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Anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This module allows you to generate completely random variables, which is sometimes useful in testing. There are situations when you want to write a little property-based test, but you don't want to use a full framework for that.

That's where Anything comes in.

Anything is a tiny, zero-dependency utility for generating random stuff.

Anything in a nutshell



Install it with yarn:

yarn add -D any-thing

Or, if you use npm:

npm install --save-dev any-thing


An example of usage with Jest:

import _ from 'lodash'
import { anything } from 'any-thing'

test('makeOkResponse', () => {
  /* a tiny property-based test */
  _.times(100, () => {
    const thing = anything()
    expect(makeOkResponse(thing)).toEqual({ status: "OK", payload: thing })

Anything includes 9 generators, which produce, respectively:

  • Arrays
  • Booleans
  • Functions
  • Integers
  • Numbers (floats)
  • Objects
  • Strings
  • null
  • undefined

Arrays, functions and objects may also be nested.


anything(options = {})

Generates anything. You may provide options for each generator. Options is an object that contains options for all (or some) generators. The overall shape is:

  array: { /* array options */ },
  boolean: { /* boolean options */ },
  function: { /* function options */ },
  integer: { /* integer options */ },
  /* and so on for other generators */

See also: Generator options.

anything.but(generators..., options = {})

Generates anything, but does not use specified generators. For example, anything.but(Array, Object) will generate anything but an array or an object.

anything.except(generators..., options = {})

Alias for anything.but.

anything.from(generators..., options = {})

Generates anything using a whitelist of generators. For example, anything.from(null, undefined) will return either null or undefined.

Specific generators

There's also a function for each generator:

  • anyArray()
  • anyBoolean()
  • anyFunction()
  • anyInteger()
  • anyNumber()
  • anyObject()
  • anyString()

These functions accept options, which are specific for each generator.

Generator options


  • minLength: minimum length of the array. Default: 0
  • maxLength: maximum length of the array. Default: 10
  • maxDepth: maximum depth ("nestedness") of the array. Default: 3


anyArray({ minLength: 1, maxLength: 2, maxDepth: 2 })
// => [ -923712 ]


This generator doesn't have any options.


// => true


  • maxDepth: maximum depth of the function. Default: 3


anyFunction({ maxDepth: 2 })
// => function () { return 23123 }


  • min: minimum value. Default: -1,000,000
  • max: maximum value. Default: 1,000,000


anyInteger({ min: 0, max: 42 })
// => 42
// i knew I'd get 42
// what else could it be

Number (float)

  • min: minimum value. Default: -1,000,000
  • max: maximum value. Default: 1,000,000


anyNumber({ min: 0, max: 42 })
// => 30.172931281536908


  • minLength: minimum length. Default: 0
  • maxLength: maximum length. Default: 10
  • alphabet: characters to use when generating a stirng. May be a string or an array. Default: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789


anyString({ minLength: 10, maxLength: 30, alphabet: '(!*@#!@ )' })
// => '! @ !#*(!*@)('


  • minLength: minimum object length (number of entries). Default: 0
  • maxLength: maximum object length. Default: 10
  • maxDepth: maximum object depth. Default: 3
  • minStringLength: minimum length of keys. Default: 1
  • maxStringLength: maximum length of keys. Default: 20
  • alphabet: alphabet to use when generating keys. Defaults to String generator's default


  minLength: 0,
  maxLength: 2,
  maxDepth: 1,
  minStringLength: 1,
  maxStringLength: 4,
  alphabet: '!@#$%^'
// => {}
// of course that's what I get
// rng often seems like it's not random at all


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