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Installation Troubleshooting (along with some tips and tricks)

  • General

    1. It's better for you if you do some package catalog update by

      sudo apt update

    2. Error: Can't open input file latest.sql.bz2: No such file or directory After downloading the data dumps, you may realize that an attempt to uncompress it using the command bzip2 -d latest.sql.bz2 doesn’t work and gives the above error.

      It can be solved by giving the actual path of the latest.sql.bz2 file in place of the file name such as:

      / home/user/Desktop/latest.sql.bz2

    3. Error: fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function after entering the git clone --recursive command. At this point, you should check your internet connection. If it persists, make sure you are not working behind a proxy.

    4. There are no css styles! My local page does not look like at all ! Try running the command npm run build-less from the project directory.

  • ElasticSearch

    1. ElasticSearch requires runtime Java installed on your local machine, so you have to install it by

      For ubuntu users

      sudo apt install default-jre

      And then check it if it have installed already

      java -version

    2. When you run ElasticSearch, it seems that the process takes a very long time. To proceed the process, just let ElasticSearch to run on its own terminal, and proceed the building process by making another window of terminal

    3. If you run into an error on Docker Toolbox with Elastic Search stating an error message along the lines of:

      Waiting for elasticsearch:9200 .elasticsearch: forward host lookup failed: Unknown host

      The cause could be the docker-machine's memory limits. you can inspect this with the command:

      docker-machine inspect machine-name

      To diagnose this problem, try taking a look at the logs with the command:

      docker-compose logs elasticsearch

      And if you see an error within the logs along the lines of:

      # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. 
      # Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 2060255232 bytes for committing reserved memory.

      Please try recreating the default docker machine by:

       i. Remove default docker-machine with the command:  
       	`docker-machine rm default`  
       ii. Create a new default machine with the command:   
       	docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count=2 --virtualbox-memory=4096 --virtualbox-disk-size=50000 default
       iii. Restart your docker environment with the commands: 
       	docker-machine stop
    4. To check if port is already is in use or not run netstat -anp tcp | grep <port-number>

    5. If you get error messages from ElasticSearch queries timing out, you can adjust the requestTimeout option in your config/config.json file under "elasticsearch"

  • Redis

    1. You may get an error of port 6379 being used when you run ./ This is because redis server is already on and you need to stop it first so that it can restart. So to get rid of this issue simply run the below command

      /etc/init.d/redis-server stop

    2. Sometimes the port 6379 on which redis server runs is used by TCP. So to terminate this process run sudo kill sudo 'lsof -t -i:5432'

  • PostgreSQL

    1. After instaling, the username will be made by the machine.
    • To set the password of SQL (You'll need this later), run

      sudo -u postgres psql


      psql (12.3)
      Type "help" for help.
      postgres=# \password
      Enter new password:
    • To figure out the username, do

      sudo psql -U postgres -W -h localhost


      Password for user <username>:

      will appear. Use the username for the config later on config.json.

    1. Sometimes you may get an error of port 5432 being used when you run ./ This is because postgres is already on and you need to stop it first so that it can restart. So to get rid of this issue simply run the below command

      sudo service postgresql stop

  • NodeJS/NPM

    1. If you got no idea about installing NodeJS, install them by: Ubuntu

      curl -sL | sudo bash - sudo apt install nodejs

    2. When filling out the requirements of BookBrainz, you'll encounter an error that says you'll need to install postgresql-server-dev-X.Y for building a server-side extension or libpq-dev for building a client-side application To solve this problem, please install libpq-dev and node-gyp

      For ubuntu users

       `sudo apt install -y node-gyp libpq-dev`