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164 lines (143 loc) · 3.39 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (143 loc) · 3.39 KB

override config

there are two ways to override config file.

1. Create alixir.json in the project root dir to override alixir config (files, filters and path)

  "path": {
    "version": {
      "build": "public/build/",
      "manifest": "public/build/rev-manifest.json"
    "dist": {
      "images": "public/images/",
      "styles": "public/css/",
      "scripts": "public/js/",
      "fonts": "public/fonts/"
    "assets": {
      "images": "resources/assets/images/",
      "styles": "resources/assets/sass/",
      "scripts": "resources/assets/js/",
      "fonts": "resources/assets/public/fonts/"
  "files": {
    "config": "alixir.json",
    "styles": "resources/assets/styles.json",
    "scripts": "resources/assets/scripts.json",
    "assets": "resources/assets/assets.json"
  "other": {
    "DISABLE_NOTIFIER": false,
    "chmod": "off"
  "filters": {
    "%bower%": "vendor/bower_dl",
    "%res_bower%": "../../../vendor/bower_dl"

2. Install the following package:

npm install gulp-util --save

then add this to gulpfile.js

var gutil = require('gulp-util');

gutil.env.ALIXIR_CONFIG = {
    "files": {
        "styles": "resources/assets/styles.json",
        "scripts": "resources/assets/scripts.json",
        "assets": "resources/assets/assets.json"
    "filters": {
        "%bower%": "vendor/bower_dl",
        "%images%": "public/images/",
        "%fonts%": "public/fonts/"


files: by default they will be in the project root dir but you can override the path e.g "styles": "/resources/styles.json"

  "files": {
    "styles": "styles.json",
    "scripts": "scripts.json",
    "assets": "assets.json"

filters: path filter it allowed you to change the default dir in file path e.g: "%key%/somewhere/somefile.any"

  "filters": {
    "%key%": "value",
    "%key%": "value",
    "%images%": "public/images",
    "%fonts%": "public/fonts"

chmod: if you have problem with permissions when you run gulp assets and you are using already bower or other package required some times sudo on mac you can override chmod settings and run sudo gulp assets without any problem:

By Default: "chmod": "off"

// work with both javascript and json
  "other": {
    "chmod": 666


// work with javascript
gutil.env.ALIXIR_CONFIG = {
  other: { 
    chmod: {
      owner: {
        read: true,
        write: true,
        execute: true
      group: {
        execute: true
      others: {
        execute: true


Elixir Notifications: some people don't like elixir notifications so you can turn it off allways by adding this:

  "other": {

Switch from json to js

if you like using javascript instead json you can override files names also:

  "files": {
    "styles": "resources/assets/styles.js",
    "scripts": "resources/assets/scripts.js",
    "assets": "resources/assets/assets.js"

and then create the files and in each one add this:

var tasks = [
    // here is your tasks javascript object instead json
    // {name: "value"} instead {"name": "value"}
    // or you can try both
module.exports =  tasks;

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