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Easier Way of making Http Requests

Install the Npm Package

npm install servercall --save

Create a folder called servercall inside your project.

mkdir servercall

Create a Store file to store your endpoints (/servercall/store.ts).

This can be done in two ways

1. By AutoGeneration

  • Step 1: Install Servercall-cli globally
npm install servercall-cli -g
  • Step 2: Create the folder where servercall store will reside. e.g. servercall
  • Step 3: Generate the servercall store by providing your Open API url and your store location as below
servercall-cli generate -s servercall/store.ts -a

Replace with your own API url

2. By Manual Process

  • Step 1: Create the Store file
touch servercall/store.ts
  • Step 2: Copy the code below, edit it and follow the model to create your own store
import { ServerCallVerbs, ServerCallsType } from 'servercall';

export type ServerCallsKeyType = 'userExists' | 'sendShortCode' | 'getUser';

export const serverCalls: ServerCallsType<ServerCallsKeyType> ={
  userExists: { path: `/users/exists`, verb: ServerCallVerbs.Post, name: 'UserExists' },
  sendShortCode: { path: `/users/send/short-code`, verb: ServerCallVerbs.Post, name: 'SendShortCode' },
  getUser: { path: (args: { id: string }) => `/users/id/${}`, verb: ServerCallVerbs.Get, name: 'GetUser' },

> You are almost done

Create the initialization file (servercall/init.ts)

touch servercall/init.ts

Copy the code below into (servercall/init.ts) and readjust to fit your own use case

import { createServerCall } from 'servercall';

export const serverCall = createServerCall({
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9000',
    logger: console,
    defaultAuthSource: () => 'fake-auth',
    defaultResponseDataDept: (response: any) => response?.['data'],
    successFieldDept: (response: any) => response?.['data']?.['success'],
    // handleServerError: ()=>{}
  • baseUrl: string, the base URL of the server being called
  • logger: string , the logger servercall is expected to use for debugging errors, requests, and response details. e.g. console. Most importantly, the logger should have a log field as we have in console.log
  • defaultAuthSource: Function: This function should return your authentication token. e.g () => "bearer token"
  • `defaultResponseDataDept: Function: This function simply shows how deep the data object is located in the response object e.g. (response: any) => response?.['data']
  • successFieldDept: Function: This function simply shows shows how deep the success field is if you have any . e.g. (response: any) => response?.['data']?.['success'],
  • handleServerError: Function: This is an optional function that handles the errors that can occur while calling your endpoints. if not set, servercall handles error by default. it should look like this below.

Note: handleServerError arguments should be in this form { error, errorTag, defaultError} and the response must always be in this form { success: false, error: errorMessage }. success has to be false and an error has to be a string

  • Sample Code for handleServerError is Below
  - error - refers to the error returned
  - errorTag - refers to the tag of the error
  - defaultError - refers to the default error message
export const handleServerError = ({
}: HandleServerError) => {
  const errorMessage = error?.response?.data?.message?.[0] || error?.response?.data?.error;
  return { success: false, error: errorMessage };

Create an Index File

This makes importing the files cleaner

Run the below code from your project root

touch servercall/index.ts

Paste the below code in the index file (servercall/index.ts)

export * from './init';
export * from './store';

Finally, USAGE:

Copy the code below to where you want to make api calls

  import { serverCall, serverCalls } from './servercall';
    serverCallProps: { call: serverCalls.userExists },
    pathArgs: { id: '620aec25eaf54c618c8f26f2' },
    authorized: true,
   }).then((response) => {
    const { success, error, dataReturned } = response;
    if (!success) {
        console.log({ error });

Response is in one form : { success, error, dataReturned}

  • Success: boolean: It returns the success state of the request
  • error: string: Error is set when success is false,
  • dataReturned: any. This is data returned from the server

Arguments is the following form

export interface ServerCallArgs {
    serverCallProps: ServerCallProps;
    authorized?: boolean;
    onSuccess?: (dataReturned: any) => void;
    run?: boolean;
    defaultError?: string;
    pathArgs?: Record<string, string>;
    debug?: boolean;
  • ServerCallProps: This should look like this { call : serverCalls.getUser} where call is an item from the servercall store. /servercall/store.ts

  • authorized: This is true if bearer authentication is meant to be in the header when request is sent and false when bearer authentication is not required. It is false by default

  • onSuccess: This is the function that runs when the request is successful.

  • run: When this is false, the api call is never made. The servercall simply becomes a dummy call and the response becomes undefined.

  • pathArgs: This is an object of arguments that get set in situations where the servercallProps used has an path argument. e.g. getUser: { path: (args: { id: string }) => /users/id/${}, verb: ServerCallVerbs.Get, name: 'GetUser' },. In the case of the example cited here, pathArgs will be set as {id: "123"}

  • debug: When debug is true, details of your servercall is logged to console. When it is false, no logging happens


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