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Installation & Related

Alejandro Autalán edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

Installation with pip

At the command-line, terminal or shell, run the following command.

pip install pygubu-designer


From time to time, we release a new version with bug fixes and new features. Run the following command to upgrade.

pip install pygubu-designer -U


Run the following, should you ever want to remove the program.

pip uninstall pygubu-designer

What is pip, you say?

Pip is the package installer for Python.

Installation with pipx

If you are using debian 12 or above, pip can't be used without a virtual environment. As an alternative you can use pipx.

sudo apt install pipx


pipx install pygubu-designer


pipx upgrade pygubu-designer


pipx uninstall pygubu-designer

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