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26 lines (18 loc) · 867 Bytes

Yet Another rTorrent GUI

About YARG

This is my rTorrent web GUI. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


"It doesn't look right in <some browser>"

My time is limited, and frankly I can't be bothered to deal with all the quirks of 5-year-old broken web browsers. I test that things work in modern browers that at least make some attempt to follow published standards. Currently YARG is being routinely tested on (in order of frequency):

  • Google Chrome / Chromium 5.x
  • Firefox 3.6
  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Opera 10

Certain things break in IE8's "compatibility mode" (i.e. "act like IE7 mode"), so I'm sure that even older versions of IE will be even worse. I'm happy to review and accept patches that improve cross-browser support, but your best solution is probably to use a more recent browser.