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Quest Maker API

User Service Endpoints Documentation

This document provides documentation for the user endpoints implemented in the User Service for the Quest Maker API.

User Endpoints


Create new user instance.

  • Request:

    • Body:
      • email: Email address of the user.
      • firstName (optional): First name of the user.
      • lastName (optional): Last name of the user.
      • roleIds (optional): List of role IDs assigned to the user.
      • organizationId (optional): List of organization IDs the user belongs to.
      • userType (default: 'regular'): Type of user.
      • auth_id (ObjectId): ObjectId for the related auth instance.
  • Response:

    • Returns the ID of the newly created user instance.
  • Error Handling:

    • Throws an HTTPException if there is an error creating the user in the User service.


Read user instance information.

  • Request:

    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer token.
  • Response:

    • Returns user instance information for the authorized user.
  • Error Handling:

    • Throws an HTTPException with status code 403 if the token lacks the necessary scope.


Update user instance information.

  • Request:

    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer token.
    • Body:
      • email: New email address for the user.
      • firstName (optional): New first name for the user.
      • lastName (optional): New last name for the user.
      • roleIds (optional): New list of role IDs for the user.
      • organizationId (optional): New list of organization IDs for the user.
  • Response:

    • Returns string 'Successfully updated'.
  • Error Handling:

    • Throws an HTTPException with status code 403 if the token lacks the necessary scope.

POST /list/

Fetches a list of users based on optional filters.

  • Request:

    • Body:

      • roleIds (optional): List of role IDs assigned to the user.
      • organizationId (optional): List of organization IDs the user belongs to.
    • Headers:

      • Authorization: Bearer token.
  • Response:

    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: List of UserResponse (Response body model for user details)
  • Error Handling:

    • Throws an HTTPException with status code 403 if the token lacks the necessary scope.


Delete user instance.

  • Request:

    • Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer token.
  • Response: Returns string 'Successfully deleted' if the user instance is deleted.

  • Error Handling:

    • Throws an HTTPException with status code 403 if the token lacks the necessary scope.

Pydantic Models

The following Pydantic models are used for request and response data:

  • UserCreate
  • UserUpdate
  • UserResponse
  • UserInDB

Cloning and Running the Web Server

Follow the instructions below to clone a GitHub repository, install the required dependencies using pip install, and run the web server using uvicorn.


Make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Git
  • Python (preferably Python >= 3.11)
  • pip (Python package installer)


  1. Clone the GitHub Repository:

    Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command to clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    Change your working directory to the cloned repository:

    cd QuestMakerAPIUserService
  3. Install Requirements:

    Run the following command to install the required dependencies using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    This command reads the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file and installs them.

  4. Run the Web Server:

    Once the requirements are installed, run the following command to start the web server using uvicorn:

    uvicorn main:app --port 8002 --reload
    • main:app specifies the location of the FastAPI app instance.
    • --port 8002 sets the port number to 8002 (you can choose a different port if needed).
    • --reload enables automatic reloading of the server when code changes are detected (useful for development).
  5. Access the Web Server:

    Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8002 (or the port you specified) to access the running web server.

    The application should be up and running, and you can interact with the specified API endpoints.

  6. Use FastAPI builtin swagger docs:

    Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8002/docs (or the port you specified) to access the running documentation web app.

Handling the .env File

To handle the provided .env file, follow these basic instructions:

  1. Create a MongoDB Cluster:

    • Create a MongoDB cluster using the free tier on the MongoDB Atlas platform.
    • Obtain the cluster connection string.
  2. Fill in Missing Values:

    • Open the .env file in a text editor.
    • Fill in the missing values for the following variables:
      • MONGODB_CLUSTER: Replace it with the MongoDB cluster connection string.
      • MONGODB_USERNAME: Set your MongoDB username.
      • MONGODB_PASSWORD: Set your MongoDB password.
      • JWT_SECRET_KEY: Choose a secret value for JWT token signing.
      • Ensure other variables like JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_MINUTES, JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_HOURS, JWT_ALGORITHM, and ENCRYPTION_SCHEMES have appropriate values. You can use the provided values or customize them based on your requirements.
  3. Save and Rename:

    • Save the changes to the .env file.
    • Rename the file from .env to just .env. Ensure there is no additional extension (e.g., .txt).
  4. Keep Secure:

    • Ensure that the .env file is kept secure and not shared publicly. It contains sensitive information like passwords and secret keys.


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