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194 lines (155 loc) · 11 KB

Lists all channels in a Slack team.


| Method URL: | | | Preferred HTTP method: | GET | | Accepted content types: | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | | Rate limiting: | Tier 2 | | Works with: |

Token type Required scope(s)
bot channels:read 
user channels:read 
classic bot bot


This method is deprecated.  Learn more.

Please use these methods instead:

Don't use this method. Use conversations.list instead.

This legacy method returns a list of all channels in the team. This includes channels the caller is in, channels they are not currently in, and archived channels but does not include private channels. The number of (non-deactivated) members in each channel is also returned.

To retrieve a list of private channels, use conversations.list.

Shared channels and channels that have converted from public to private or back again are not returned by this method. Use the Conversations API methods instead, like conversations.list.

Having trouble getting a HTTP 200 response from this method? Try excluding the members list from each channel object using the exclude_members parameter.

The members array found in this and other methods will begin automatically truncating at 1,500 and eventually fewer results beginning December 1, 2017. As of March, 2018 the cap is 500. Please Use conversations.members to manage memberships instead. Read on to learn more.


Argument Example Required Description
token xxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx Required Authentication token bearing required scopes.
cursor dXNlcjpVMDYxTkZUVDI= Optional Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
exclude_archived true Optional, default=false Exclude archived channels from the list
exclude_members true Optional, default=false Exclude the members collection from each channel
limit 20 Optional, default=0 The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been reached.

Present arguments as parameters in application/x-www-form-urlencoded querystring or POST body. This method does not currently accept application/json.


Returns a list of limited channel objects.

Typical cursored success response

    "ok": true,
    "channels": [
            "id": "C0G9QF9GW",
            "name": "random",
            "is_channel": true,
            "created": 1449709280,
            "creator": "U0G9QF9C6",
            "is_archived": false,
            "is_general": false,
            "name_normalized": "random",
            "is_shared": false,
            "is_org_shared": false,
            "is_member": true,
            "is_private": false,
            "is_mpim": false,
            "members": [
            "topic": {
                "value": "Other stuff",
                "creator": "U0G9QF9C6",
                "last_set": 1449709352
            "purpose": {
                "value": "A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.",
                "creator": "",
                "last_set": 0
            "previous_names": [],
            "num_members": 2
            "id": "C0G9QKBBL",
            "name": "general",
            "is_channel": true,
            "created": 1449709280,
            "creator": "U0G9QF9C6",
            "is_archived": false,
            "is_general": true,
            "name_normalized": "general",
            "is_shared": false,
            "is_org_shared": false,
            "is_member": true,
            "is_private": false,
            "is_mpim": false,
            "members": [
            "topic": {
                "value": "Talk about anything!",
                "creator": "U0G9QF9C6",
                "last_set": 1449709364
            "purpose": {
                "value": "To talk about anything!",
                "creator": "U0G9QF9C6",
                "last_set": 1449709334
            "previous_names": [],
            "num_members": 2
    "response_metadata": {
        "next_cursor": "dGVhbTpDMUg5UkVTR0w="

Typical error response

    "ok": false,
    "error": "invalid_auth"

To get a full channel object, call the method.

Use the exclude_members parameter to exclude the members collection from each listed channel. This improves performance, especially with larger teams. Use to retrieve members on a channel-by-channel basis instead.

An is_org_shared attribute may appear set to true on channels that are shared channel between multiple teams of an enterprise grid. See the enterprise grid shared channels documentation for more detail.


This method uses cursor-based pagination to make it easier to incrementally collect information. To begin pagination, specify a limit value under 1000. We recommend no more than 200 results at a time.

Responses will include a top-level response_metadata attribute containing a next_cursor value. By using this value as a cursor parameter in a subsequent request, along with limit, you may navigate through the collection page by virtual page.

See pagination for more information.

Please note that the argument for the method, exclude_members may not work well with pagination at this time. Channels with very large memberships and teams with many channels may cause the method to throw a limit_required or HTTP 500 error. Please exclude memberships with exclude_members and look them up atomically with instead.


This table lists the expected errors that this method could return. However, other errors can be returned in the case where the service is down or other unexpected factors affect processing. Callers should always check the value of the ok params in the response.

Error Description
invalid_cursor Value passed for cursor was not valid or is no longer valid.
limit_required For large teams a limit is required.
not_authed No authentication token provided.
invalid_auth Some aspect of authentication cannot be validated. Either the provided token is invalid or the request originates from an IP address disallowed from making the request.
account_inactive Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace.
token_revoked Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace or the app has been removed.
no_permission The workspace token used in this request does not have the permissions necessary to complete the request. Make sure your app is a member of the conversation it's attempting to post a message to.
org_login_required The workspace is undergoing an enterprise migration and will not be available until migration is complete.
ekm_access_denied Administrators have suspended the ability to post a message.
missing_scope The token used is not granted the specific scope permissions required to complete this request.
invalid_arguments The method was called with invalid arguments.
invalid_arg_name The method was passed an argument whose name falls outside the bounds of accepted or expected values. This includes very long names and names with non-alphanumeric characters other than _. If you get this error, it is typically an indication that you have made a very malformed API call.
invalid_charset The method was called via a POST request, but the charset specified in the Content-Type header was invalid. Valid charset names are: utf-8 iso-8859-1.
invalid_form_data The method was called via a POST request with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, but the form data was either missing or syntactically invalid.
invalid_post_type The method was called via a POST request, but the specified Content-Type was invalid. Valid types are: application/json application/x-www-form-urlencoded multipart/form-data text/plain.
missing_post_type The method was called via a POST request and included a data payload, but the request did not include a Content-Type header.
team_added_to_org The workspace associated with your request is currently undergoing migration to an Enterprise Organization. Web API and other platform operations will be intermittently unavailable until the transition is complete.
request_timeout The method was called via a POST request, but the POST data was either missing or truncated.
fatal_error The server could not complete your operation(s) without encountering a catastrophic error. It's possible some aspect of the operation succeeded before the error was raised.


This table lists the expected warnings that this method will return. However, other warnings can be returned in the case where the service is experiencing unexpected trouble.

Warning Description
member_list_truncated A members array included in a channel object was truncated at 1500 results. Use conversations.members to retrieve all results.
missing_charset The method was called via a POST request, and recommended practice for the specified Content-Type is to include a charset parameter. However, no charset was present. Specifically, non-form-data content types (e.g. text/plain) are the ones for which charset is recommended.
superfluous_charset The method was called via a POST request, and the specified Content-Type is not defined to understand the charset parameter. However, charset was in fact present. Specifically, form-data content types (e.g. multipart/form-data) are the ones for which charset is superfluous.