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Sheng Zhao edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 7 revisions


  • Bind
    #nameInput{value: name}
    this will bind value of "#nameInput" to "name" of current data context

  • Pipe
    #nameInput{value >@/checkLengh: name}
    this bind value to "name", and check the length by calling "checkLength" function in global scope.

  • Embedded Function
    #ageInput{value > @{return Number(value);}: age}
    this will bind value to "age", convert the value to number by the embedded function

  • Multiple Pipes #nameInput{value > @/checkLengh > @/validName: name} this will bind value to name and check the length and validate the value as name when value is changed.

  • Multi-binding #titleString{text: (gender & name) >@/getTitle } this bind the text content of "#helloString" to the "gender" and "name" on current data context. Generate the final string by calling @getTitle

  • Event #okButton{@click: /@onOKButtonClick} this will bind the "click" event of the button to "onOKButtonClick"

  • Template
    #userList{ foreach[template: userTemplate] : users;} this will fill "#userList" with "user", the child elements is created from "userTemplate"

  • Binding to error status #errorMessage{text: !#nameInput.value> {return value?value.message: "";}} this will bind the "#errorMessage"'s text to the error status of "#nameInput.value

  • Embedded CBS blocks

    dataContext: currentUser;

    -> .nameInput{ value: name};    
    -> .generSelect{ value: gender};

this will set the binding option for #profileEditor, #profileEditor .nameInput and #profileEditor .nameInput

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