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Build Bitcoind (a.k.a. Bitcoin Core)

This manual documents how to build and run Bitcoin on Pi 4.

For using Bitcoin Core as a wallet (e.g. via Specter Desktop), doing what some core devs do and install a modern version of berkeleydb (like this sudo apt install libdb5.3++-dev) and add --with-incompatible-bdb to the ./configure command


  • Pi with a 64-bit OS
  • Login in as Unix account that has sudo

Create bitcoin user

sudo adduser --disabled-password bitcoin

Create directories

Make directories inside the data mount point:

sudo mkdir /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin
sudo mkdir /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin/src
sudo mkdir /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin/bin

sudo chown -R bitcoin /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin

Bitcoin Cookie

Make shared directory for bitcoin clients (e.g. LND) to be able to read the .cookie file:

sudo groupadd bitcoinclients
sudo mkdir                /home/bitcoin/bitcoinclients
sudo chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=  /home/bitcoin/bitcoinclients # bitcoin user gets read+write+list permission, the group gets read+list permission, others get nothing
sudo chmod +s             /home/bitcoin/bitcoinclients # the "s" setuid bit on the direcetory makes any new files created in the directory inherit the group of the directory, we want this so that the cookie file has the bitcoinclients group
sudo chown bitcoin        /home/bitcoin/bitcoinclients
sudo chgrp bitcoinclients /home/bitcoin/bitcoinclients

Almost immediatly after bitcoin starts it will make the cookies files restricted to only bitcoin user:

ls -ld bitcoinclients/
drwsr-x--- 2 bitcoin bitcoinclients 4096 Dec 9 15:29    bitcoinclients/

ls -l bitcoinclients/
total 4
-rw------- 1 bitcoin bitcoinclients   75 Dec 9  14:14   cookie

To let other accounts such as LND and Electrs access to the cookie, a startupnotify paramters is configured in bitcoin config, so after bitcoin runs for a while (look for the first "UpdateTip" after "init message: Done loading" in bitcoin logs) the permission will look like this:

ls -l bitcoinclients/
total 4
-rw-r----- 1 bitcoin bitcoinclients   75 Dec 9  14:14   cookie

Install needed packages

sudo apt install -y git build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils  libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev  libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev  libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev  libminiupnpc-dev  libzmq3-dev libdb5.3++-dev

Setup, git clone, and build

Login as bitcoin user and drop into 64-bin environment:

sudo su -l bitcoin

Make symlinks back to data mount point

ln -s /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin/bin ~/bin
ln -s /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin/src ~/src
ln -s /mnt/btrfs/bitcoin/dot-bitcoin-data ~/.bitcoin

echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin/bin:$PATH  # bitcoind is here' >> ~/.profile
. ~/.profile

Checkout source code:

git clone ~/src/bitcoin
cd ~/src/bitcoin
git checkout v25.0  # or find the latest tag with git tag | grep v25

Prepare for build (one time setup):

./configure  --with-gui=no --disable-tests --with-incompatible-bdb --prefix=$HOME/bin 
  • The final output of configure should include: "with zmq = yes"

Build and Install:

make clean && make && make install

Configure and run

For configuring and running bitcoin see "Start Bitcoin" section on the main page


cd ~/src/bitcoin
git pull
make clean && make && make install