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Document Format Change

Sphinx is the future documentation generation tool for Little Navmap. A change was needed due to to regressions (e.g. dropping of PDF, format closed now and more) of Gitbook (#238) which make it unusable.

This means a change from the Markdown format to the similar reStructuredText (reST) as well as a change of the whole toolchain.

The old Markdown files can be converted to reStructuredText using Pandoc. The results still have to be adapted manually, though.

The manual adaption is already completely finished for the English and German part of the manual which can be used as templates for other languages.

The new documentation style will rollout with Little Navmap 2.6.

BTW: This is a reStructuredText document.

Issues can be submitted at .


The Sphinx generated English documentation for Little Navmap can be accessed here:

Why Sphinx?

  1. It is an open document generator which can be run on Linux, Windows and macOS to create the documentation.
  2. Documents contain an index for all headlines.
  3. Does error checking on internal and external links.
  4. reStructuredText provides more formatting features than Markdown.
  5. Better search with highlighting of terms in page.
  6. Much faster compilation than the now unsupported Gitbook toolchain.
  7. Generated documents work correctly with anchors. Gitbook generated documentation often missed anchors in the middle of a page when loading them due to the useless smooth scroll feature.
  8. Supports anchors which are needed for internal cross references and help buttons in Little Navmap.
  9. Can generate ePUB format which can be converted to PDF and MOBI including working links and index.


The following tools are needed to compile the HTML and ePUB documentation:

Calibre command line tools are only needed to convert ePUB to MOBI and PDF.

Useful Links

Build and conversion Scripts

  • Converts all Markdown scripts to reST and stores the files in src/XX where XX is the used language code. Takes a list of language codes as a parameter. Do not run this for the English and German branches which are already finished.
  • Compiles only the changed .rst-files. Takes the target format (html or epub) as the first and a list of language codes as following parameters. The results are stored in the directory build. Run html en de to generate the English and German HTML documents, for example.
  • Same as but also compiles unchanged files.
  • Compiles the HTML and ePUB documentation and converts ePUB to PDF and MOBI. Takes a list of language codes as a parameter. All results are stored in the directory deploy. Needs Calibre command line tools.


All except the listed folders here belong to the old Gitbook Markown documentation and will be removed in future versions.

  • src: Source folder with a subfolder for each language containing the reST (*.rst) documents. All documents can be converted to the reST format using Pandoc. Populated using the script.
  • build: Folder for intermediate results when building the HTML and ePUB formats. You can find the English HTML documentation here: build/html/en/index.html after building, for example.
  • src/ Sphinx configuration file.
  • src/XX/index.rst: Top level index file for language code XX.

Files created by running the script en:

  • deploy/en: HTML documentation with all unneccesary files stripped off.
  • deploy/littlenavmap_book_en.epub: ePUB ebook format.
  • deploy/ MOBI ebook format.
  • deploy/littlenavmap_book_en_a4.pdf: PDF using A4 page size.
  • deploy/littlenavmap_book_en_letter.pdf: PDF using US letter format.

How adjust the Pandoc converted files

Converted files need manual adjustments which I cannot do for all languages. Note that some adaptions are optional.

Please install the Sphinx tools locally to test your translation. Using the tools gives you clear error messages when compiling the manual. You can also use the online tools linked above for quick tests.

Note that reST is dependent on indention with spaces for certain directives. You have to use four or more spaces to define blocks.


Tables are not converted properly. Copy the tables from the English reST files and insert your translated texts there. I recommend to use simple tables as described in Tables.

Note that Sphinx is very picky about alignment in tables.

Code blocks

Code blocks can be copied from the English manual as is. These don't need a translation. The blocks can be found by looking for the .. code-block:: directive in the English reST files.


Nested lists are not converted properly by Pandoc. You have to add an empty line before and after a nested list and indent it.

Example for a corrected sub list:

- List item 1
- List item 2

    - Sub item 1
    - Sub item 2

- List item 3

In some cases lists are collapsed to a single line. You can find these by looking for an escaped star (\*).


Small inline images like toolbar icons can be left as they are converted by Pandoc.

Images with a caption can be converted, though.

Look for the text Image Above (the translated phrase) in your converted reST file and replace it with a figure directive (.. figure::).

Image references are enclosed in | and refer to an image at the bottom of the file. You have to inline these.

Example source image before conversion:

|Little Navmap Overview|

**Image ci-dessus:**\ *Un bref aperçu de Little Navmap v1.8.5 montrant
les fonctions les plus importantes.*

... more text until bottom of file

.. |Little Navmap Overview| image:: ../images/overview.jpg

After conversion:

.. figure:: ../images/overview.jpg

     Un bref aperçu de Little Navmap v1.8.5 montrant
     les fonctions les plus importantes.

Note that the Image ci-dessus: (Image above) can be removed and bold or italic is not needed anymore.

See also Images and Figures.

Nested bold, italic and/or code styles

Nesting text styles like italic and bold is not allowed in reST. Pandoc escapes styles with an backslash \ which can be removed.

Example markdown with nested styles:

**Bold text with *italic* text mixed.**

*Italic text mixed with `code`.*

Example reST cleaned up:

**Bold text with** *italic* **text mixed.**

*Italic text mixed with* ``code`` *.*

Note the space before *.*. Do not add a space before Italic and after with. Try the online tools if in doubt about the outcome.


Pandoc creates external references per default. These can (optionally) be converted to internal references using HTML anchors.

Example in Pandoc reST converted text:

`Tableau des résultats de recherche - Afficher le Menu Contextuel <SEARCH.html#search-result-table-view-context-menu>`__

External link replaced with an anchor:


You can also use the :doc: directive to refer to documents:


Sphinx will use the text from the next header after an anchor or at the top of a file as link text.

See also Cross-referencing arbitrary locations and Cross-referencing documents.