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Foggernaut's History

Guide on Foggernaut history taken from:

I want to create this guide not so much to give a serial number or template on which to print copies to create an army of steamers with the same build, but to get us fully into our race and learn more about our beginnings and our current technology. Obviously this guide would be nothing if it did not touch our skills and explain what uses can give us each of them as well as the possible strategies that you can create with your steamer since being characters who are responsible for handling on the battlefield to help their allies either with damage to the enemy, lower the resistance of the enemy or take the blows for our allies.

Well, I am not very good at writing but I will try to unite everything we know about Sufokia and the Steamer race as well as to make clear ways for the survival of our race with the changes we have received over the updates. I hope you find the guide useful and don't hesitate to contribute with comments, doubts or anything you know about this topic.


History of the Steamer Race and Nation (Years -10170 to 790)

As many of the most interesting aspects of the Krosmoz of Ankama, Sufokia and its favorite race, the steamers, have several gaps in their history, however I will try to compile what we know so far about this nation and its origins.

We begin in the year 10170 before the Dofus era, we are talking about the primitive era, at that time the Selatrops fleeing from the wrath of Orgonax settle in the world that would be known as the world of the 10. The Selatrop council of that time decided to create 3 colonies: Vili, which a few centuries later would be under Astrub; Xeli, which later would be known as the Island of Otomai; and finally Zinis, a Selatrop colony that lived in what we now know as Sufokia.


Because of this in the ruins of ancient Sufokia we can notice certain similarities with rocks that are in Emrub. These similarities that we find from the Dofus era can also be observed in our current era in which the leafy canyon also has several similarities.

Age of the Dofus


Age of Wakfu


For now we will not touch more on the subject of the Selatrops because from this time to now we do not have much information, more are the doubts than the answers about these events.

According to the legend, the Sufokia nation was hidden under the waters for centuries and in the era of the Dofus it resurfaced from the waters.

Some time later, an astute warrior named Biznesman decided to "Rebuild" this abandoned place by joining the old roofs of the sunken houses with wooden pontoons (as can be seen throughout Sufokia). The reason why Biznesman decided to rebuild this city was neither more nor less than so that the warriors could take a break and take a worthy vacation enjoying the smell of sea and seaweed and with this get Kamas and more kamas at their expense.


In the year 642, Dofus era, the Sufokeños rediscover a temple to Oktapodas which incites them to a massive conversion to this cult, the Steamer race resurfaces, and the Council of the Sea is created.


Sufokia, once a small port as quiet as a long lazy river, has become the city of steamers. Many of its inhabitants have converted to the cult of Oktapodas and explore the possibilities offered by technomagic.


In this temple there are certain important characters for our race in that era of the Dofus. Here are some excerpts from the DofusMag #1 where you can see them and information about each one of them.

dofus_mag#1_1 dofus_mag#1_2

In the year 643 appears Merkator, old Steamer Cartographer, it is not known exactly his age since thanks to technomagic he keeps as young as he can look. He is waiting for the adventurers in his Aquadome in which he has several mercenaries at his command so that they do not disturb him while he carries out his research.


In the year 790 the tragedy that tells us the legend of the Sufokian people is repeated, during the reign of Agon, at this time the steamer race has been losing in large quantities their faith to Oktapodas (Osamodas). A strong tidal wave hits the coast of Sufokia endangering its people, Captain Canaan begins the evacuation and manages to save the king, however the structure of the castle collapses due to the high tide and fails to save the youngest daughter of the king, Vaia.


The king begins an exhaustive search in the rubble of the ancient steamer city of Sufokia while the prototype robo-man Kantum is put to the test fighting against a Rodentia that appears from the rubble, in addition to this a perforatroz finds purple crystals of a strange energy, Stasili, interested in this discovery and seeing the need for energy to advance the robo-man project and thus rebuild the nation a crew commanded by Captain Canaan is created to search for a deposit of these valuable minerals.


In the search for these crystals a fight arises against a sea monster in which a strange indigenous woman is found, her name is Oxana and she is the daughter of the chief of her tribe who tells them that what they are looking for and know as stasili is something common in their island that is present in their water, food and daily life. Who would have thought, a race that manages to coexist surrounded by stasis in their different states. Canaan decides to take her to the king in Sufokia to give him new news about his research. Arriving at the vestiges of the Sufokia civilization they find a convalescent King Agon, the scientists designed for him a scuba diving suit that keeps him alive thanks to the energy of the Stasili. The king orders Canaan to take Oxana back to his village, asking in exchange for all the Stasili they can carry.


Canaan sets sail for the Island of the Purple Claws where Oxana's people live, but unbeknownst to him General Lordoff under the orders of the king and his eldest daughter follows them with a squadron of submarines with the objective of taking the island for themselves. Finally Canaan and his crew arrive at the Island of the Purple Claws, they are welcomed by Oxana's tribe and her father offers them shelter as well as allowing them to take as much stasili as they wish.


However, General Lordoff arrives and begins to eliminate all the natives of the island, in this opportunity we get to see what could be the prototype of the current SteamFlex, Canaan is captured along with Oxana and they name the island as a territory annexed to Sufokia.


The now prisoner Canaan along with Oxana are brought back to the king who is now in a dome with stasili which keeps him alive. Oxana mentions to them a vision her father had in which he saw the steamers being attacked by a dragon and demons raining from the sky, to which they laugh.


Finally Canaan, annoyed by the king's madness, jumps on the dome and manages to destroy the crystal, accidentally a soldier shoots at the dome and a reaction between the chemicals that were inside the dome and the stasili causes Canaan to mutate into a kind of rock man leaving King Agon dead. Kantum is ordered to attack Canaan who is seriously wounded when he cuts off his arm. Oxana manages to remove Kantum's power source and stop him. Seeing how delicate the situation became the king's daughter, now as sole heir to the throne decides to form a truce allowing Canaan to heal and immediately leave after he is fully healed.


The steamers succeed, create the subway city known as New Sufokia and activate the stasis dome, finally blowing to pieces any vestige of the entrances to the surface, leaving time and oblivion to become their new defenses, leaving for their future a militarized nation oriented only to Technomagic.


History of the Steamer race and nation (Years 969 to 982)

Year 969, Wakfu era, the game begins and the nations are formed again among them Sufokia the sunny one resurfaces as a nation dedicated only to fishing thanks to its beautiful coasts, there is no ruin left of the old steamer kingdom only some traces in the Steamulante Bank. Of the rest the only thing that remains of the extinct cult of Oktapodas would be the shield of the nation which is a Kralamar.

sufokia_wakfu_1 sufokia_wakfu_2

Year 970, after almost 2 centuries the steamers appear again, only now they have a somewhat strange appearance, and also say they want to invade the world of the twelve. Led by Sir Kun Flex who claims to be a general of the steamer army, the adventurers of this time had to smash the nanorebeldes to pieces so that Ulu could notice them. With the help of the messenger of the gods the adventurers would go to the island of the purple claws where Sir Kun Flex arrived, in this way they confronted him and managed to defeat him, sending him to Alkatrool the high security prison.


After this little mishap, which left the Steamer people in a bad light, we receive a communication from a high Steamer authority who assures us that the villain escaped prematurely looking for stasili for evil purposes, something that the Steamer people did not want, therefore the envoy of the Steamer nation, Wick Ylics historian and librarian of the Steamer royal family explains the events that occurred during the almost 2 centuries that they were under the surface.

He aquí su relato:

"Hello, surface dwellers. It has come to my attention that you have been asking many questions about us since a terrible oversight exposed us to you. It was not what you would call a good first contact and we would have liked things to have happened differently. But, you may be thinking, I have no manners. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Wick Ylics, a great historian and librarian in the service of the royal family of the Steamer people. I have been sent by our regent to talk to you and teach you about our people, our history and the future we would like to build together with you.

The earliest texts that speak of us date from before the Great Cataclysm, from the Chaos of Ogrest, before even the beginning of the eighth century, at the height of the Age of Dofus.

"Although we are certain that we have found the remains of an ancient civilization on the shores of Sufokia, we still need to know what has become of its representatives. The strange machines found under the Oktapodas temple lead us to believe that the Steamer people may have fled the surface and taken refuge in the deep sea. In any case, their level of technology (or technomagic, as it is written in the texts found) seems very high. Perhaps we could use it?" Bart Kito, known as Shipiron. 642

Gradually, the Sufokeans converted to the cult of Oktapodas and ended up as the new steamer people, our ancestors. But, just as for your ancestors, the Chaos of Ogrest ended the tranquility of our people.

"It seems that King Agon has gone mad. Evidently, no one dares to tell him and everyone follows him without complaint. The loss of his daughter during the flood has finished him off. Now it seems that his spirit is possessed by that violet gem, the stasili. He only talks about it, he has all his hopes pinned on it. I'm not sure our old technomagic works well with this strange stone. I imagine that, as long as we have control, everything will be fine. For now, our mechanical armors need one of us on board to steer them. But we are conducting tests so that these beings of wood and steel can be autonomous. Maybe that's our evolution - who am I to judge?"

Güin Dhar. 790

Although this young scientist did not think so, we had found our way. The people of Sufokia, wanting to escape the Chaos of Ogrest, followed in the footsteps of the early steamers. They built a dome at the bottom of the oceans and built a gigantic city. Since they thought that life on the surface had become extinct, they named their city Sufokia, in memory of their past life.

There, secluded from everything, kings succeeded each other and the people changed.

"Our technomagic research is on the right track! Sufokeños are stronger than ever! We have found a way to alleviate the weakness of our organic bodies. Little by little, workers are replacing their tired limbs with Stasis-powered prosthetics. Although the first steamers already controlled technomagic, I think we can say, without sounding conceited, that thanks to stasili we have surpassed them! Modern man will be mechanical. Let's think of all the advantages that this ability that characterizes us gives us! From our homes to our bodies, stasis flows in us, it unites us as if it were a collective consciousness. It is high time that we make those who want to remain as Oktapodas brought them into the world understand that we, the modified steamers, are superior to them. May Rushu put an end to those old-fashioned people! Only our technomagic and our more developed cognitive abilities have allowed our people to stay alive today! We must seize the power, the city, and convince our fellows to modify their bodies, as we have done with ours, by hook or by crook! Who knows, maybe we will be able to return to the surface and put an end to any kind of resistance. We used to live on the surface, those lands rightfully belong to us!" General Sir Ceron. 816

However, our magnanimous king did not share this opinion and, protecting his unmodified fellow creatures at all costs, managed to suppress the rebellion. This event is known as the Machine Rebellion. Dark days in which internal warfare wreaked havoc. However, at the end of these events, peace was established between the two sides. Body modifications were resumed, but the tensions had disappeared. The royal family solemnly undertook not to resort to any technomagical surgery in order to guarantee the purity of their lineage. During this time, our scientists developed soul receptacles that worked with Stasis. Our people were renewing themselves, becoming more and more mechanical. Most of the inhabitants would soon bear no resemblance to our ancestors.


"We lack resources. Stasis energy is becoming scarce. We must return to the surface, where Stasis exists in natural abundance. Our scouts have informed us that the ancient inhabitants of the world are still present. We will have to make an alliance with them, so that they will accept us. Surely, our appearance may cause them to reject us, but these primitive entities could be our salvation! We must avoid sowing panic. They have to understand that our intentions are peaceful." Regent Andrei D., on behalf of Prince Adal. 969

Unfortunately, we have been overtaken. Apparently, some first generation mods have found the prototypes of our mechanical armor and sent them to fight against you. We are very sorry for this. Our intentions are not warlike at all. We only wish for the survival of our people, nothing more! A first detachment will soon join you, followed, if all goes well, by the rest of us. Our receptacles will be at the disposal of any new soul who wishes to join us. We ask once again that you accept our apologies for these terrible events. From now on, we would like to walk by your side, towards a better future for our respective peoples."


As you can notice our race never wanted to have bellicose actions against the survivors of the Ogrest Chaos. At the end of the day we all suffered due to this phenomenon; the steamer race that again resurfaces in this era is in search of stasili deposits in order to maintain their lifestyle and technological advances, so they send their oldest and totally modified explorers to travel the world of the twelve, among their technological advances they send us a new pet, the Cangrobot and we begin to know part of their technology such as the Microbots, the Cybots and their Steamelas.




Year 971, an enemy who knows the abyss returns, and this time it is improved. Like the rest of the steamer people, Merkator upgraded his body to stay alive and the once great cartographer ended up becoming a vile villain who only sought to create weapons of mass destruction. With a great understanding of wakfu and stasis along with his new mechanical improvements Merkator was kept locked up in Alkatrool along with his now servant Sir Kun Flex. After this, when the great escape from Alkatrool occurred, he fled and hid in Kuatropatas where he patiently awaits adventurers who wish to challenge him.


Year 972, another great discovery for the steamer race, the archaeologists who were looking for traces of the ancient steamer technology of the primitive era managed to find an incredible mechanical prototype. The protoflex is a machine that according to the archaeologists reminds them of Sir Kun Flex and for this reason they decided to baptize it with the name of Protoflex. Obviously this technology dates back to the original steamers, perhaps even to the nation that came into existence in the primitive era of the world. So far there is no conclusive information but this new companion that reminds us a lot of Kantum from the comic book Steamer is a tremendous bodyguard for those moments of greatest need.


In the year 982 the steamers once again appear in the world of the twelve, precisely in the Island of the Purple Claws which is their main source of stasis since there is the largest deposit of that mineral. Phaeris the dragon who saves the Dofus from Shinonome, Quilby's dragon sister, fiercely fights against the steamer army because he must not allow them to find the Dofus. Phaeris claims to have been on the island for many years but we know that the steamers have known of its existence for 2 centuries which leaves a gap as to how Phaeris got there. The steamers meet the Brotherhood of Tofu and present themselves to Prince Adal who explains the reasons for their presence on the island. After this Quilby helps Rushu to enter again to the world of the twelve, descending in a rain of Fabhuritus meteorites on the island, Oxana's prophecy is fulfilled. The fight begins and the steamer army does not hesitate to use all its arsenal against the fabhuritus sending its soldiers in steamflex to the beach and concentrating its fire on the newly opened portal of the fab'hugruta. Finally when Gultar manages to take Rushu to the fab'hugruta and Yugo manages to imprison Quilby the steamers retake the island as an annex to the nation of Sufokia and disappear again.


Brief mention of Steamer characters in Wakfu

Rugerdo Merkator: Formerly in the Dofus era he was a great Cartographer, nowadays he modified his parts to be a perfect weapon of mass destruction, thanks to his armor he can control the Wakfu and the Stasis being able to turn any person into a living bomb as well as he can change his form to a powerful stasis turret that kills all his enemies around.


Prince Adal: Supposed heir to the throne, son of the current regent Andrei D. In the year 970 he sends a message to his most loyal troops to go up to the surface to explain the incidents occurred by the invasion of Sir Kun Flex in the island of the purple claws. After that in the year 982 again on the shores of the island of the purple claws with an armada ready to eliminate Phaeris. Due to the invasion of Rushu on this island the prince and his army help the brotherhood to retake the island and eliminate the Fab'huritus.


General Frida Mofette: First in command of the steamer army and faithful soldier to the order of the royal Steamer family, in the year 982 we see how she confronts Yugo and Pinpan with her SteamFlex and after that with her steamflex battalion they fight in the coasts of the island of the purple claws to retake it.


Kong Asideal: "This pure product of technomagic is perfection incarnate... or manufactured, rather, with the help of mechanical parts. But his obsession with this energy has led many to think he's got a screw loose. Addicted to stasili, the Stasis mineral, this dandy automaton has only one philosophy: never turn back. Which saves him from ruining a bolt and allows him to see life in a rosy light. As some people say: to each his own."


Arthur Bina: "Arthur Bina cares about the environment, so he produces his own energy. A little seawater and a lot of pirouettes - that's all he needs to recharge his batteries! Unfortunately, he blows off a lot of gas, so he's not very popular with his friends..."


Sir Kun Flex: He appears for the first time in the year 970 wanting to invade the world of the twelve to conquer it with his army of renegade steamers. He is defeated by the adventurers of the world of the twelve and imprisoned in Alkatrool. After that he becomes Merkator's subordinate guarding the entrance of his boiler room.



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