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The aim of this project is to utilise JavaScript, HTML & CSS to develop a fun-yet-challenging test for nerds everywhere: As Pokémon-spotting could arguably be considered one of the ultimate tests of nerd knowledge and geekdom, this project was originally envisioned as PokéDeX•Trainer, Gotta ID 'em ALL!

Initial Project Doodlings

However, given Nintendo's notorious zero-tolerance approach to the use of their IPs, caution was obviously prudent. After seeking advice and following further online research, a different devious design was adopted for development: Behold the...

nerdOmeter header



nerdOmeter aims to cater for nerds looking to test their nerdiness and prove their fandom knowledge.

External User Goals:

  • To test their nerd knowledge using a simple-yet-stylish interactive online experience

  • Identify a random selection of Fandom franchises from their logos alone

  • Option to request features and leave feedback via a prominent contact method

    Additional user expectations for consideration include:

    • Intuitive/conventional navigation elements
    • Familiar and/or easily understandable site structure
    • Responsive: access site easily on any device

Site Owner Goals:

  • Develop a simple-yet-stylish interactive online test for nerdiness

  • Offer the opportunity for other nerdy types to make contact and offer feedback/suggestions

    Additional stakeholder concerns for consideration:

    • Geeky, retro feel with some animated element(s) preferred; page background/icons/logo
    • Provide clear credits and image information for all logos utilised in the test
    • The ability to easily expand and/or change the test material

Potential Features:

Considering the goals, expectations and concerns detailed above, potential features for the nerdOmeter site should include:

  • A stylish, retro feel with easy, intuitive navigation/controls - and some animation!
  • To test user's knowledge in an engaging-yet-challenging experience
  • Provide a prominent contact method for user interaction
  • Potential to easily expand/change test content
  • Potential for a Rankings or Leaderboard feature

UCD Phase 2: SCOPE

Analysis and grading of Phase One considerations allows a simple Strategy Table to be generated:

Intuitive interactive online experience 5 4 A
Fun & challenging test of knowledge 5 4 B
Prominent contact options 5 5 C
Potential to expand/change content 4 5 D
Potential for Ranking/Leaderboard feature 3 2 E
TOTAL 22 20

UCD Strategic Trade-Offs: Importance vs Feasibility

Strategic Trade-offs

Plotting the Strategy Table results provides a visible indication of what is feasibily within the scope of the project at this time. As I am unable to meet all requirements at present, I will aim to provide nerdOmeter initially as an MVP or Minimum Viable Product, therefore: Due to time and current-skill limitations the site will be developed in phases:

Initial Phase: Delivery of MVP, a fully functioning website, with the exception of

  • Potential expansion of test material (primarily to increase user-challenge) withheld and focusing on a smaller subset of images (15) and shorter test length (5) in order develop working proof-of-concept

  • Provision of Leaderboard/Ranking feature to be considered as/when time allows


nerdOmeter Layout

Rather than relying on multiple HTML and CSS pages, this project aims to primarily utilise JavaScript to control and affect the transitions and functions of a single-page online experience. To this end, and after careful consideration and research, the decision was made to contravene a pre-HTML5 convention and to utilise more than one <main> tag in the index.html; however, through the use of the display:'block' and display:'none' attributes, there is only ever one <main> element visible at a time.



Initial Wireframes for nerdOmeter

Following current conventional practice, nerdOmeter was designed with a Mobile First approach.

Balsamiq Start Balsamiq Game Balsamiq Modal

Balsamiq Score Balsamiq Feedback

All wireframes generated in Balsamiq




All fonts utilised in this project were sourced from and served by Google Fonts

  • Heading Font: Press Start 2P

    Press Start P2 is a cursive style font with a gamer-geek/retro-tech, pixellated appearance. It was chosen as it effectively conveys the nerdy aesthetic of both site focus and content.

  • Body Font: VT323

    The monotype font VT323 was chosen as a geeky, computer-themed compliment to Press Start P2.

Google Fonts Choices


Colours utilised were chosen from the palette of the background video, with the 60:40:10 rule in mind

• 60% Background/Primary - #191970 Midnight Blue

• 40% Body Text/Secondary: #fff White chosen for excellent contrast with Primary

• 10% Accent/Tertiary: #00ffff Cyan chosen as a clean, fresh contrast to Primary and compliment to Tertiary


• All the fandom franchise icons utilised in nerdOmeter are credited within the site via the modal link in the footer, in addition to this nerdOmeter Image Credits PDF summary


During the course of this project I have utilised the following technologies:


  • JavaScript was used to add interactivity and enrich the User eXperience

  • HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language) was used for structuring & presenting site content

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was used to provide styling to the HTML


  • favicon was used to create a unique favicon for nerdOmeter


  • Git was used for version control (commit to Git and push to GitHub)

  • Gitpod was used to write my code; an online IDE linked to the GitHub repository

  • GitHub was used to create the repository and store the project's code after being pushed from Git

  • Chrome used to debug & test source code using HTML5 and to test site responsiveness

  • Balsamiq used to generate project site maps and wireframes

  • Google Fonts used for all fonts utilised in the project

  • amiresponsive used to check how responsive the site is on different devices

  • Web Page Test used to test site performance

  • JSHint, W3C Markup and W3C Jigsaw used to validate all source JavaScript, HTML & CSS code


Site-wide Features

Site-wide Header with Logo and Dynamic Subheader

Site-wide Logo & Dynamic Subheader

Site-wide Logo & Dynamic Subheader Game Panel

  • The main site page employs a simple centred block styling, stacking the page elements under the main header

    • No nav elements required as all site navigations controlled via code and direct user inputs

  • A dynamic subheader directly below the main header carrys the nerdOmeter strapline The ULTIMATE nerd test! by default

    • During the game phase the subheader content asks the user the million-dollar-question; 'What is this logo from?'

    • Subheader content is returned to default when the score panel activates at the end of the game phase

Site-wide Animated Page Background

  • The main Home page section consists of a royalty-free stock animated video (.mp4) background

    • Selected for it's retroesque-with-a-modern-twist look and feel of geeky video games and cartoons

    • Sourced from Videezy, as detailed in Contents

Site-wide Footer

  • The footer section incorporates a JavaScript-controlled modal link containing image credits for all utilised images

    REMEDIED FOR RESUBMISSION In response to initial Assessment Team feedback, this resubmission iteration includes improvement to the external link to image sources used; the original Google Sheets HTML export nerdometer.html has been deleted and replaced with a Google Sheets PDF containing the same source information - without any ugly extra HTML to forget to validate!

Site-wide Footer

Site-wide Footer Modal

Start Panel Features

  • The start panel screen displays the premise of the game to first-time and returning users

  • The currently-disabled textbox placeholder copy invites users to 'Hit NERD IT to play!'

  • Clicking NERD IT initiates the game

  • FEEDBACK button is disabled until post-game

Start Panel

Game Panel Features

  • The game panel screen displays a random icon from the master array

  • User info text appears below the screen informing the user which round they are playing out of 5

  • Textbox is activated, placeholder text asks the user to type their answer

    REFINED FOR RESUBMISSION In response to initial Assessment Team feedback, this resubmission iteration includes improvements to text input fields; those utilised solely for user messaging are now readonly and the user answer input now incorporates defensive design by disallowing empty submissions.

  • Button functions change to SUBMIT and PASS/NEXT, allowing users to skip the hard ones

Game Panel

  • After answer submit an alert informs the user if they were correct or incorrect

    • Incorrect alert panel informs the user of the correct answer

    REFINED FOR RESUBMISSION In response to initial Assessment Team feedback, this resubmission iteration includes improvement to standard JavaScript alerts using the SweetAlert js modal package.

  • After alert SweetAlert modal is dismissed another random icon is displayed

  • Each game consists of 5 unique logos chosen randomly from a pool of 15

  • After 5 rounds the game ends and the score panel is displayed

Game Panel Correct Alert

Game Panel Incorrect Alert

Score Panel Features

  • The score panel screen content congratulates the user and returns their score out of 5

  • Subheader copy is reverted back to default

  • Textbox placeholder copy thanks users for playing and asks if they want to try again

  • Button functions change to PLAY AGAIN and FEEDBACK (now active)

    REFINED FOR RESUBMISSION This resubmission iteration includes a contextual response header h2 element;

    • h2 if user score <=1: UNLUCKY!
    • h2 if user score ==2: NOT BAD!
    • h2 if user score ==3: GOOD GOING!
    • h2 if user score ==4: WELL DONE!
    • h2 if user score ==5: TOP MARKS!

Score Panel

Feedback Panel Features

  • The feedback panel screen consists of a 'Feedback Appreciated!' header and copy encouraging users to get in touch

  • A simple <form> element captures user name, email address & message (all required fields)

  • Textbox placeholder copy thanks users for their feedback

  • Button functions change to PLAY AGAIN and FEEDBACK (disabled)

Feedback Panel

Feedback Form Validation

Features Left to Implement

  • Identified as Strategic Trade-offs at UXD Phase 2, a Ranking System and Test Expansions will be addressed, skills and time permitting, as and when possible.


Managed within GitHub and Gitpod via regular commits pushed to GitHub remote servers:

Gitpod Workspaces

  1. Starting from GitHub, clone the Code Institute template by clicking Use This Template and copying to my repo. Launch Workspace by clicking GitPod button - this action is only performed once and the workspace is subsequently reopened through GitPod.

  2. Start the Gitpod Workspace which opens an online IDE editor window.

    • Update GitHub by committing from GitPod
  3. During editing save the code regularly, using git add ., git commit -m "commit message here" and git push Bash commands to push changes to the GitHub repository.

  4. Meaningful commit messages allow easy roll-back of any changes to earlier versions.



jshint Validator Testing


W3C Validator Testing


  • HTML
    • 3 errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator
      • These relate to the outdated convention of only ever using one <main> tag


    • No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator
      • REMEDIED FOR RESUBMISSION by leaving one <main> tag and changing remaining to divs




Valid CSS!

Google Developer Tools

  • I made use of the built-in Chrome Dev Tools to experiment and debug while coding, in addition to testing simulated responsive behaviour across a wide range of mobile and desktop devices, and finally checking all pages Performance using Lighthouse.

Response Testing

In order to make sure that RJW Illustration was responsive to all device sizes, I used amiresponsive



  • I used WebPageTest set to London/Chrome as a final test for nerdOmeter.

WebPageTest Main


In addition to my own testing a link to the project was shared to family & friends for rigorous testing across varied devices and screen sizes.

  • Browsers including:

    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Edge
  • Devices including:

    • iPhone SE (Gen 1)
    • iPhone 11
    • iPhone 12 Mini
    • Google Pixel 4a
    • iPad Pro (2018)
    • iPad Air (2020)
    • MacBook Pro (2015)
    • Windows 10 PC

Manual Testing Results Summary

Main Start Page

Header & Footer Ensure all header, footer & button elements behave as expected: Active/Hover states; Modal PASS
Ensure all styled responsive behaviour rules are met as expected PASS
Ensure modal link behave as expected and display correct info PASS
Background Video Ensure appropriate behaviour across-site: loads & plays; response scaling; PASS
Inputs Ensure button functions perform as expected [x2] PASS / N-A
Responsive Ensure responsive behaviour rules are met as expected PASS

Lighthouse Main

Game panel

Sub Ensure dynamic subheader copy is correct PASS
Image Ensure expected behaviour: unique; random; displayed correctly BUG! PASS
Gameplay Ensure game loops and features work as expected: BUG! PASS
Gameplay Ensure game answer checking works as expected: letter case matching; answers are correct! PASS
Gameplay Ensure game score tracking works as expected: logs correct / incorrect PASS
Inputs Ensure button functions perform as expected PASS
Inputs Ensure Enter-as-SUBMIT function performs as expected: BUG! PASS
Responsive Ensure responsive behaviour rules are met as expected PASS

Score panel

Sub Ensure dynamic subheader copy is correct PASS
Score Ensure expected behaviour: correct value returned PASS
Inputs Ensure button functions perform as expected [x2] BUG! PASS / PASS
Responsive Ensure responsive behaviour rules are met as expected PASS

Feedback panel

Form element Ensure expected behaviour: Validation; confirmation PASS
Inputs Ensure button functions perform as expected [x2] BUG! PASS / N-A
Responsive Ensure responsive behaviour rules are met as expected PASS


### Bug: Duplicate images in some gameplay runs

Issue: Duplicate icons appearing during some games

Fixed: Identified and rectified a coding error in JavaScript RNG function

### Bug: Enter-as-SUBMIT causes game glitch if used during gameplay runs

Issue: Pressing Enter rather than submit to post answers causes the game to play itself and complete the remaining rounds with wrong answers. This feature has previously been working as expected but now glitches the game. Really frustrating!

Fixed: Fixed by repositioning event listener code block within the function.

### Bug: Play Again button fails to reset game panel correctly for another run REMEDIED FOR RESUBMISSION

Issue: Clicking Play Again on the score or feedback panels takes user back to the game panel but doesn't reset and reload the game again properly; the icon & answer from the previous game still populates the screen & textbox; round-count is still set at 5/5; unable to interact with user inputs.

Fixed: After much searching and head-scratching I realised there wasn't a function to initiate a fresh instance of the game - d'oh! A simple addition of a few lines of startFreshGame function code squashed this bug!

Annoying bug

Note to assessors: Unfortunately - and much to my frustration - I was unable to squash this bug before deadline, which is really annoying as it would have been MVP. My apologies. REMEDIED FOR RESUBMISSION


  • The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:
    • In the GitHub repository, navigate to the Settings tab
    • Click the Pages section in the sidebar
    • From the source section drop-down menu, select the main branch
    • Once the main branch has been selected, the page will be automatically refreshed with a detailed ribbon display to indicate the successful deployment.

The live link can be found here -



All document fonts sourced from google fonts:

Game content selection informed/inspired by & borrowed/adapted from an online nerd challenge @:

Background Video sourced from:

Consistent footer behaviour controlled using learnt, borrowed and adapted css-grid code from:

Page background video modified code from

Modal box for footer/image credits learnt, borrowed and adapted css-grid code from:

SweetAlert In response to initial Assessment Team feedback, this resubmission iteration includes improvement to standard js alerts using the JavaScript modal package from: