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273 lines (180 loc) · 13.9 KB


NOTE: the documentation is not complete yet. I am still writing it...


This library offers a way to represent optional (or nullable) objects (objects that may not have a value) of type T by encoding the no-value state in one of the states of T. This is an alternative to boost::optional that offers a limited interface and a guarantee that the size of optional T is the same as the size of T.

In order to create an optional object type for your type T, you first need to decide how you want to represent the the no-value state in T. Suppose you want to use type int and want -1 to represent the no-value. Now you have to define an empty value policy: a type that formally reflects how the no-value is represented. Luckily, for this common case the library comes with a predefined class template that you can use: evp_int<int, -1>. With this policy, you can define the type of the optional object, and use it:

compact_optional<evp_int<int, -1>> oi; // optional int
static_assert(sizeof(oi) == sizeof(int), "no size penalty");

Instances of compact_optional have a very small interface. They are copyable and movable. The default constructor initializes an object with the value indicated by the empty-value policy. Another explicit constructor takes the value of T:

using opt_int = compact_optional<evp_int<int, -1>>;
opt_int oi;      // internal value initialized to -1 (as per policy)
opt_int o1 {0};  // internal value initialized to 0
opt_int oN {-1}; // internal value initialized to -1

There are also three observer functions:

  • has_value that checks if the currently stored value is that indicated in the empty-value policy (EVP);
  • value that extracts the stored value, with the precondition that the value is different than the one indicated in (EVP);
  • unsafe_raw_value that extracts the value as stored internally, with no precondition.
// continuing the previous example
assert (!oi.has_value());
assert ( o0.has_value());
assert (!oN.has_value());

assert (o0.value() == 0);
// oi.value() is UB
// oN.value() is UB

assert (oi.unsafe_raw_value() == -1);
assert (o0.unsafe_raw_value() ==  0);
assert (o0.unsafe_raw_value() == -1);

As you can see, there are two ways to set the special empty value: either by default construction, or by providing it explicitly.

It is not possible to change the stored value through function value(): it returns a non-mutable reference or value (based on the policy).

There are no relational operations provided, as it is not obvious how a no-value should compare against other values. If you want to compare them, you need to provide a custom comparator, where you explicitly state how the empty state is treated.

There is no way to 'reset' the optional object other than to move-assign a new value:

// continuing the previous example
o0 = {};         // reset to empty value
oN = opt_int{2}; // new value

Each instance of compact_optional also provides three nested types:

  • value_type - value we want to represent,
  • reference_type - what function value returns: in most cases it is const value_type&,
  • storage_type - type of the value that is used for storage: in most of the cases it is same as value_type.

Empty-value policies

What type is being stored and how the empty value is encoded is controlled by empty-value policy. You can either define your own, or use one of the policies provided with this library:


template <typename Integral, Integral EV> struct evp_int;

Can be used with all types that can be used as template non-type parameters, including built-in integral arithmetic types and pointers.

Integral represents the stored type.

EV is the value the empty value representation.


template <typename FPT> struct evp_fp_nan;

A policy for floating-point types, where the empty value is encoded as quiet NaN.

FPT needs to be a floating-point scalar type.


template <typename T> struct evp_value_init;

A policy for storing any Regular type, the empty value is represented by a value-initialized T.

T must meet the requirements of Regular: be default constructible, copyable, moveable, and EqualityComparable.


template <typename Cont> struct evp_stl_empty;

Empty value is created using value initialization. Empty value is checked by calling member function empty(). Useful for STL containers where we want the empty container to represent the no-value.

T must be default constructible and have a member function empty().


struct evp_bool;

This is the policy for storing an optional bool in a compact way, such that the size of compact_optional<evp_bool> is 1.


template <typename Enum, std::underlying_type_t<Enum> Val> struct evp_enum;

A policy for storing any enum, the empty value is represented by the indicated integral value Val, which can be outside the range of valid enum values.

Enum must be an enumeration type.


template <typename Optional> struct evp_optional;

This policy is used for types that cannot (or do not want to) spare any value to indicate the empty state. We logically represent optional T, but store it in boost::optional<T> or std::experimental::optional<T>.

Optional must be an instance of either boost::optional or std::experimental::optional.

Defining a custom empty-value policy

In order to provide a custom empty-value policy to store a given type T, we need to provide a class that derive it from compact_optional_type<T> and implements two static member functions: empty_value and is_empty_value:

struct evp_string_with_0s : compact_optional_type<std::string>
  static storage_type empty_value() { 
    return std::string("\0\0", 2);
  static bool is_empty_value(const storage_type& v) {
    return, v.npos, "\0\0", 2) == 0;

Base class compact_optional_type<T> defines all the necessary nested types and some house-keeping functions. With it, we are declaring what type we will be storing.

Function empty_value returns a value of the stored type (storage_type) that represents the empty value.

Function is_empty_value returns true iff the the given value is recognized as the empty value.

In a less likely case where we want to store the represent an optional value of type T, but store it internally in a different type, we need to provide more arguments to compact_optional_type<T>. Suppose we want to implement the policy for storing type bool in a storage of size 1 (the same way that evp_bool does). We need three states: no-value, true, and false. We cannot store it in type bool because it only has two states. So, for storage we will use type char. We will use value 2 ('\2') to represent the empty state, value 0 to represent value false and 1 to represent true. Now, apart from defining how the empty state is encodes, we also need to provide a recipe on how to encode a bool in a char, and how to extract the bool value from char storage. We need to define additional two static member functions: access_value and store_value:

struct compact_bool_policy : compact_optional_type<bool, char, bool> // see below
  static storage_type empty_value() { return char(2); }
  static bool is_empty_value(storage_type v) { return v == 2; }
  static reference_type access_value(const storage_type& v) { return bool(v); }
  static storage_type store_value(const value_type& v) { return v; }

The three types passed to compact_optional_type denote respectively:

  1. value_type -- the type we are modelling.
  2. storage_type -- the type we use to store the values internally.
  3. reference_type -- what type function value should return.

because function value() should return a bool and we are storing no bool we have to create a temporary value, and return it by value: therefore type reference_type is not really a reference.

Using POD storage for empty value

Sometimes there is no spare value of T, but there is a spare sequence of bits in POD<T>, where POD<T> is a raw-memory representation of T (i.e., its local part -- the part that amounts to sizeof(T)). Consider the following type:

class minutes_since_midnight
  int min_;
  bool invariant() const { return min_ >= 0 && min_ < 24 * 60; }
  explicit minutes_since_midnight(int m) : min_(m) 
    assert (invariant());
  int as_int() const
    assert (invariant());
    return min_;
    assert (invariant());

Member subobject min_ is expected to range from 0 (inclusive) to 1440 (exclusive). This leaves many spare values, e.g., -1. But if we try to use them, we violate the invariant, and trigger assertion failure. In such case, compact_optional allows you to use a POD type int for storage and only reinterpret it as minutes_since_midnight upon extracting the value. Of course, the wrapper deals with manual life-time management issues internally, calling in-place new and pseudo destructor calls where necessary. In order to use that functionality, you have to create an empty value policy that derives from compact_optional_pod_storage_type:

struct evp_minutes : compact_optional_pod_storage_type<minutes_since_midnight, int>
  static storage_type empty_value() { return -1; }
  static bool is_empty_value(const storage_type& v) { return v == -1; }

The first argument is the type we want to represent; the second type (int) is the POD type, of the same size and alignment as T (the first argument). If it is not provided, the implementation uses std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>. the two functions empty_value and is_empty_value describe the empty value on the POD type, where no invariant is enforced.

Type-altering tag

It is possible to pass a second type parameter to class template compact_optional. Such a type does not need to be complete. It is used as a 'tag' to trigger different instantiations of template compact_optional with the same empty-value policy:

using Count = compact_optional<evp_int<int, -1>, class count_tag>;
using Num   = compact_optional<evp_int<int, -1>, class num_tag>;

static_assert(!std::is_same<Count, Num>::value, "different types");

This behaves similarly to 'opaque typedef' feature: we get identical interface and behaviour, but two distinct non-interchangeable types.

Comparison with Boost.Optional

This library is not a replacement for boost::optional. While there is some overlap, both libraries target different use cases.


boost::optional is really generic: It will work practically with any T, to the extent that you can use optional<optional<T>>. You just give the type T and you get the optional object wrapper. In contrast, in compact_optional from the outset you have to make a choice case-by-case how you want to store the empty value T. The policy for managing the empty state is part of the contract, part of semantics, part of the type. Having a nested compact_optional is technically possible, but requires sparing two values of T.

Some type T may not have a 'spare' value to indicate the empty state. In such case, compact_optional cannot help you. In contrast, boost::optional<T> will work just fine: the additional empty state is stored separately. In a way, boost::optional<T> can be thought as boost::variant<boost::none_t, T>.

Life-time management

boost::optional<T> gives you a useful guarantee that if you initialize it to a no-value state, no object of type T is created. This is useful for run-time performance reasons and allows a two phase initialization. In contrast, compact_optional upon construction, immediately constructs a T. compact_optional simply contains T as subobject. In contrast, boost::optional only provides a storage for T and creates and destroys the contained object as needed.

No container-like semantics

boost::optional<T> is almost a container, capable of storing 0 or 1 elements. When it stores one element, you can alter its value. It is impossible in compact_optional: its value and the "container's size" are one thing. But in exchange, the latter, because it only provides a non-mutable access to the contained value, it can build the return value on the fly, similarly to the proxy reference in std::vector<bool>, but because we only provide a non-mutable reference, it is much simpler and safer. This is why we can provide a compact_optional for type bool (which has no spare value) with the sizeof of a single char.

Expressiveness vs non-ambiguity

compact_optional has a minimalistic interface: this is also to avoid any surprises. As a cost it is less expressive and convenient. There are no implicit conversions, no overloaded operators; unlike boost::optional, it does not have operator==: you have to provide your own comparator and decide yourself how you want to compare the no-value states.

Intended use

In general, it is expected that in the first pass of the implementation of your program, you will use boost::optional<T> as a simple ready-to-use solution. Later, if you determine that boost::optional kills your performance, you can think of replacing it with compact_optional and how you want to represent the no-value state.

another use case is when you are currently using objects of scalar types with encoded special values (like type std::string::size_type with value std::string::npos) and you want to change it into something safer but be sure you are adding no runtime overhead. You can change your type to compact_optional<evp_int<string::size_type, string::npos>>.

Future plans

Provide relational operations upon request.