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Change log

List of notable changes to this project.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.2.0 - 2019-11-19


  • samples property in Generator interface. (Samples are about to be included in generation of generate)
    One should use withSamples and frequency instead.


  • andThen operator to make easier building complex generation pipeline
  • frequency combinator, allowing to create a frequency-parametrized generator

Dependencies Updated

  • Kotlin (from 1.3.50 to 1.3.60)

0.2.0-rc.1 - 2019-09-18


  • default max size/length for string,collection and sequence generators set to 50 (instead of 200)


  • sequences generator
  • uuids generator

0.2.0-beta.2 - 2019-09-16


  • Method Generator.randoms(Long) the generator should generate single values, not a sequence.


  • (Breaking) method generate(Random): T in interface Generator to generate single value.
  • checkForAll. An alternative to forAll allowing to use assertion (throw in case of error) instead of returning a boolean. It can be especially helpful to more descriptive message about what is wrong.
  • Generator.randomSequence extension function to replace the deprecated Generator.randoms(Long): Sequence<T>

0.2.0-beta.1 - 2019-09-15


  • Wrap exceptions thrown by the properties so that an helpful message can be displayed (number of attempts, arguments, etc.)

Dependencies Updated

  • Kotlin (from 1.3.41 to 1.3.50)

0.1.0 - 2019-07-28


  • StringCharSets object with numeric, alphaLowerCase, alphaUpperCase, alpha and alphaNumeric.
    Sets of character to easily configure the string generator.
  • kwik.iterations system property to globally define a default number of iteration.

Modules extracted from core

  • Generator API moved to generator-api module (artifacts generator-api-common and generator-api-jvm)
  • Generators for types of the kotlin standard library is moved to generator-stdlib module (artifacts generator-stdlib-common and generator-stdlib-jvm)
  • The property evaluation is moved to evaluator (artifacts evaluator-common and evaluator-jvm)


The module core remains as an alias of all the modules above. So it is still easy to get started with Kwik by simply adding core as a dependency

Package names changed (Breaking)

The packages have been renamed, and classes/files have been moved to reflect their new module (see Modules extracted from core)

  • (Breaking) The content com.github.jcornaz.kwik.generator as been moved to com.github.jcornaz.kwik.generator.stdlib
  • (Breaking) The content com.github.jcornaz.kwik as been splitted into com.github.jcornaz.kwik.generator.api and com.github.jcornaz.kwik.evaluator

Dependencies Updated

  • Kotlin (from 1.3.40 to 1.3.41)

0.1.0-beta.1 - 2019-07-01


  • (Breaking) PropertyEvaluationContext available as a type-receiver in property evaluation
  • skipIf function on PropertyEvaluationContext allowing to skip a property evaluation for some specific set of input
  • Few aliases to get common generators:
    • positiveInts, naturalInts, negativeInts and nonZeroInts
    • positiveLongs, naturalLongs, negativeLongs and nonZeroLongs
    • positiveFloats, negativeFloats and nonZeroFloats
    • positiveDoubles, negativeDoubles and nonZeroDoubles
    • nonEmptyStrings and nonBlankStrings
    • nonEmptyLists, nonEmptySets and nonEmptyMaps


  • Show test details in console only in case of success
  • Improved exception message in case of falsified property (and introduce typed exception FalsifiedPropertyError

Dependencies Updated

  • Kotlin (from 1.3.31 to 1.3.40)

0.1.0-alpha.4 - 2019-06-10


  • filter operator for generators
  • (Breaking) samples property in the Generator interface to improve management of the value samples (edge-cases)
  • forAll non-inline function, allowing to hide implementation details.
  • + operator for generator, allowing to merge 2 operators. Example: nonZeroInts() = ints(max = -1) + ints(min = 1)


  • (Breaking) Renamed arguments from and until of floats and doubles generators for more consistency with the int and long generators
  • (Breaking) Make the lambda of forAll crossinline, to allow usage of a non-inline function and hide implementation details.
  • Now the size probability for strings a collections generators is similar for all sizes. Instead, they have empty and singletons instances as samples
  • combine and combineWith now start by a combination of the source generators and will randomly add samples in the random generations.
  • Prevent error when passing a big min size/length without a max size/length for collection and strings generators


  • (Breaking) ratio argument from the withSamples and withNull operators

0.1.0-alpha.3 - 2019-06-08


  • Generator.combine as a style alternative to combine generators


  • (Breaking) zip operator renamed to combineWith for better clarity and discoverability

0.1.0-alpha.2 - 2019-05-19


  • ints, longs, floats, doubles and boolean generators
  • map operator to transform an existing generator
  • Generator.of() to create a generator from a finite set of samples
  • enum to create a generator from an enum
  • strings to create a String generator
  • default Capable of inferring what generator to return for a given type
  • lists, sets and maps generators


  • (Breaking) Default generator arguments added in forAll and checkForAll


  • (Breaking) checkForAll functions as it was unsafe, allowing to forget assertions without compile-time error

0.1.0-alpha.1 - 2019-05-18


  • Generator interface for generating random values
  • randomSequence helper to easily create a random (yet predictable) sequence of value
  • forAll and checkForAll function to assess a property of the system under test.
  • withSample and withNull to inject constants values to be always tested
  • zip operator to combine two given generators