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Hospital Management System



Hospital Management System (HMS) is powerful, flexible, and easy to use system, which is very helpful in a hospital environment, in order to maintain a hospital efficiently. Hospital Management System designed for multi-specialty hospitals, to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management processes. It is an integrated end-to-end Hospital Management System (HMS) that provides relevant information across the hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical financial accounting, in a seamless flow. In a HMS need to have entry of all the data related to patients, doctors, staffs, and administrator(s). Each patients admitted in the hospital needs to enter their personal information, which are accessible by authorized doctors and staffs. On the other hand, a patient should have access permission to download any medical report associated with him/her. Billing process should be included in the system, such that it can easily be update after each payment.

Project Submission Details:

Tasks Completed:

Phase 1:

  • Learnt required Tech Stack.
  • Prepared UML diagrams, SRS and DFD documentation for the Hospital Management System.
  • Built a simple C Prototype, namely, HMS.c.

Phase 2:

  • Implemented patient, doctor and admin login & registration.
  • Ensured unique user-id for each user login into the system.
  • Implemented Database storage for user records.

Phase 3:

  • Implemented doctor portal to allow doctor to see patient list.
  • Implemented appointement booking and cancelling functionality for patients.
  • Ensured database security among users.

Phase 4:

  • Implemented UI template for Web App integrated with models.
  • Implemented medical report and bill generation functionality.
  • Added required UI template pages for better experience.

Phase 5 (Final):

  • Tested the functional and non-functional requirements of project.
  • Deployed the Web App for proper testing.
  • Ensured proper code as well as installation documentation for Application.

Techology Stack:

  • Backend: Django (Python)

  • Frontend: HTML/CSS, JavaScript

  • Database: MySQL or SQLite3

     				      UML Class Diagram

Project Requirements:


  • Hospital information (name, address, branch, department, facilities)
  • Employee information (name, employee id, address, contact details)
  • Doctor information (name, employee id, address, contact details, specialization, degrees)
  • Patient information (name, id, address, age, payment, others)


  • Patient details
  • Patients list
  • Receipt generation
  • Report generation


  • All the users must register into the system though the web interface.
  • All the users must login into the web interface through userid (must be unique) and password
  • Patients should allow to get login him/her-self in order to collecting own information
  • On login into the system, a doctor must be able to see the patients list under his/her observation
  • One patient must not access the information of some other patients
  • All the patients must be able to download all the medical report and bill as per his requirement by login into the system.

Note: Add, delete, and update must be reflect immediately in the system.



  • Signup their account. Then Login (No approval Required).
  • Can register/view/approve/reject/delete doctor (approve those doctor who applied for job in their hospital).
  • Can admit/view/approve/reject/discharge patient (discharge patient when treatment is done).
  • Can Generate/Download Invoice pdf (Generate Invoice according to medicine cost, room charge, doctor charge and other charge).
  • Can view/book/approve Appointment (approve those appointments which is requested by patient).


  • Apply for job in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin, Then only doctor can login).
  • Can only view their patient details (symptoms, name, mobile ) assigned to that doctor by admin.
  • Can view their discharged(by admin) patient list.
  • Can view their Appointments, booked by admin.
  • Can delete their Appointment, when doctor attended their appointment.


  • Create account for admit in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin, Then only patient can login).
  • Can view assigned doctor's details like ( specialization, mobile, address).
  • Can view their booked appointment status (pending/confirmed by admin).
  • Can book appointments.(approval required by admin)
  • Can view/download Invoice pdf (Only when that patient is discharged by admin).

Installation Guide

How to run the Web App:

	sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
	pip install django
	pip install django-widget-tweaks
	pip install xhtml2pdf
  • Download This Project Zip Folder and Extract it.

  • Clone the project using this command:

	git clone
  • Move to project folder Web-App in Terminal using command:
	cd Web-App
  • Then run following Commands :
	pip3 install -r requirements.txt
	python makemigrations
	python migrate
	python runserver
  • Now enter following URL in Your Browser Installed On Your PC:
					      Admin Portal View


					  Appointement Requests View


How to run the Desktop App:

	git clone
  • Move to project folder Desktop-App in Terminal using command:
	cd Desktop-App
  • To run the project from the command line, go to the dist folder and type the following:
	java -jar "HMS.jar"

