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143 lines (109 loc) · 5.81 KB


File metadata and controls

143 lines (109 loc) · 5.81 KB

Quick reference


Command-line interface (awe)

Global commands

These commands can be run from any directory:

# Create an awe.yaml file in the current directory
$ awe init

# Display help
$ awe help

# Display the current version number
$ awe version

Project commands

These commands can only be run from a directory containing an awe.yaml config file (or any subdirectory):

# Build once
$ awe build
$ awe b

# Build then wait for further changes
$ awe watch
$ awe w

Configuration file (awe.yaml)

# Awe config - see for documentation


    groupname:                          # required (a-z, 0-9 only)
        src:          path/to/src/      # required
        dest:         path/to/build/    # required
        bower:        bower_components/ # optional (default: false)
        autoprefixer: true              # optional (default: false)

    anothergroup:                       # optional
        # ...

Assets directory structure

SOURCE                     DESTINATION                  NOTES
─────────────────────────  ───────────────────────────  ───────────────────────────────────────
src/                       build/
│                          │
│                          ├── _DO_NOT_EDIT.txt         Warning file (automatically generated)
│                          │
│                          ├── _bower/                  Symlink to bower_components/ directory
│                          │
│                          ├── _generated/              Compass─generated files (e.g. sprites)
│                          │   └── nav-s71af1c74.png
│                          │
├── _partials/             │                            Ignored (starts with _)
│   └── reset.scss         │
│                          │
├── _sprites/              │                            Compass sprite source images
│   └── nav/               │
│       ├── edit.png       │
│       └── save.png       │
│                          │
├── _vars.scss             │                            Ignored (starts with _)
│                          │
├── combined.css/          ├── combined.css             Combined (ends with .css)
│   ├── 1.css              │
│   ├── 2.scss             │
│   └── 3-subdirectory/    │
│       ├── A.css          │
│       └── B.scss         │
│                          │
├── combined.js/           ├── combined.js              Combined (ends with .js)
│   ├── 1.js               │
│   ├──           │
│   └── 3-subdirectory/    │
│       ├── A.js           │
│       └──       │
│                          │
├── img/                   ├── img/                     Images are copied unaltered
│   └── logo.png           │   └── logo.png
│                          │
├── sample1.css            ├── sample1.css              CSS file is copied
├── sample2.scss           ├── sample2.css              Sass file is compiled
├── sample3.js             ├── sample3.js               JavaScript file is copied
├──         ├── sample4.js               CoffeeScript file is compiled
│                          │
├── subdirectory/          ├── subdirectory/            Directory structure is preserved
│   ├── A.css              │   ├── A.css
│   ├── B.scss             │   ├── B.css
│   ├── C.js               │   ├── C.js
│   └──           │   └── D.js
│                          │
├── vendor.css.yaml        ├── vendor.css               YAML import file (.css.yaml)
└── vendor.js.yaml         └── vendor.js                YAML import file (.js.yaml)


It will also generate source maps -- e.g. -- but these are not shown for simplicity.

YAML import files

- _vendor/jquery.js         # Relative path to partial
- ../vendor/jquery.js       # Relative path to outside directory
- bower: jquery/jquery.js   # File inside bower_components/