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Distributed CI environment for development

This repository is used to store the configuration of docker compose in order to provide an environment for development.

Getting started

For running dci in docker compose follow those steps:

  • clone this repository
  • bootstrap dci-dev-env, run ./utils/
  • install docker-compose and git-review if you want to contribute, you can install those requirements by simply typing: pip install -U -r requirements.txt
  • launch the environment docker-compose -f dci.yml up -d

Now the environment is up and running, you can attach containers in order to run parts of the applications:

docker exec -it <container-name> bash


docker exec -it dcidevenv_api_1 bash


Here is the list of containers for running the application:

  • dci_db: contains the postgresql database, it is started by default and serve the database on localhost port 5432.
  • dci_es: contains the elasticsearch database, it is started by default and serve on localhost port 9200 and 9300.
  • dci_api: contains the api of the application, it must be started manually The API is served on localhost port 5000.
  • dci_app: contains the web app of dci, it must be started manually The web application is served on localhost port 8000.
  • dci_tox: contains all the needed module for testing, it is not needed for running the application but is a helper in order to run tests on the client and the API.
  • dci_doc: helper for building the documentation of the project.
  • dci_dbwatcher: helper for interacting with the database.
  • dci_client: contains the python-dciclient.
  • dcidevenv_keycloak: keycloak server for SSO.

API container

You can initialize or reinitialize the database by running db_provisioning script:

docker exec -it dcidevenv_api_1 bash

TOX container

This container is a helper for launching tests on the client and/or the api, just navigate to the correct project directory and run the tox command in order to launch the tests.

docker exec -it dcidevenv_tox_1 bash
cd dci

CLIENT container

This container allows one to run the python-dciclient within it.

This container is special in several ways compares to the others:

  • It runs systemd
  • It runs an sshd daemon (root/root)

To initialize this container you need to perform some operations:

  • Install the dciclient library, as well as the agents and feeders:

    cd /opt/python-dciclient && pip install -e . cd /opt/python-dciclient/agents && pip install -e . cd /opt/python-dciclient/feeders && pip install -e .

  • Create a file with the following credentials and source it:

export DCI_LOGIN=admin
export DCI_PASSWORD=admin
export DCI_CS_URL=http://$API_CONTAINER_IP:5000

Note: The $API_CONTAINER_IP can be obtained by running

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <container-id>

KEYCLOAK container

This container allows to use SSO based authentication.

  • It's provisioned by default by the following:

    • The user admin: username=admin, password=admin
    • A realm 'dci-test'.
    • A client 'dci-cs'.
    • A lambda user within the dci-test realm: username=dci, password=dci
  • The client dci-cs is configured to allows OIDC Implicit flow and Direct Access protocols.

    • To use the implicit flow the browser should go to the following link: http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/dci-test/protocol/openid-connect/auth?\ client_id=dci-cs&

      The 'nonce' value must be randomly generated. This link will redirect the browser to Keycloak SSO login page. Once the user is authenticated then Keycloak will redirect to the URL indicated by the 'redirect_uri' parameter in the following way: http://localhost:5000/rh-partner#\ id_token=eyJhs ... EPscxhRMuEdA&

      The id_token parameter correspond to the Json Web Token (jwt) generated by Keycloak and will be used to authenticated the client on the server api.

    • To use the Direct Access protocol, for instance from the CLI:

      $ curl -d "client_id=dci-cs"
      -d "username=dci" -d
      -d "grant_type=password"

      This will get a JWT and will be used to authenticated the client on the server api.

Extra containers

Doc container

This container generates dci documentation. If you want to generate the dci documentation run the container:

docker-compose -f dci.yml -f dci-extra.yml run doc

DBwatcher container

This container generates a schema of the db. If you want to generate the database schema run the container:

docker-compose -f dci.yml -f dci-extra.yml run dbwatcher


Dci development environment






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  • Shell 66.8%
  • Python 33.2%