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File metadata and controls

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Parameter settings and configurations

This file containing information on parameters settings in the configuration files, how to set them, and allowed combinations of parameters.

How to specify the yaml configuration file

Most parameters (with the exception of those discussed in the User Guide) are set using configuration yaml files. There are some example yaml files given in the multi-view-AE/tests/user_config/ folder. To specify a configuration file, the user must specify the absolute or relative path to the yaml file when initialising the relevant model:

from multiviewae import mVAE

mvae = mVAE(cfg='./config_folder/test_config.yaml',
     input_dim=[20, 20],

If no configuration file is specified, the default configuration for that model class is used. These can be found in the multi-view-AE/multiviewae/configs/model_type/ folder.

Configuration file structure

The configuration file has the following model parameter groupings which can be edited by the user.


The global model parameter settings.

  save_model: True

  seed_everything: True
  seed: 42

  z_dim: 5
  learning_rate: 0.001

  sparse: False

There are also a number of model specific parameters which are set in the yaml files in the multi-view-AE/multiviewae/configs/model_type/ folder.


The parameters for the PyTorch data module class to access and process the data.

  _target_: multiviewae.base.dataloaders.MultiviewDataModule

  batch_size: null
  is_validate: True

  train_size: 0.9

When the batch size is set to null the full batch is used for training at each epoch.

MLP Encoder

The encoder function parameters. The default encoder function is a MLP encoder network:

      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Encoder

      hidden_layer_dim: []
      bias: True
      non_linear: False

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default

The encoder._target_ parameter specifies the encoder function class of which the in-built options include: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Encoder and multiviewae.architectures.mlp.VariationalEncoder.

The encoder.enc_dist._target_ parameter specifies the encoding distribution class of which the in-built options include: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default, multiviewae.base.distributions.Normal and multiviewae.base.distributions.MultivariateNormal. The multiviewae.base.distributions.Default class is used for the vanilla autoencoder and adversarial autoencoder implementations where no distribution is specified.

The user can specify separate parameters for the encoder network of each view. For example:

      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Encoder

      hidden_layer_dim: [12, 6]
      bias: True
      non_linear: False

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default
      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Encoder

      hidden_layer_dim: [50, 6]
      bias: True
      non_linear: True

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default

where enc0 and enc1 provide the parameters for view 0 encoder and view 1 encoder respectively. If no view specific parameters are provided, the default network parameters are used.

NOTE: The default encoder parameters are used for joint encoding distributions.

CNN Encoder

Alternatively, the user can specify a CNN architecture by setting the encoder._target_ parameter:

      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.cnn.Encoder

        layer: Conv2d
        in_channels: 1
        out_channels: 8
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 1

        layer: Conv2d
        in_channels: 8
        out_channels: 16
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 1

        layer: Conv2d
        in_channels: 16
        out_channels: 32
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 1

        layer: Conv2d
        in_channels: 32
        out_channels: 64
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 0

        layer: AdaptiveAvgPool2d
        output_size: 1

        layer: Flatten
        start_dim: 1

        layer: Linear
        in_features: 64
        out_features: 128

      bias: True
      non_linear: False

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default

In-built options include: multiviewae.architectures.cnn.Encoder and multiviewae.architectures.cnn.VariationalEncoder. As with the MLP architectures, the user can chose to set view specific parameters. Each layer can be torch.nn Conv2d layers or any suitable 2D pooling or padding layers.

NOTE: The user is responsible for ensuring that the CNN encoder and decoder network architectures are compatible and create an output tensor of the correct dimensionality.

MLP Decoder

The decoder function parameters. The default decoder function is a MLP decoder network:

      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Decoder

      hidden_layer_dim: []
      bias: True
      non_linear: False

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default

The decoder._target_ parameter specifies the encoder function class of which the in-built options include: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Decoder and multiviewae.models.layers.VariationalDecoder.

The decoder.dec_dist._target_ parameter specifies the decoding distribution class of which the in-built options include: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default, multiviewae.base.distributions.Normal, multiviewae.base.distributions.MultivariateNormal, multiviewae.base.distributions.Laplace and multiviewae.base.distributions.Bernoulli. The multiviewae.base.distributions.Default class is used for the vanilla autoencoder and adversarial autoencoder implementations where no distribution is specified.

The user can specify separate parameters for the encoder network of each view. For example:

      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Decoder

      hidden_layer_dim: [6, 12]
      bias: True
      non_linear: False

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default
      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.mlp.Decoder

      hidden_layer_dim: [6, 50]
      bias: True
      non_linear: True

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default

where dec0 and dec1 provide the parameters for view 0 decoder and view 1 decoder respectively. If no view specific parameters are provided, the default network parameters are used.

CNN Decoder

Alternatively, the user can specify a CNN architecture by setting the encoder._target_ parameter:

      _target_: multiviewae.architectures.cnn.Decoder

        layer: Linear
        out_features: 128

        layer: Linear
        in_features: 128
        out_features: 64

        layer: Unflatten
        dim: 1
        unflattened_size: [64, 1, 1]

        layer: ConvTranspose2d
        in_channels: 64
        out_channels: 32
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 0

        layer: ConvTranspose2d
        in_channels: 32
        out_channels: 16
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 1

        layer: ConvTranspose2d
        in_channels: 16
        out_channels: 8
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 1

        layer: ConvTranspose2d
        in_channels: 8
        out_channels: 1
        kernel_size: 4
        stride: 2
        padding: 1

      bias: True
      non_linear: False

        _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Default

NOTE: The user is responsible for ensuring that the CNN encoder and decoder network architectures are compatible and create an output tensor of the correct dimensionality.


The parameters of the prior distribution for variational models.

  _target_: multiviewae.base.distributions.Normal
  loc: 0
  scale: 1

The prior can take the form of a univariate gaussian, multiviewae.base.distributions.Normal, or multivariate gaussian, multiviewae.base.distributions.MultivariateNormal, with diagonal covariance matrix with variances given by the scale parameter.


The parameters for the PyTorch trainer. Please see the PyTorch Lightning documentation for more information on the parameter settings.

  _target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer

  accelerator: "auto"

  max_epochs: 10

  deterministic: false
  log_every_n_steps: 2


Parameters for the PyTorchLightning callbacks. Please see the PyTorch Lightning documentation for more information on the parameter settings.

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
    monitor: "val_loss"
    mode: "min"
    save_last: True
    dirpath: ${out_dir}

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping
    monitor: "val_loss"
    mode: "min"
    patience: 50
    min_delta: 0.001
    verbose: True

Only the model_checkpoint and early_stopping callbacks are used in the multi-view-AE library. However for more callback options, please refer to the PyTorch Lightning documentation.


The parameters of the logger file.

  _target_: pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger

  save_dir: ${out_dir}/logs

In the multi-view-AE we use TensorBoard for logging. However, the user is free to use whichever logging framework their prefer. NOTE: other logging frameworks have not been tested.

Changing parameter settings

Only the grouping header, sub header and the parameters the user wishes to change need to be specified in the users yaml file. The default model parameters are used for the remaining parameters. For example, to change the number of hidden layers for the encoder and decoder networks the user can use the following yaml file:

  hidden_layer_dim: [10, 5]

  hidden_layer_dim: [10, 5]

NOTE: An exception to this rule are the Pytorch callbacks where all the parameters for the relevant callback must be specified again in the user configuration file. For example to change the early stopping patience to 100 of the following callback:

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping
    monitor: "val_loss"
    mode: "min"
    patience: 50
    min_delta: 0.001
    verbose: True

The user must add the following section to their yaml file:

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping
    monitor: "val_loss"
    mode: "min"
    patience: 100
    min_delta: 0.001
    verbose: True

Target classes

There are a number of model classes specified in the configuration file, namely; the encoder and decoder functions, the encoder, decoder, and prior distributions for variational models, and the discriminator function for adversarial models. There are a number of existing classes built into the multi-view-AE framework for the user to chose from. Alternatively, the user can use their own classes and specify them in the yaml file:

  _target_: encoder_folder.user_encoder

  _target_: decoder_folder.user_decoder

However, for these classes to work with the multi-view-AE framework, user class implementations must follow the same structure as existing classes. For example, an encoder implementation must have a forward method.

Allowed parameter combinations

Some parameter combinations are not compatible in the multi-view-AE framework. If an incorrect parameter combination is given in the configuration file, either a warning or error is raised depending on whether the parameter choices can be ignored or would impede the model from functioning correctly.