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The IscConverter class provides access to an AC/DC Converter, to set and get data values and to retrieve load flow results.

Field Values

.. tabularcolumns:: |\Y{0.15}|\Y{0.25}|\Y{0.6}|
IscConverter Field Values
Type Field Name Description
Integer FromUID Gets the unique ID of the sending busbar.
Integer ToUID Gets the unique ID of the receiving busbar.
String FromBusName Gets the sending busbar name.
String ToBusName Gets the receiving busbar name.
String Name Gets the converter name.
Integer Status

Status of converter:

  • 0 = Converter is switched in.
  • 1 = Converter is connected but only used for harmonic analysis.
  • -1 = Converter is switched out.
Integer Type

The type of converter:

  • 0 = Thyristor or line commuted converter
  • 51 = PWM or voltage source converter
Float DCPowerMW Gets and sets the DC power in MW.
Float DCVoltagePU Gets and sets the DC terminal voltage in per unit.
Float ACReactivePowerMVAr Gets and sets the AC reactive power in MVAr.
Float PowerFactor Returns the operating power factor.
Float TransEqReactancePU Gets and sets the internal transformer reactance in per unit.
Float TransOperateTapPC Gets and sets the operating tap position of the internal transformer in percent.
Float MinTapPC Gets and sets the minimum tap position of the internal transformer in percent.
Float TapStepPC Gets and sets the tap step of the internal transformer in percent.
Float MaxTapPC Gets and sets the maximum tap position of the internal transformer in percent.
Integer PulseNumber Gets and sets the pulse number of the converter, should be either 6, 12, 24 or 48.
Integer NumParaBridges Gets and sets the number of parallel bridges.
Float CommutateReactPU Gets and sets the commutation reactance in per unit.
Float MaxACCurrentPU Gets and sets the maximum AC current trip limit in per unit.
Float VoltRatio Gets and sets the voltage ratio of the internal converter transformer.
Float FilterResisPU Gets and sets the filter resistance in per unit.
Float FilterInductPU Gets and sets the filter inductance in per unit.
Float DCEquivCapPU Gets and sets the DC side capacitance in per unit.
Float MinFireAngleDeg Gets and sets the minimum firing angle in degrees.
Float MaxDCCurrentPU Gets and sets the maximum DC current limit in per unit.

IscConverter Class

.. autoclass:: ipsa.IscConverter