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A time-boxed security review of the TITAN X protocol was done by Akshay Srivastav, with a focus on the security aspects of the application's implementation.


A smart contract security review can never verify the complete absence of vulnerabilities. This is a time, resource and expertise bound effort where I try to find as many vulnerabilities as possible. I can not guarantee 100% security after the review or even if the review will find any problems with your smart contracts. Subsequent security reviews, bug bounty programs and on-chain monitoring are strongly recommended.

About Akshay Srivastav

Akshay Srivastav is an independent smart contract security researcher. Having found numerous security vulnerabilities in various protocols, he does his best to contribute to the blockchain ecosystem and its protocols by putting time and effort into security research & reviews. Reach out on Twitter @akshaysrivastv.


The sole design purpose for TITAN X is to reduce supply, add programatic buy pressure through smart contracts & drive demand to the ecosystem through various avenues and game theory mechanics.

Security Assessment Summary


The following smart contracts were in scope of the audit:

ttx_private repo

  • TITANX.sol
  • StakeInfo.sol
  • MintInfo.sol
  • BurnInfo.sol
  • GlobalInfo.sol
  • OwnerInfo.sol

ttx_buyandburn_private repo

  • BuyAndBurn.sol

Findings Summary

The following number of issues were found, categorized by their severity:

Severity Issues
High 4
Medium 5
Low 2
Info 3

ID Title Severity
[H-01] Any user's liquid tokens, stakes and mints can be burned due to open burn functions High
[H-02] Gaming the protocol incentives during burning High
[H-03] Loss of protocol TITX share when mints are burned High
[H-04] No slippage protection when selling Weth for Titan High
[M-01] Missing dailyUpdate modifier Medium
[M-02] Delay in transaction execution can lead to less amount of tokens getting minted to users than they expect Medium
[M-03] ETH received by TITANX contract are lost forever Medium
[M-04] BuyAndBurn swap mechanism can fail if contract holds large amount of WETH Medium
[M-05] Frontrunning the initial liquidity creation Medium
[L-01] Incorrect integration with ERC165 enabled contracts Low
[L-02] ERC20 increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance functions have been deprecated Low
[I-01] Misspelling Info
[I-02] Misleading comments Info
[I-03] Unused structs Info

Detailed Findings

[H-01] Any user's liquid tokens, stakes and mints can be burned due to open burn functions.




The TITANX smart contract has these functions:

  • burnTokens
  • burnTokensToPayAddress
  • burnStake
  • burnStakeToPayAddress
  • burnMint
  • burnMintToPayAddress

These functions are intended to be called by other DeFi protocols to incentivize burning of TITX tokens/stakes/mints of a user.

However, since these are openly accessible functions an attacker can burn any account's tokens/stakes/mints leading to huge loss of funds for users.

Attack Scenario

  • An attacker calls burnTokens for the TITX AMM pool, let's say WETH-TITX pool.
  • Entire TITX token balance of pool gets burned.
  • Now attacker can sell a small amount of TITX tokens for the entire WETH balance of the pool.


Consider adding access protections on these functions which should be controllable by users.

Eg, for burnTokens users can provide TITX token allowance to certain defi protocols and only these protocols should be able to burn tokens of particular users (upto the allowance limit). Additional mechanisms will be needed to protect burning of mints & stakes.


To fix this issue, allowances are introduced in the contract. Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[H-02] Gaming the protocol incentives during burning.




The TITANX smart contract has these functions:

  • burnTokens
  • userBurnTokens
  • burnStake
  • userBurnStake
  • burnMint
  • userBurnMint

The burnTokens is intended to be called by defi protocols while userBurnTokens is intended to be called by users themselves (similar case for stake/mint). The burnTokens function provides additional rewards to defi protocols and users (upto 8% as per docs).

Since burnTokens is an open function, the users will always call burnTokens instead of calling the intended userBurnTokens to earn additional rewards. Due to this the users will be able to harvest more rewards from the protocol than originally intended.

Note: the issue is similar for burning stakes and mints.


Decent design level changes will be needed to completely resolve this issue. Some possible solutions could be:

  • Add a whitelist of protocols and only they can burn assets of users.
  • Start giving the 8% incentives to users as well (in the userBurnTokens function).


Acknowledged with comment:

The main objective is to burn huge supply, the small percentage reward is extra incentive to attract builders, we welcome anyone to build a dummy contract to burn their huge supply for percentage reward.

[H-03] Loss of protocol TITX share when mints are burned.




When a "mint" is claimed, an additional 1% of claim amount is minted to s_genesisAddress.

    function claimMint(uint256 id) external dailyUpdate nonReentrant {
        uint256 reward = _claimMint(_msgSender(), id, MintAction.CLAIM);
    function _mintReward(uint256 reward) private {
        _mint(_msgSender(), reward);
        _mint(s_genesisAddress, (reward * 100) / PERCENT_BPS);

This genesis wallet share does not get minted when the "mint" is burned by users. This leads to loss of protocol TITX share.

Ideally the end state of contract must be identical in these two scenarios:

  1. Mint created -> Mint claimed -> Claimed TITX burned
  2. Mint created -> Mint burned

But currently the outcome of these two scenario differs as in the second scenario protocol TITX share is not minted.


Consider minting the protocol TITX share in mint burning functions as well.


Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[H-04] No slippage protection when selling Weth for Titan.




The BuyAndBurn contract has a public buynBurn function which sells the entire contract's WETH balance for Titan token. The swap implementation looks like this:


    function buynBurn() public nonReentrant {
        uint256 wethBalance = getWethBalance(address(this));
        uint256 feeFunds = s_feesBuyAndBurn;
        s_feesBuyAndBurn = 0;

        uint256 incentiveFee = (wethBalance * INCENTIVE_FEE) /

        wethBalance -= incentiveFee;
        if (wethBalance != 0) s_totalWethBuyAndBurn += wethBalance - feeFunds;
        if (feeFunds != 0) s_totalWethFeesBuyAndBurn += feeFunds;

        TransferHelper.safeTransferETH(payable(msg.sender), incentiveFee);
    function _swapWETHForTitan(uint256 amountWETH) private {
        (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) = IUniswapV3Pool(s_poolAddress).swap(
            WETH9 < s_titxAddress,
            WETH9 < s_titxAddress ? MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1 : MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1,
        uint256 titan = WETH9 < s_titxAddress
            ? uint256(amount1 >= 0 ? amount1 : -amount1)
            : uint256(amount0 >= 0 ? amount0 : -amount0);
        s_totalTitanBuyAndBurn += titan;
        emit BoughtAndBurned(amountWETH, titan, msg.sender);

It can be seen that the contract performs the swap directly on the uniswap pool rather than the uniswap router contract. The IUniswapV3Pool.swap call does not provide any slippage protection for the caller.

Due to this, the above swap mechanism can be exploited by attackers/MEV searchers to gain profit from the swap.

Steps to attack

  1. Increase the price of Titan in uniswap pool by buying Titan.
  2. Call buynBurn. The protocol buys TItan at inflated prices.
  3. Decrease the titan price back in uniswap pool by selling Titan and capture the profit.


Consider using appropriate slippage parameters for the swap. This can done by either performing the slippage check in BuyAndBurn contract or using the uniswap's router contract.


Acknowledged with comment:

The twap doesn't seem ideal, and it's less effective after couple months when we have a much thicker liquidity. The workaround is we have a clone buynburn function which takes one arugument as amount, so in case we got issue with arbs, then we can buy in smaller amount using this backup function

Note: since the buyAndBurn are public functions they can still be used by MEV searchers as per their convenience. Hence the attack scenario can still materialize.

[M-01] Missing dailyUpdate modifier.




The TITANX.userBurnTokens is missing the dailyUpdate modifier. This modifier is responsible for progressing the daily increment/decrement of crucial state variable of contract like ETH cost for miners, TITX mintable per mint, etc.


    function userBurnTokens(uint256 amount) public nonReentrant {


Consider adding the dailyUpdate modifier to userBurnTokens function.


Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[M-02] Delay in transaction execution can lead to less amount of tokens getting minted to users than they expect.




The startMint function is used by the users to mint TITX tokens. The mint factors (ETH costs, TITX mintable per day, etc) changes every day as per the design of protocol.

Since the startMint function does not allow users to provide a minimum output amount of TITX tokens that they must receive, it is possible that amount that gets minted to users differs significantly than what they originally expected.

In case a user's txn gets stuck in Ethereum mempool due to low gas price provided and the current day changes, then once the txn gets executed the user will receive significantly less number of tokens than they originally expected. It is not rare for ethereum transactions to stay in pending state for hours, days or even weeks.

    function startMint(
        uint256 mintPower,
        uint256 numOfDays
    ) external payable nonReentrant dailyUpdate { ... }


Consider adding deadline and minOutput parameters to startMint function.


Acknowledged with comment:

We decided to let it run through, tRank bonus would cover their loss, the main goal is to get in as early as possible, this is by design and adding a revert on day tickover would hurt user experience more than just letting it go through.

[M-03] ETH received by TITANX contract are lost forever.




The TITANX contract contains a receive function. This means that the contract accepts plain ETH transfers.

    receive() external payable {}

However there is no function in the contract to pull out those received ETH.

This breaks the default behaviour of Solidity which prevent accounts from sending ETH to a contract which has no receive or payable fallback functions. This is done to prevent ETH from getting stuck in smart contracts.

Note that, the ETH received via the minting process are handled separately by the contract, that amount is stored in s_undistributedEth and is distributed correctly.


Consider removing the receive function.


Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[M-04] BuyAndBurn swap mechanism can fail if contract holds large amount of WETH.




The current swap implementation of BuyAndBurn contract tries to sell its entire WETH balance.

    function buynBurn() public nonReentrant {
        uint256 wethBalance = getWethBalance(address(this));

        TransferHelper.safeTransferETH(payable(msg.sender), incentiveFee);

There can exist scenarios in which the uniswap pool liquidity may not be sufficient enough to support a large WETH to Titan swap. In that case all the buynBurn txns will fail until the pool liquidity recovers.

Currently there is no mechanism to swap partial amount of WETH tokens held by the BuyAndBurn contract.


Consider enabling a mechanism in BuyAndBurn to sell partial amounts of WETH tokens to the uniswap pool.


Fixed in commit caff7224c55a49962974047090d34ad8dcd9cd6e.

[M-05] Frontrunning the initial liquidity creation.




The BuyAndBurn contract contains a one time function createInitialLiquidity. This function is intended to create the Titan-Weth pool on UniswapV3 and provide initial liquidity.

It is possible that the createInitialLiquidity call can be frontrunned. As soon as the Titan token is deployed, someone else can create a UniswapV3 pool for Titan-Weth pair and initialize it.

The initial liquidity creation looks like this:

    function createInitialLiquidity() public {
    function _createPool() private {
        (address token0, address token1, , ) = _getTokensConfig();
        s_poolAddress = INonfungiblePositionManager(NONFUNGIBLEPOSITIONMANAGER)
                WETH9 < s_titxAddress
                    ? INITIAL_SQRTPRICE_WETH_TITX
                    : INITIAL_SQRTPRICE_TITX_WETH
    function _mintPosition() private {
            memory params = INonfungiblePositionManager.MintParams({
                token0: token0,
                token1: token1,
                fee: POOLFEE1PERCENT,
                tickLower: MIN_TICK,
                tickUpper: MAX_TICK,
                amount0Desired: amount0Desired,
                amount1Desired: amount1Desired,
                amount0Min: 0,                      // @audit
                amount1Min: 0,                      // @audit
                recipient: address(this),
                deadline: block.timestamp + 600

        (uint256 tokenId, uint256 liquidity, , ) = INonfungiblePositionManager(

It can be seen that the contract passes 0 as the amount0Min and amount1Min MintParams parameters, which is incorrect and not recommended.

In case the pool is already created and initialized, the uniswap pool will return back some amounts of Weth and Titan tokens to BuyAndBurn contract. Since the contract has no mechanism to implicitly handle the returned tokens, these will happen:

  • The returned Weth will be subsequently used to buy Titan tokens. Hence the Weth which was intended to be supplied into liquidity will be used for buying Titan.
  • The returned Titan will be burned in the subsequent burnLPTitan call.

Both the scenarios are unoptimal and were never originally intended to happen.


Consider implementing these fixes:

  • Try to handle the scenario in which a Weth-Titan pool is already created. The pool can be initialized with absurd sqrtPriceX96 initial price.
  • Consider passing appropriate amount0Min and amount1Min values.
  • Consider optimally handling the scenario in which some amount of tokens get returned back by the pool after liquidity addition.


Fixed in commit caff7224c55a49962974047090d34ad8dcd9cd6e with comment:

We moved out the pool creation logic into a new function. we will call this init pool right after the deployment and setting titx address to the buy and burn contract. added the minimum amount when adding liquidity.

[L-01] Incorrect integration with ERC165 enabled contracts.




In the current TITANX._burnbefore implementation the contract calls supportsInterface method with custom interface id without first checking the interface id of ERC165 itself.

    function _burnbefore(
    ) private view {
        //Only supported contracts is allowed to call this function
        if (!IERC165(_msgSender()).supportsInterface(type(ITitanOnBurn).interfaceId))
            revert TitanX_NotSupportedContract();

This integration implementation is incorrect. The correct way of integrating with ERC165 can be seen here.


Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[L-02] ERC20 increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance functions have been deprecated.




After a recent incident the increase and decrease allowance functions have been deprecated and have been removed from several erc20 repositories. The functions have potential to lead to phishing attacks. See this for further details.

Consider removing these functions.


Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[I-01] Misspelling.







Partially fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3. The event is still misspelled.

[I-02] Misleading comments.




The comment here states that:

shareRate starts 1000 ether and increases capped at 2800 ether

The share rate actually starts from 800 ether.


Fixed in commit 33ffdec0a98babc51ec9feff9124b4abb6e77ef3.

[I-03] Unused structs.




The SwapCallbackData struct in BuyAndBurn contract is unused.


Fixed in commit caff7224c55a49962974047090d34ad8dcd9cd6e.