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Decorator Pattern

An example of decorator pattern in golang.

package main

import (

// Client sends http.Requests and returns http.Response or errors in
// case of failures
type Client interface {
	Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

// ClientFunc is a function type that implements the Client interface
type ClientFunc func(*httpRequest) (*http.Response, error)

func (f ClientFunc) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	return f(r)

// Decorator wraps a Client with extra behaviour
type Decorator func(Client) Client

// Logging returns a Decorator that logs a Client's requests
func Logging(l *log.Logger) Decorator {
	return func(c Client) Client {
		return ClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			return c.Do(r)

// Instrumentation returns a Decorator that instruments a Client with the given metrics.
func Instrumentation(requests Counter, latency Histogram) Decorator {
	return func(c Client) Client {
		return ClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			defer func(start time.Time) {
			return c.Do(r)

// FaultTolerance returns a Decorator that extends a Client with fault tolerance
// configured with the given attempts and backoff duration
func FaultTolerance(attempts int, backoff time.Duration) Decorator {
	return func(c *Client) Client {
		return ClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
			for i := 0; i <= attempts; i++ {
				if res, err = c.Do(r); err == nil {
				time.Sleep(backoff * time.Duration(i))
			return res, err

// Authorization returns a Decorator that authorizes every Client request
// with the given token
func Authorization(token string) Decorator {
	return Header("Authorization", token)

// Header returns a Decorator that adds the given HTTP header to every
// request done by a Client.
func Header(name, value string) Decorator {
	return func(c Client) Client {
		return ClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			r.Header.Add(name, value)
			return c.Do(r)

// LoadBalancing returns a Decorator that load balances a Client's request across
// multiple backends using the given Director.
func LoadBalancing(dir Director) Decorator {
	return func(c Client) Client {
		return ClientFunc(func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
			return c.Do(r)

// A director modifies a http.Request to follow a load balancing strategy
type Director func(*http.Request)

// RoundRobin returns a Balancer which round-robins across the different backends.
func RoundRobin(robin uint64, backends ...string) Director {
	return func(r *http.Request) {
		if len(backends) > 0 {
			r.URL.Host = backends[atomic.AddUint64(&robin, 1)%uint64(len(backends))]

// Random returns a Balancer which randomly picks one of the given backends.
func Random(seed int64, backends ...string) Director {
	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
	return func(r *http.Request) {
		if len(backends) > 0 {
			r.URL.Host = backends[rnd.Intn(len(backends))]

// Decorate decorates a Client c with all the given Decorators, in order
func Decorate(c Client, ds ...Decorator) Client {
	decorated := c
	for _, decorate := range ds {
		decorated = decorate(decorated)
	return decorated

func main() {
	cli := Decorate(http.DefaultClient,
		LoadBalancing(RoundRobin(0, "web01", "web02", "web03")),
		Logging(log.New(os.Stdout, "client:", log.LstdFlags)),
			NewHistogram("client.latency", 0, 10e9, 3, 50, 90, 95, 99),
		FaultTolerance(5, time.Second),


Another Example

package main

import (

type Service interface {
	Echo(msg string)

type service struct{}

func (s *service) Echo(msg string) {

func (s *service) Cry() {

type loggingMiddleware struct {
	l *log.Logger
	s Service

func (m loggingMiddleware) Echo(msg string) {

func (m loggingMiddleware) Cry() {

func Logging(l *log.Logger) Decorator {
	return func(s Service) Service {
		return &loggingMiddleware{
			s: s,
			l: l,

type timeitMiddleware struct {
	l *log.Logger
	s Service

func (m timeitMiddleware) Echo(msg string) {
	defer func(start time.Time) {
		m.l.Println("echo took:", time.Since(start))

func (m timeitMiddleware) Cry() {
	defer func(start time.Time) {
		m.l.Println("cry took:", time.Since(start))

func Timeit(l *log.Logger) Decorator {
	return func(s Service) Service {
		return &timeitMiddleware{
			s: s,
			l: l,

type Decorator func(Service) Service

func Decorate(s Service, ds ...Decorator) Service {
	decorated := s
	for _, decorator := range ds {
		decorated = decorator(decorated)
	return decorated

func main() {

	s := &service{}

	// Without decorator

	// With decorator
	l := log.New(os.Stdout, "client:", log.LstdFlags)
	decoratedS := Decorate(s, Logging(l), Timeit(l))

Simple Decorator

package main

import (

func main() {
	exec := func(s string) error {
		return errors.New("fake error")

	execRetry := Retry(exec)

	err := execRetry("hello")
	if err != nil {

type Exec func(string) error

func Retry(fn Exec) Exec {
	return func(s string) error {
		var err error
		for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
			err = fn(s)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("retry", i)
		return err

Types of Decorator Pattern

package main

import (

// Define the function to decorate, e.g. Greet.
type Greeter interface {
	Greet(name string) string

// Create a first class function for the method Greet which
// fulfils the interface Greeter. The alternative is to create another struct.
type GreetFn func(string) string

func (g GreetFn) Greet(str string) string {
	return g(str)

// Decorator takes in the struct and return the decorated struct.
type Decorator func(Greeter) Greeter

func WithHonorific(honorific string) Decorator {
	return func(g Greeter) Greeter {
		return GreetFn(func(name string) string {
			return honorific + " " + g.Greet(name)

func WithWeather(weather string) Decorator {
	return func(g Greeter) Greeter {
		return GreetFn(func(name string) string {
			return fmt.Sprintf("Hi %s, the weather is %s", g.Greet(name), weather)

type NameGreeter struct {

func (n *NameGreeter) Greet(name string) string {
	return name

func main() {
		var greeter = WithHonorific("Mr.")(&NameGreeter{})
		var greeter = &WeatherGreeter{&NameGreeter{}, "rainy"}
		var greeter = WithWeatherStruct("sunny")(&NameGreeter{})
		var greeter = WithWeather("rainy")(WithHonorific("Mr.")(&NameGreeter{}))
		var greeter = decorate(&NameGreeter{}, WithHonorific("Mr."), WithWeather("rainy"))
		var greeter = decorate(&NameGreeter{}, WithHonorific("Dr."), WithWeatherStruct("sunny"))

func decorate(g Greeter, decorators ...Decorator) Greeter {
	for _, decorator := range decorators {
		g = decorator(g)
	return g

type WeatherGreeter struct {
	greeter Greeter
	weather string

func (w *WeatherGreeter) Greet(name string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Hi %s, the weather is %s!", w.greeter.Greet(name),

func WithWeatherStruct(weather string) Decorator {
	return func(greeter Greeter) Greeter {
		return &WeatherGreeter{greeter, weather}
