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The scanner and analyzer of ESM.


pnpm i esm-analyzer


The scanner uses @babel/parser to parse the source code and find the import and export statements.

import { scan } from 'esm-analyzer'

const { imports, exports } = scan(sourceCode, lang)


The lang parameter is used to specify the language of the source code.

It can be one of the following values:

  • js
  • jsx
  • ts
  • tsx

imports scanner


  • ✅ import default, e.g. import foo from 'bar'
  • ✅ import namespace, e.g. import * as foo from 'bar'
  • ✅ import named, e.g. import { foo } from 'bar'
  • ✅ import named with alias, e.g. import { foo as bar } from 'bar'
  • ✅ import type named, e.g. import type { foo } from 'bar' or import { type foo } from 'bar'

type definition

The imports type is defined as follows:

interface ScanResultBase {
  source: string
  loc: ASTNodeLocation

// import a from 'a'
interface ScanImportResultDefault extends ScanResultBase {
  type: 'default'
  local: string // a

// import * as a from 'a'
interface ScanImportResultNamespace extends ScanResultBase {
  type: 'namespace'
  local: string // a

// import { a as b } from 'a'
interface ScanImportResultImport extends ScanResultBase {
  type: 'import'
  subType: 'id' | 'string' // id: `import { a } from 'a'`; string: `import { 'a' } from 'a'`
  isType: boolean // `import type { a } from 'a'` or `import { type a } from 'a'`
  local: string // b
  imported: string // a

type ScanImportResultItem = ScanImportResultDefault | ScanImportResultNamespace | ScanImportResultImport

The imports is an array of ScanImportResultItem.


The basic example:

const code = 'import foo from "bar"'
scan(code, 'js').imports

will be:

    loc: {
      end: {
        column: 10,
        index: 10,
        line: 1,
      start: {
        column: 7,
        index: 7,
        line: 1,
    local: 'foo',
    source: 'bar',
    type: 'default',

the standalone API

Also, you can use the standalone import scanner API(with loadScanner helper):

import { loadScanner } from 'esm-analyzer'

const importResults = loadScanner(sourceCode, lang, node => scanImport(node))


The scanImport function accepts a config object as the second parameter:

interface ScanImportConfig {
  includeSource?: string[] // the source list to be included
  excludeSource?: string[] // the source list to be excluded
  skipType?: boolean // whether to skip the type import

const defaultConfig: Required<ScanImportConfig> = {
  includeSource: [],
  excludeSource: [],
  skipType: false,

variable declarations scanner

The variable declarations is an array of ScanVariableDeclarationResult.


  • ❌ deferred init
  • primitive declaration
    • StringLiteral
    • NumericLiteral
    • BooleanLiteral
    • NullLiteral
  • ✅ reference declaration
  • complex declaration
    • ObjectExpression
    • ArrayExpression
    • CallExpression
    • ❗ Others are not supported yet

type definition

The ScanVariableDeclarationResult is defined as follows:

export interface ScanVariableDeclarationResult {
  loc: ASTNodeLocation
  kind: t.VariableDeclaration['kind']
  name: string
  init: ResolveVariableDeclaration


The basic example:

const code = 'const foo = "bar"'
scan(code, 'js').variables

The output will be:

    init: {
      type: 'StringLiteral',
      value: 'bar',
    kind: 'const',
    loc: {
      end: {
        column: 17,
        index: 17,
        line: 1,
      start: {
        column: 6,
        index: 6,
        line: 1,
    name: 'foo',

the standalone API

Also, you can use the standalone variable scanner API(with loadScanner helper):

import { loadScanner } from 'esm-analyzer'

const importResults = loadScanner(sourceCode, lang, node => scanVariableDeclaration(node))


The scanVariableDeclaration function accepts a config object as the second parameter:

export type VariableType =
  | 'StringLiteral'
  | 'NumericLiteral'
  | 'BooleanLiteral'
  | 'NullLiteral'
  | 'ObjectExpression'
  | 'ArrayExpression'
  | 'CallExpression'

interface ScanVariableDeclarationConfig {
  includeType?: VariableType[]
  excludeType?: VariableType[]

export scanner


  • ✅ export default, e.g. export default foo
  • ✅ export named, e.g. export { foo }
    • only support Identifier and primitive
    • functions are not supported yet
  • ✅ export named with alias, e.g. export { foo as bar }
  • ✅ export all, e.g. export * from 'foo'
  • ❌ export type, e.g. export type { foo } from 'bar'
  • ❌ export type named, e.g. export { type foo } from 'bar'

type definition

The exports type is defined as follows, will return ScanExportResult[]

export interface ScanExportNamedDeclarationResult {
  type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration'
  subType: 'VariableDeclaration'
  kind: t.VariableDeclaration['kind']
  declarations: {
    name: string
    init: ResolveVariableDeclaration

export interface ScanExportNamedSpecifiersResult {
  type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration'
  subType: 'Specifiers'
  specifiers: {
    local: string
    exported: string
  source: string | null

export interface ScanExportAllResult {
  type: 'ExportAllDeclaration'
  source: string

export interface ScanExportDefaultIdentifierResult {
  type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration'
  subType: 'Identifier'
  id: string

export interface ScanExportDefaultObjectResult {
  type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration'
  subType: 'ObjectExpression'
  properties: {
    key: string
    value: ResolveVariableDeclaration

export type ScanExportResult = (
  | ScanExportNamedDeclarationResult
  | ScanExportNamedSpecifiersResult
  | ScanExportAllResult
  | ScanExportDefaultIdentifierResult
  | ScanExportDefaultObjectResult
) & {
  loc: ASTNodeLocation


The basic example:

const code = 'export default { a: 1, b: 2 }'
scan(code, 'js').exports

The result will be:

    loc: {
      end: {
        column: 7,
        index: 58,
        line: 5,
      start: {
        column: 6,
        index: 7,
        line: 2,
    properties: [
        key: 'a',
        value: {
          type: 'NumericLiteral',
          value: 1,
        key: 'b',
        value: {
          type: 'NumericLiteral',
          value: 2,
    subType: 'ObjectExpression',
    type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration',

the standalone API

Also, you can use the standalone export scanner API(with loadScanner helper):

import { loadScanner } from 'esm-analyzer'

const importResults = loadScanner(sourceCode, lang, node => scanExport(node))


The scanExport function accepts a config object as the second parameter:

export type ScanExportType =
  | 'ExportNamedDeclaration'
  | 'ExportAllDeclaration'
  | 'ExportDefaultDeclaration'

interface ScanExportConfig {
  includeType?: ScanExportType[]
  excludeType?: ScanExportType[]


use analyze you can find all the variable declarations and their import statement and export statement

const code1 = {
  filename: '/src/bar.js',
  code: `
      export const bar = 'bar'
const code2 = {
  filename: '/src/foo.js',
  code: `
      import { bar, ref } from './bar'
      export const foo = bar
      const foo2 = ref(1)
const p = new Project('test')
p.addFile(code1.filename, code1.code)
p.addFile(code2.filename, code2.code)
await p.prepare()
const c = p.findAnalyzeResults(code2.filename)

The result is map, and it's entries is:

      init: {
        id: 'bar',
        type: 'Identifier',
      kind: 'const',
      loc: {
        end: {
          column: 28,
          index: 68,
          line: 3,
        start: {
          column: 19,
          index: 59,
          line: 3,
      name: 'foo',
      fromExport: {
        declarations: [
            init: {
              type: 'StringLiteral',
              value: 'bar',
            name: 'bar',
        kind: 'const',
        loc: {
          end: {
            column: 30,
            index: 31,
            line: 2,
          start: {
            column: 6,
            index: 7,
            line: 2,
        subType: 'VariableDeclaration',
        type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration',
      fromImport: {
        imported: 'bar',
        isType: false,
        loc: {
          end: {
            column: 18,
            index: 19,
            line: 2,
          start: {
            column: 15,
            index: 16,
            line: 2,
        local: 'bar',
        source: './bar',
        subType: 'id',
        type: 'import',
      id: 'bar',
      importFile: '/src/bar.js',
      type: 'Identifier',
      init: {
        arguments: [
            type: 'NumericLiteral',
            value: 1,
        callee: 'ref',
        type: 'CallExpression',
      kind: 'const',
      loc: {
        end: {
          column: 25,
          index: 94,
          line: 4,
        start: {
          column: 12,
          index: 81,
          line: 4,
      name: 'foo2',
      arguments: [
          type: 'NumericLiteral',
          value: 1,
      callee: 'ref',
      calleeFrom: {
        imported: 'ref',
        isType: false,
        loc: {
          end: {
            column: 23,
            index: 24,
            line: 2,
          start: {
            column: 20,
            index: 21,
            line: 2,
        local: 'ref',
        source: './bar',
        subType: 'id',
        type: 'import',
      type: 'CallExpression',
