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Migration to 2.0

This guides describes major steps involved in migrating your testing code from using React Native Testing Library version 1.x to version 2.0.

Dropping Node 8

Node 8 reached its EOL more than 5 months ago, so it's about time to target the library to Node 10. If you used lower version, you'll have to upgrade to v10, but we suggest using the latest LTS version.

Auto Cleanup

cleanup() function is now called automatically after every test, if your testing framework supports afterEach hook (like Jest, mocha, and Jasmine).

You should be able to safely remove all afterEach(cleanup) calls in your code.

This change might break your code, if you tests are not isolated, i.e. you call render outside test block. Generally, you should keep your tests isolated, but if you can't or don't want to do this right away you can prevent this behavior using any of the foloowing ways:

  1. by importing 'react-native-testing-library/pure' instead of 'react-native-testing-library'

  2. by importing 'react-native-testing-library/dont-cleanup-after-each' before importing 'react-native-testing-library'. You can do it in a global way by using Jest's setupFiles like this:

  setupFiles: ['react-native-testing-library/dont-cleanup-after-each'];
  1. by setting RTNL_SKIP_AUTO_CLEANUP env variable to true. You can do this with cross-evn like this:
cross-env RNTL_SKIP_AUTO_CLEANUP=true jest

WaitFor API changes

waitForElement function has been renamed to waitFor for consistency with React Testing Library. Additionally the signature has slightly changed from:

export default function waitForElement<T>(
  expectation: () => T,
  timeout?: number,
  interval?: number
 : Promise<T> {


export default function waitFor<T>(
  expectation: () => T,
    timeout?: number,
    interval?: number
): Promise<T> {

Both changes should improve code readibility.

:::note Please note that in many cases waitFor call can be replaced by proper use of findBy asynchonous queries resulting in more streamlined test code. :::

Removed global debug function

Global debug() function has been removed in favor of debug() method returned from render() function.

Removed global shallow function

Global shallow() functions which has been previously deprecated has been removed.

Shallow rendering React component is usually not a good idea, so we decided to remove the API. However, if you find it useful or need to support legacy tests, feel free to implement it yourself. Here's a sample implementation:

import ShallowRenderer from 'react-test-renderer/shallow';

export function shallow(instance: ReactTestInstance | React.Element<any>) {
  const renderer = new ShallowRenderer();
  renderer.render(React.createElement(instance.type, instance.props));

  return { output: renderer.getRenderOutput() };

Removed functions

Following query functions have been removed after being deprecated for more than a year now:

  • getByName
  • getAllByName
  • queryByName
  • queryAllByName

The *ByType and *ByProps queries has been prefixed with UNSAFE_. You can safely rename them using global search/replace in your project:

  • getByType -> UNSAFE_getByType
  • getAllByType -> UNSAFE_getAllByType
  • queryByType -> UNSAFE_queryByType
  • queryAllByType -> UNSAFE_queryAllByType
  • getByProps -> UNSAFE_getByProps
  • getAllByProps -> UNSAFE_getAllByProps
  • queryByProps -> UNSAFE_queryByProps
  • queryAllByProps -> UNSAFE_queryAllByProps

Some byTestId queries behavior changes

In version 1.x getByTestId and queryByTestId could return non-native elements in tests. This was in contrast with other query functions: getAllByTestId, queryAllByTestId, findByTestId and findAllByTestId which returned only elements that would be rendered to native components (e.g. View, Text, etc).

If you relied on setting testID for your custom components, you should probably set them on the root element of the returned JSX.

:::caution In general, you should avoid byTestId queries when possible and rather use queries that check things that can been seen by the user (e.g. byText, byPlaceholder, etc) or accessability queries (e.g. byA11yHint, byA11yLabel, etc). :::