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54 lines (36 loc) · 1.22 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (36 loc) · 1.22 KB

1. What are the two ways to create a new variable?

var x string = "Hello"
x := "Hello"

2. What is the value of x after running x := 5; x += 1?

3. What is scope and how do you determine the scope of a variable in Go?

The scope is the range of locations where a variable is usable. In Go a variable exists within the nearest curly braces.

4. What is the difference between var and const?

With var we define variables the value of which we can later change.
With const we define variables the value of which never changes.

5. Using the example program as a starting point, write a program that converts from Fahrenheit into Celsius (C = (F - 32) * 5/9)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Print("Enter Fahrenheit degrees: ")
    var input float64
    fmt.Scanf("%f", &input)
    output := ((input - 32) * 5/9)
    fmt.Println(output, "Celsius degrees")

6. Write another program that converts from feet into meters (1 ft = 0.3048 m)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Print("Enter feet: ")
    var input float64
    fmt.Scanf("%f", &input)
    output := input * 0.3048
    fmt.Println(output, "meters")