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File metadata and controls

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#Crabby Configuration Reference Crabby is configured by means of a YAML file that's passed via the -config command line parameter when you start Crabby. ##jobs - Configuring pages and URLs to test The top-level jobs array holds a list of all of the sites and URLs that Crabby will test. There are two types of tests that Crabby can conduct, selenium and simple, and these are discussed in Fields:

Field Name Description
name The name of this test. This will be used to name your Graphite/Datadog metrics
type Type of test to conduct. Can be selenium or simple.
url The URL to probe. Currently only HTTP GETs are supported.
interval How often crabby will initiate tests. (seconds)
cookies Cookies that will be set before loading this page. This only works for selenium tests.


The optional cookies array holds all cookies to be set for a given job. These only apply to selenium tests. These will be set before loading the page. Please note that these will generate an additional hit to your site (a 404 URL, intentionally) to work around a Selenium security "feature" that doesn't allow you to set cookies for a site until the browser is already on that site.

Field Name Description
name The name of the cookie to be set.
domain The domain or subdomain for which the cookie is valid.
path The path for which the cookie is valid. Typically /.
value The value of the cookie to be set.
secure May be true or false. If true, cookie will only be sent over HTTPS.

##selenium - Selenium server configuration The selenium dictionary holds a few parameters for the Selenium testing service.

Field Name Description
url The URL of the Selenium RESTful API. Typically someserver:4444/wd/hub
job-stagger-offset To avoid launching multiple Selenium jobs at the same time and stressing your crabby server with lots of concurrent browser activity, Crabby staggers the start of the jobs. If your job has, for example, an interval of 30 seconds, it will be executed every 30 seconds...but, this 30 second interval will not commence at t=0. Rather, Crabby will choose a random offset for each job that is somewhere between zero and job-stagger-offset seconds. So, if you specify a job interval of 30 seconds and a job-stagger-offset of 15, Crabby will randomly choose an offset between 0 and 15. It might choose 7 seconds, in which case your job will execute at t=7s, 37s, 1m7s, 1m37s, and so on... It is recommended that you choose a job-stagger-offset that's less than the largest interval that you've chosen for your jobs. TO-DO: Build a better job scheduling algorithm


##storage - Metrics handling configuration The storage dictionary holds configuration for the various metrics storage and handling backends. Currently, two storage backends are supported, graphite and Datadog's dogstatsd.

###graphite - Graphite server configuration

Field Name Description
host The hostname for your Graphite server.
port The port that your Graphite server listens on for metrics submission. Typically 2003.
protocol tcp or udp. Defaults to tcp.
namespace A prefix to prepend to all of your metric names. Useful for when you have more than one Crabby server or use your Graphite server for other things. Example: crabby.crabby-nyc-01

###dogstatsd - Datadog dogstatd configuration

Field Name Description
host The hostname for your dogstatsd server. Typically localhost if you're running dd-agent locally
port The port that your dogstatsd server listens on for metrics submission. Typically 8125.
namespace A prefix to prepend to all of your metric names. Recommened to keep Crabby metrics from getting mixed in with other Datadog metrics. Example: crabby
tags A YAML list/array of Datadog tags to apply to all submitted metrics. If you have more than one Crabby node, it's recommended that you set the hostname of the node as a tag. Example: crabby-sfo-01

###prometheus - Prometheus server configuration

Field Name Description
host The hostname for your Prometheus pushgateway server.
port The port that your Prometheus pushgateway listens on for metrics submission. Typically 9091.
namespace A prefix to prepend to all of your metric names. This gets mapped into a Prometheus grouping. If you provide a namespace here, a grouping of crabby => NAMESPACE is created. Otherwise, a default grouping of collector => HOSTNAME is created. Useful for when you have more than one Crabby server. Example: crabby.crabby-nyc-01

###riemann - Riemann server configuration

Field Name Description
host The hostname for your Prometheus pushgateway server.
port The port that your Prometheus pushgateway listens on for metrics submission. Typically 9091.
namespace A prefix to prepend to all of your metric names. If you omit namespace, "crabby" will be automatically prepended.
tags A YAML list/array of strings to apply as tags to all submitted events. If you have more than one Crabby node, it's recommended that you set the hostname of the node as a tag. Example: crabby-sfo-01

Internal Metrics Reporting

Optionally, Crabby can report metrics about itself to your storage backends, including memory (heap) and goroutine usage. This is especially useful if you are doing development on Crabby and trying to track down runtime problems.

Field Name Description
report-internal-metrics Whether or not to report internal runtime metrics. true or false. Defaults to false.
internal-metrics-gathering-interval How often to gather and report these metrics (seconds). Defaults to 15.

#Complete Configuration File Example

 - name: my_site_some_page
   type: selenium
   interval: 30
    - name: auth
      path: /
      value: DEADBEEFC0W123456789
      secure: true
    - name: session
      path: /
      value: abDijfeiF3290FijEIO30NC9jkqQER
      secure: false
 - name: another_page
   type: simple
   interval: 10
 url: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
 job-stagger-offset: 30
        port: 2003
        protocol: tcp
        metric-namespace: crabby
        host: localhost
        port: 8125
        metric-namespace: crabby
            - crabby-sfo-1
report-internal-metrics: true
internal-metrics-gathering-interval: 15