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The objective of this assignment is to design a fully functional and visually appealing website for a business of your choice. You will create at least three pages, including a home page ('index.html'), a gallery page, and a Contact Us page. In addition, you are encouraged to create extra pages, such as an order page, an about us page, and more, to enhance the user experience and provide essential information about the business. You will also design a custom logo and incorporate fav icons for branding.


Business Selection:

Choose a business or company you want to create a website for. It can be a real business, a fictional business, or even a personal project. Ensure that you have access to relevant content, images, and information to complete the website.

HTML Structure:

Create the following web pages with the appropriate HTML structure: Home Page: 'index.html' Gallery Page Contact Us Page Additional pages (e.g., Order Page, About Us, Products/Services, Testimonials, Blog, etc.) Content and Images:

Populate the web pages with relevant content, text, and images. Ensure that the content is well-organized, informative, and engaging.

CSS Styling:

Apply detailed CSS styling to your website to make it visually appealing and consistent. This includes fonts, colors, layout, and responsive design for various screen sizes.

Custom Logo:

Design and incorporate a custom logo for the business. The logo should be visually striking, and it should represent the brand effectively.

Fav Icons:

Create and add fav icons for the website to enhance the brand identity and make the site easily recognizable in browser tabs.


Include a user-friendly navigation menu that allows visitors to move between different pages on your website easily.

Contact Form:

Implement a functional contact form on the 'Contact Us' page, which allows users to send inquiries or feedback to the business.

Interactive Elements:

Consider adding interactive elements, such as image galleries, sliders, or any other features that can enhance the user experience.


Thoroughly test your website to ensure it works across different browsers and devices. Check for any broken links, missing images, or functionality issues.


Submit your web design project as a git hub link containing all HTML, CSS, images, and other necessary files, NOT a compressed folder. Include a README file that explains your design choices and any additional features you've implemented.


Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:

Visual design and user experience HTML and CSS quality Content quality and relevance Logo and fav icon design Functionality and usability Documentation and organization Have fun with this assignment, and be creative in your design choices. Ensure that your website reflects the chosen business's brand and values.
