top of the package:

>>> pcse.test()
runTest (pcse.tests.test_abioticdamage.Test_FROSTOL) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_partitioning.Test_DVS_Partitioning) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_evapotranspiration.Test_PotentialEvapotranspiration) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_evapotranspiration.Test_WaterLimitedEvapotranspiration1) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_evapotranspiration.Test_WaterLimitedEvapotranspiration2) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_respiration.Test_WOFOSTMaintenanceRespiration) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_penmanmonteith.Test_PenmanMonteith1) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_penmanmonteith.Test_PenmanMonteith2) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_penmanmonteith.Test_PenmanMonteith3) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_penmanmonteith.Test_PenmanMonteith4) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager1) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager2) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager3) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager4) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager5) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager6) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager7) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_agromanager.TestAgroManager8) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestWaterlimitedWinterWheat) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestWaterlimitedWinterRapeseed) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestWaterlimitedSunflower) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestPotentialWinterRapeseed) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestPotentialSpringBarley) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestPotentialSunflower) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestPotentialPotato) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestWaterlimitedGrainMaize) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestPotentialWinterWheat) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestPotentialGrainMaize) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestWaterlimitedSpringBarley) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost.TestWaterlimitedPotato) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_lintul3.TestLINTUL3_SpringWheat) ... ok
runTest (pcse.tests.test_wofost_npk.TestWOFOSTNPK_WinterWheat) ... ok

Ran 32 tests in 54.306s


If the model output matches the expected output the test will report 'OK', otherwise an error will be produced with a detailed traceback on where the problem occurred. Note that the results may deviate from the output above because one or more tests may have been temporarily disabled (skipped) often due to problems with the test.

Moreover, SQLAlchemy may complain with a warning that can be safely ignored:

C:\Miniconda3\envs\py3_pcse\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\ SAWarning:
Dialect sqlite+pysqlite does *not* support Decimal objects natively, and SQLAlchemy must
convert from floating point - rounding errors and other issues may occur. Please consider
storing Decimal numbers as strings or integers on this platform for lossless storage.