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Explore Visual Tools for ML

Learning Path

Use Automated ML in Azure ML Studio

Learning Module

Definition: A way to predict unknown values with a model using math.


Supervised Requires a dataset with known labels

  • Regression: Predicts a value like price
  • Classification: Provides a binary (yes/no, 1/0) value

Unsupervised No known labels in the dataset

  • Clustering: Create labels based on grouping items with similar information

Azure ML Studio

Definition: An Azure service that automates common ML tasks like training, deploying. Provides specialized cloud-compute to scale workloads

Offers a portal to interact with its features

Azure ML Workspace

Definition: A requirement to use Azure ML Studio. Allows to manage data, compute resources, code, models.

Azure ML Compute

Definition: Provides different compute resources types to work with ML

Compute types offered:

  • Compute instances: A workstation-like compute to work with models and data
  • Compute Clusters: Scalable VM clusters, on-demand workloads
  • Inference Clusters: For deploying ML models and provide predictions
  • Attached Compute: Links to existing compute resources in Azure

Azure Automated ML (AutoML)

Definition: Automatically tries different algorithms to train a model allowing you to choose which model is best

  • Easier for beginners (no extensive Data Science knowledge needed)
  • Operations are called jobs


  1. Prepare data: Identify features, clean, transform data.
  2. Train model: Split data (train and validation) and then train the model using the training data set
  3. Evaluate performance: Compare results to known labels
  4. Deploy: Use the model as an application like a service

Prepare data Data for model training is called a dataset. You can create datasets in Azure

Train model AutoML supports supervised ML models. It has to use known labels. Supervised training includes: Classification, Regression, and Time Series Forecasting

Evaluate performance

Happens after the "best" model is generated with the exit criteria. Use the Residual Histogram to show frequency of residual value ranges, and Predicted vs. True for correlatiton of values.


Use Azure Container Instance (ACI) or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. AKS is recommended for production.

Create a Regression model with Azure ML Designer

Learning Module

Regression ML scenarios

Definition: Predicts a numeric result or outcome from variables (a.k.a features). E.g. A PC with N GB of RAM and X type of CPU processor can get a price prediction.

Type of ML: Supervised

Training involves both the features and the known values for the label


  • Predict home prices from house features
  • Crop yield in farms from weather and soil quality
  • Ad click-through from data from past campaigns

Azure ML Designer

Definiton: A visual UI with drag-and-drop elements to perform common ML actions like train, test, and deploy ML models.

ML Designer projects are known as pipelines

Azure ML Pipelines

Definition: Steps to organize, manage, and reuse complex workflows across projects and users. It starts with the dataset. Results are stored in your workspace.

Azure ML Pipeline component

Definition: A single step in an ML pipeline, like a programming function (building bloc)

Azure ML Datasets

Definition: Register data assets in Azure from local files, datastores, web files, or Open Datasets.

Azure ML Jobs

Definition: A task for a compute target with tracking for runs and workflows. All runs are recorded and can be viewed in the UI.

Steps for regression

  1. Prepare data: Cleaning, pre-processing
  2. Train model: Data split in training and validation sets. Training happens with the training dataset. Validation is for testing performance
  3. Evaluate: Check predictions against known labels
  4. Deploy: Get the model into a server for real-time (live) inference pipeline

Model Training with Azure ML Designer

Step Dataset
Type of task (Linear Regression)
Train Model Split data with training dataset
Score Model Split data with validation dataset

Performance Evaluation

  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): Average of predicted and true values
  • Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): Square root of the difference of predicted and true values
  • Relative Squared Error (RSE): A value between 0 and 1 from the square of the difference between predicted and true values
  • Relative Absolute Error (RAE): A value between 0 and 1 from the absolute differences between predicted and true values
  • Coefficient of Determination (R2): Variance predicted between predicted and true values. Closer to 1 means better model performance

Deploy a prediction service

You must convert your training pipeline into a real-time inference pipeline. The process removes training components and adds a web service to handle requests.

After pipeline creation:

  • Deploy it as an endpoint, wait for it to get in a healthy state
  • Test it after deployment with sample data in JSON format
  • Use credentials to consume the endpoint using authentication

Create a classification model with Azure ML Designer

Learning Module

Classification ML scenarios

Definition: Classification can predict a category (or class) for an item. Applies to binary and multi-class scenarios.

Type of ML: Supervised

Training also involves features and known values for the label.


  • Predict if a patient will become sick given clinical data
  • Predict text sentiment (positive, neutral, negative)

Steps for classification

  1. Prepare data: Cleaning, pre-processing
  2. Train model: Data split in training and validation sets. Training happens with the training dataset. Validation is for testing performance
  3. Evaluate: Check predictions against known labels
  4. Deploy: Get the model into a server for real-time (live) inference pipeline

Confusion Matrix

Helps visualize true positives (both 1's) true negatives (both 0's) and false positives and negatives. Binary classification predicts one of two values.

Actual 1 Actual 0
Predicted 1 869 377
Predicted 0 400 2377


  • Accuracy: Ratio of correct predictions (true positives + true negatives)
  • Precision: Fraction of cases that are true positives
  • Recall: True positives divided by the number of true positives plus flase negatives
  • F1 Score: Overall metric from combining precision and recall

ROC curve and AUC Metric

ROC definition: Plotting the True Positive Rate against the False Positive Rate for every threshold value between 0 and 1.

AUC definition: Is the Area Under the Curve. For a ROC plot, the highes the area the better the model.

Create a clustering model with Azure ML Designer

Learning Module

Clustering ML scenarios

Definition: Groups similar items into clusters based on their features.

Type of ML: Unsupervised


  • Grouping of wines given their flavor characteristics
  • Grouping of dishes given their ingredients and preparation type

Training and Steps for clustering

  1. Prepare data: Cleaning, pre-processing
  2. Train model: Data split in training and validation sets. Training happens with the training dataset. Validation is for testing performance
  3. Evaluate: Check predictions against known labels
  4. Deploy: Get the model into a server for real-time (live) inference pipeline
Step Dataset
Type of task (K-means clustering)
Train clustering Model Split data with training dataset
Assign data to clusters Split data with validation dataset

Evaluate performance

  • Average Distance to Other Center: Average of each point to centroids in all other clusters
  • Average Distance to Cluster Center: Average from centroid of the cluster
  • Number of Points: Total number of points in the cluster
  • Maximal Distance to Cluster Center: Maximum distances between each point and the centroid of that point