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File metadata and controls

181 lines (136 loc) · 6.42 KB

Loading From Your Data Source

By using kafka queues as the entry for streaming graph updates, the Dynamic-Graph-Service (abbreviated as DGS) can decouple the different data sources and sampling workers. Users can develop their own data loaders to ingest from a customized source data and push graph updates into the output kafka queues for further consuming.

Rules to Follow

When processing source data in the dataloader, these rules should be followed:

  • The graph schema of the source data must be consistent with DGS.
  • A produced kafka message must be a batch of graph updates, defined as a flatbuffers table RecordBatchRep.
  • Graph updates are partitioned among sampling workers, all records in one batch must have the same data partition id.

Dataloader SDK

In practice, it is difficult for users to batch records with DGS graph schema, manage partitioning logic and produce partitioned batches into kafka queues with themselves. Thus, we provide a dataloader sdk (a c++ lib) to help users to batch records with following the specified graph schema in DGS, manage partitioning logics and dispatch partitioned records to the kafka queues.


Build dataloader sdk with cmake:

$ cd dynamic_graph_service/dataloader
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$install_prefix ..
$ make && make install

Use it in CMakeLists.txt:

list (APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH $install_prefix)
find_package (DataLoader)
target_link_libraries (program_name
  PUBLIC DataLoader::dataloader)


The dataloader must be initialized before the program runs. We provide a simple func to initialize the data loader, after deploying DGS, specify the DGS host name and the sdk will fetch info from DGS and perform the initialization automatically.

void Initialize(const std::string& dgs_host);


The following example code shows how to develop a simple dataloader with our sdk tools:

#include "dataloader/dataloader.h"  // include the sdk header

using namespace dgs::dataloader;

int main() {
    // Init sdk
    std::string dgs_host = "";
    // Using a group producer to auto partition, batch and produce updates,
    uint32_t batch_size = 8; // max record number in one batch
    GroupProducer p(batch_size);
    // Using schema to query types.
    // user -> buy -> item
    auto& schema = Schema::Get();
    auto user_type = schema.GetVertexDefByName("user").Type();
    auto item_type = schema.GetVertexDefByName("item").Type();
    auto buy_type = schema.GetEdgeDefByName("buy").Type();
    // add "user" vertex with vid = 111.
    p.AddVertex(user_type, 111, {
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("name").Type(), STRING, "Li Hua"},
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("timestamp").Type(), INT64, 1000}
    // add "item" vertex with vid = 222.
    p.AddVertex(item_type, 222, {
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("name").Type(), STRING, "Coca-Cola"},
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("feature").Type(), FLOAT32_LIST, std::vector<float>{1.0, 1.4, 2.2}},
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("timestamp").Type(), INT64, 1001}
    // add "buy" edge
    p.AddEdge(buy_type, user_type, item_type, 111, 222, {
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("wight").Type(), FLOAT64, 4.0},
        {schema.GetAttrDefByName("timestamp").Type(), INT64, 1002}
    // flush and produce

We provide a default file loader to load a data file according to the data format defined by users, refer to file-loader.

Data Loading Barrier

To help users track the data-loading progress of the cluster, we provide a barrier mechanism to check the status of data produced from dataloader to dgs service at a synchronized view.

A barrier is a global state and shared between all dataloader instances in cluster. Setting a barrier will insert a synchronization point into the output data stream (kafka queues), when all produced data (produced from all dataloader instances) before this synchronization point are sampled and ready for serving in DGS service, the barrier will be set to "ready" status.

A global barrier is uniquely identified by its "barrier_name". For a specific barrier, it must be set on all dataloader instances separately along with current instance's unique id. A global barrier is invalid until it is set on all dataloader instances.

We provide an SetBarrier func to help set a barrier on a specific dataloader instance.

void SetBarrier(const std::string& dgs_host,
                const std::string& barrier_name,
                uint32_t dl_count,
                uint32_t dl_id);

For example, assuming that you need to bulk load a huge table with 3 partitions and further load your streaming data source, you may create a cluster with 3 data loaders to load them concurrently. On each dataloader instance, set a barrier after bulk load finished:

    // On dataloader 0
    // bulk load ...
    SetBarrier("", "bulk_load", 3, 0);

    // streaming load ...

    // On dataloader 1

    // bulk load ...

    SetBarrier("", "bulk_load", 3, 1);

    // streaming load ...


    // On dataloader 2

    // bulk load ...

    SetBarrier("", "bulk_load", 3, 2);

    // streaming load ...

We provide another CheckBarrier func to help users check the barrier status after all dataloader instances have set the barrier.

    /// Status enum of global barrier.
    ///  "NOT_SET":   The barrier has not been set.
    ///  "PRODUCED":  All data before this barrier have been produced but not sampled.
    ///  "SAMPLED":   All data before this barrier have been sampled but not ready for serving.
    ///  "READY":     All data before this barrier have been sampled and ready for serving.
    enum BarrierStatus {

    /// Check a global barrier status
    BarrierStatus CheckBarrier(const std::string& dgs_host, const std::string& barrier_name);

Users can also check barrier status on their gsl-clients:

// public interface Graph
Status checkBarrier(String name) throws UserException;

// if Status.ok(), then the given barrier is READY.