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ablaom committed Nov 18, 2019
2 parents 23bb4b5 + 5a7810f commit f066add
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Showing 4 changed files with 184 additions and 23 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -86,10 +86,7 @@ Or define their own re-usable `ResamplingStrategy` objects, - see
[Custom resampling strategies](@ref) below.

### Resampling strategies

`Holdout` and `CV` (cross-validation) resampling strategies are
### Built-in resampling strategies

Expand All @@ -100,6 +97,10 @@ Holdout


### Custom resampling strategies

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/MLJ.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ export MLJ_VERSION
export @curve, @pcurve, pretty, # utilities.jl
coerce, supervised, unsupervised, # tasks.jl
report, # machines.jl
Holdout, CV, evaluate!, Resampler, # resampling.jl
Holdout, CV, StratifiedCV, evaluate!, # resampling.jl
Resampler, # resampling.jl
Params, params, set_params!, # parameters.jl
strange, iterator, # parameters.jl
Grid, TunedModel, learning_curve!, # tuning.jl
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160 changes: 142 additions & 18 deletions src/resampling.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,17 @@ train_test_pairs(s::ResamplingStrategy, rows, X, y) =
train_test_pairs(s, rows)

Holdout(; fraction_train=0.7,
holdout = Holdout(; fraction_train=0.7,
Single train-test split with a (randomly selected) portion of the
data being selected for training and the rest for testing.
Holdout resampling strategy, for use in `evaluate!`, `evaluate` and in tuning.
train_test_pairs(holdout, rows)
Returns the pair `[(train, test)]`, where `train` and `test` are
vectors such that `rows=vcat(train, test)` and
`length(train)/length(test) ≈ fraction_train`.
If `rng` is an integer, then `MersenneTwister(rng)` is the random
number generator used for shuffling rows. Otherwise some `AbstractRNG`
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CV(; nfolds=6, shuffle=false, rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
cv = CV(; nfolds=6, shuffle=false, rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
Cross validation resampling where the data is (randomly) partitioned
in `nfolds` folds and the model is evaluated `nfolds` times, each time
taking one fold for testing and the remaining folds for training.
Cross-validation resampling strategy, for use in `evaluate!`,
`evaluate` and tuning.
For instance, if `nfolds=3` then the data will be partitioned in three
folds A, B and C and the model will be trained three times, first with
A and B and tested on C, then on A, C and tested on B and finally on
B, C and tested on A.
train_test_pairs(cv, rows)
If `rng` is an integer, then `MersenneTwister(rng)` is the random
number generator used for shuffling rows. Otherwise some `AbstractRNG`
Returns an `nfolds`-length iterator of `(train, test)` pairs of
vectors (row indices), where each `train` and `test` is a sub-vector
of `rows`. The `test` vectors are mutually exclusive and exhaust
`rows`. Each `train` vector is the complement of the
corresponding `test` vector. With no shuffling, the order of `rows` is
preserved, in the sense that `rows` coincides precisely with the
concatenation of the `test` vectors, in the order they are
generated. All but the last `test` vector have equal length.
Declaring `shuffle=true` results in `rows` being shuffled first. If
`rng` is an integer, then `MersenneTwister(rng)` is the random number
generator used for shuffling `rows`. Otherwise some `AbstractRNG`
object is expected.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,16 +124,129 @@ function train_test_pairs(cv::CV, rows)
# define the (trainrows, testrows) pairs:
firsts = 1:k:((nfolds - 1)*k + 1) # itr of first `test` rows index
seconds = k:k:(nfolds*k) # itr of last `test` rows index

ret = map(1:nfolds) do k
f = firsts[k]
s = seconds[k]
k < nfolds || (s = n_observations)
return (vcat(rows[1:(f - 1)], rows[(s + 1):end]), # trainrows
rows[f:s]) # testrows
rows[f:s]) # testrows

return ret

stratified_cv = StratifiedCV(; nfolds=6, shuffle=false, rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
Stratified cross-validation resampling strategy, for use in
`evaluate!`, `evaluate` and in tuning. Applies only to classification
problems (`OrderedFactor` or `Multiclass` targets).
train_test_pairs(stratified_cv, rows, X, y) # X is ignored
Returns an `nfolds`-length iterator of `(train, test)` pairs of
vectors (row indices) where each `train` and `test` is a sub-vector of
`rows`. The `test` vectors are mutually exclusive and exhaust
`rows`. Each `train` vector is the complement of the corresponding
`test` vector.
Unlike regular cross-validation, the distribution of the levels of the
target `y` corresponding to each `train` and `test` is constrained, as
far as possible, to replicate that of `y[rows]` as a whole.
Specifically, the data is split into a number of groups on which `y`
is constant, and each individual group is resampled according to the
ordinary cross-validation strategy `CV(nfolds=nfolds)`. To obtain the
final `(train, test)` pairs of row indices, the per-group pairs are
collated in such a way that each collated `train` and `test` respects
the original order of `rows` (after shuffling, if `shuffle=true`).
If `rng` is an integer, then `MersenneTwister(rng)` is the random
number generator used for shuffling rows. Otherwise some `AbstractRNG`
object is expected.
struct StratifiedCV <: ResamplingStrategy
function StratifiedCV(nfolds, shuffle, rng)
nfolds > 1 || error("Must have nfolds > 1. ")
return new(nfolds, shuffle, rng)

# Constructor with keywords
StratifiedCV(; nfolds::Int=6, shuffle::Bool=false,
rng::Union{Int,AbstractRNG}=Random.GLOBAL_RNG) =
StratifiedCV(nfolds, shuffle, rng)

function train_test_pairs(stratified_cv::StratifiedCV, rows, X, y)
if stratified_cv.rng isa Integer
rng = MersenneTwister(stratified_cv.rng)
rng = stratified_cv.rng

n_observations = length(rows)
nfolds = stratified_cv.nfolds

if stratified_cv.shuffle
rows=shuffle!(rng, collect(rows))

st = scitype(y)
st <: AbstractArray{<:Finite} ||
error("Supplied target has scitpye $st but stratified "*
"cross-validation applies only to classification problems. ")

freq_given_level = countmap(y[rows])
minimum(values(freq_given_level)) >= nfolds ||
error("The number of observations for which the target takes on a "*
"given class must, for each class, exceed `nfolds`. Try "*
"reducing `nfolds`. ")

levels_seen = keys(freq_given_level) |> collect

cv = CV(nfolds=nfolds)

# the target is constant on each stratum, a subset of `rows`:
class_rows = [rows[y[rows] .== c] for c in levels_seen]

# get the cv train/test pairs for each level:
train_test_pairs_per_level = (MLJ.train_test_pairs(cv, class_rows[m])
for m in eachindex(levels_seen))

# just the train rows in each level:
trains_per_level = map(x -> first.(x),

# just the test rows in each level:
tests_per_level = map(x -> last.(x),

# for each fold, concatenate the train rows over levels:
trains_per_fold = map(x->vcat(x...), zip(trains_per_level...))

# for each fold, concatenate the test rows over levels:
tests_per_fold = map(x->vcat(x...), zip(tests_per_level...))

# restore ordering specified by rows:
trains_per_fold = map(trains_per_fold) do train
filter(in(train), rows)
tests_per_fold = map(tests_per_fold) do test
filter(in(test), rows)

# re-assemble:
return zip(trains_per_fold, tests_per_fold) |> collect



Expand All @@ -131,9 +255,9 @@ end
Estimate the performance of a machine `mach` wrapping a supervised
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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions test/resampling.jl
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Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,41 @@ end
@test shuffled.measurement[1] != result.measurement[1]

@testset "stratified_cv" begin

# check in explicit example:
y = categorical(['c', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'x',
'c', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b'])
rows = [14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
@test y[rows] == collect("bbbbbaaccabac")
scv = StratifiedCV(nfolds=3)
pairs = MLJ.train_test_pairs(scv, rows, nothing, y)
@test pairs == [([12, 11, 10, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [14, 13, 9, 7]),
([14, 13, 10, 9, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1], [12, 11, 8, 5]),
([14, 13, 12, 11, 9, 8, 7, 5], [10, 4, 3, 2, 1])]
scv_random = StratifiedCV(nfolds=3, shuffle=true)
pairs_random = MLJ.train_test_pairs(scv_random, rows, nothing, y)
@test pairs != pairs_random

# wrong target type throws error:
@test_throws Exception MLJ.train_test_pairs(scv, rows, nothing, get.(y))

# too many folds throws error:
@test_throws Exception MLJ.train_test_pairs(StratifiedCV(nfolds=4),
rows, nothing, y)

# check class distribution is preserved in a larger randomized example:
N = 3
y = shuffle(vcat(fill(:a, N), fill(:b, 2N),
fill(:c, 3N), fill(:d, 4N))) |> categorical;
d = fit(UnivariateFinite, y)
pairs = MLJ.train_test_pairs(scv, 1:10N, nothing, y)
folds = vcat(first.(pairs), last.(pairs))
@test all([fit(UnivariateFinite, y[fold]) d for fold in folds])


@testset "weights" begin

# cv:
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