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File metadata and controls

123 lines (94 loc) · 4.33 KB

OctoFetch Logo

Download, verify, and extract GitHub release artifacts effortlessly right from Elixir GitHub Workflow Status (master) Coveralls master branch Support OctoFetch



Available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding octo_fetch to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:octo_fetch, "~> 0.4.0"}

Documentation can be found at

Supporting OctoFetch

If you rely on this library, it would much appreciated if you can give back to the project in order to help ensure its continued development.

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Setting Up OctoFetch

If you want to create a downloader utility for a particular GitHub repository, you can use this library to take care of all of the boilerplate, validation, and archive extraction. For example, if you want to create a downloader for Litestream, you can do the following:

defmodule LiteStream.Downloader do
  use OctoFetch,
    latest_version: "0.3.9",
    github_repo: "benbjohnson/litestream",
    download_versions: %{
      "0.3.9" => [
        {:darwin, :amd64, "74599a34dc440c19544f533be2ef14cd4378ec1969b9b4fcfd24158946541869"},
        {:linux, :amd64, "806e1cca4a2a105a36f219a4c212a220569d50a8f13f45f38ebe49e6699ab99f"},
        {:linux, :arm64, "61acea9d960633f6df514972688c47fa26979fbdb5b4e81ebc42f4904394c5c5"}
      "0.3.8" => [
        {:darwin, :amd64, "d359a4edd1cb98f59a1a7c787bbd0ed30c6cc3126b02deb05a0ca501ff94a46a"},
        {:linux, :amd64, "530723d95a51ee180e29b8eba9fee8ddafc80a01cab7965290fb6d6fc31381b3"},
        {:linux, :arm64, "1d6fb542c65b7b8bf91c8859d99f2f48b0b3251cc201341281f8f2c686dd81e2"}

  # You must implement this function to generate the names of the downloads based on the
  # user's current running environment
  @impl true
  def download_name(version, :darwin, arch), do: "litestream-v\#{version}-darwin-\#{arch}.zip"
  def download_name(version, :linux, arch), do: "litestream-v\#{version}-linux-\#{arch}.tar.gz"

You would then be able to download the release artifact by doing the following:

iex (1) >".")
{:ok, ["./litestream"], []}


It wouldn't be right to not include somewhere in this project a "thank you" to the various projects and people that helped make this possible:

  • The logo for the project is an edited version of an SVG image from the unDraw project
  • The work done in Phoenix Tailwind served as a baseline for how to structure this library.