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Before we proceed let's setup a virtualenv environment, activate it and install:

$ pip install wheezy.http

Hello World shows you how to use wheezy.http in a pretty simple WSGI application:


Let have a look through each line in this application.

Request Handler

First of all let's take a look what is request handler:


It is a simple callable of form:

def handler(request):
    return response

In wheezy.http there are no dependencies between :py~wheezy.http.request.HTTPRequest and :py~wheezy.http.response.HTTPResponse.

While wheezy.http doesn't prescribe what is a router, we add here a simple router middleware. This way you can use one of available alternatives to provide route matching for your application.


There is a separate python package wheezy.routing that is recommended way to add routing facility to your application.

Finally we create the entry point that is an instance of :py~wheezy.http.application.WSGIApplication.


The rest in the helloworld application launches a simple wsgi server. Try it by running:

$ python

Visit http://localhost:8080/.

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