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Table of Contents

Pre Requisties for the service to run in local
Using the service in local
Pre Requisties for the service in docker
Using the service with Docker Component
Down all the Docker Component
Pre Requisties for the service to deploy in minikube
Deploy in minikube


Employee Service implement stack (LIFO) using micro service architecture and deploy minikube environment using docker and Kubernetes tools.

Pre requisties in local

  1. Download and install node from
  2. Download and install
  3. Install dependencies
    npm install

Using the service in local

  1. Setup crendential for postgres database
  2. Update relative information in config/app.config.js
  3. Run 'npm run dev' to run locally.
  4. Run 'npm run test' to run test cases locally.

Pre requisties in docker

  1. Download and install docker from

Using the service with docker-component

  1. Build and run postgres docker compose from ./shared-service folder and it will start at 5434 port which can be configured

         docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml up --build  
  2. Update the production env in order to connect postgres running in docker container and build and run application docker

         docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build  
  3. build and run test docker in order to run test case

         docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build   

Down all the docker-component

docker-compose -f docker-compose.postgres.yml down

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down

Pre requisties in minikube

  1. Download kubectl from
  2. Put the kubectl download file in a localtion example C:\kube
  3. Download minikube from
  4. Put the minikube download file in same location of kubectl file i.e. C:\kube
  5. Set the enivroment path

Deploy in minikube

  1. start the minikube 'minikube start'

  2. Get the ip of minikube 'minikube ip'

  3. start minikube dashboard for better view 'minikube dashboard'

  4. create your own namespace in minikube 'kubectl create namespace

  5. Deploy the postgres in minikube

     kubectl -f ./postgres-configmap.yaml  --namespace= <insert-namespace-created>
  6. update postgres configuration in config/app.config.js

                      username: employee_user    // config file postgres in minikube   
                      password: employee        // config file postgres in minikube   
                      host:      // service of postgres in minikube dashboard has information about clusterIP  
                      port: 5432             // service of postgres in minikube dashboard has information about port   
  7. build the app image for deployment in minikube

             minikube docker-env
             minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
             docker build -f .\Dockerfile -t <tage-name>:<version> .
  8. update image in deployment.yaml

             image: <tag-name>:<version>
  9. deploy the image in minikube namespace as deployment

     kubectl apply -f .\deployment.yaml --namespace=<insert-namespace-created>
  10. expose the image deployed in pod as service type load balancer to access from outside minikube

    kubectl expose deployment <app-name> --type=LoadBalancer --namespace=<insert-namespace-created>
  11. to hit end point use ip of minikube ie. 'minikube ip' and exposed port of image running in pod from services of app.