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Weex richtext component for android/iOS


Richtext is used to achieve inline or <a> combined with inline-block <image>.It also support nested <span>, <image> and <a> with style inheritance and override. Thus, richtext can be considered as a more general <text> with more powerful usage. Generally, it can replace text with a little overhead unless you have a very long text which is updated frequently.


Only <span>, <a> and <image> are valid children of <richtext>. <span> and <a> are considered as display:inline, while <image> is considered as display:inline-block, which are default values and cannot be changed.

Children of <richtext> can be classified as two types of node, internal and external.

  • Internal node can have children nodes.
  • External node is not allowed to have any children.
  • <span> and <a> are internal node, while <image> is external node.

Richtext can be seen as a tree, and the max height of the tree is 255. Any styles on a node of which the height is greater than 255 has no effect.


  • <a> in iOS will have a color: blue style, and children of <a> can not override this style. This only happens for iOS, there is no default style and override restriction for <a> in Android.
  • <image> in richtext must have width and height style.
  • The content area of <image> will remain blank until the corresponding image is downloaded.
  • There is no nested richtext support for now.


Only the following attributes are supported in richtext.


  • src
  • pseudo-ref (string), a ref assigned by developers and passed to the callback function of onitemclick


  • href


<span> doesn’t support any attributes, text must be set as the content of <span>, e.g. <span>Hello World</span>.


Only a limited css style is supported in richtext. Any style not listed below is not supported.

  • <span>, <a> and <richtext> itself

    • styles can be inherited: color, font-family, font-size, font-style, font-weight, line-height

    • styles cannot be inherited: background-color

  • <span> also supports the following style

    • style cannot be inherited: text-decoration: none | underline | line-through , the default value is none
  • <richtext> also supports the following style

    • style cannot be inherited: lines the max line of richtext. Must be a positive integer.
  • <image>

    • styles cannot be inherite: width, height




This event will be fired when following condition met:

  • An img in richtext is click
  • None of the parent nor ancestor of the img is a tag

If the second condition doesn’t meet, weex will try to open the hyperlink of a tag instead.

pseudo-ref of img will be passed to the callback function of onitemclick when above condition met.

Common event

Weex common events are supported by the richtext node itself.

Children of richtext

None of the children of richtext support event.


        <richtext style="color:red;text-overflow:ellipsis">
            <a href="...">
                <image style="width:150; height:150" src="..." pseudo-ref="22"></image>
                <span style="font-size:42;color:#FF5400;">TAOBAO</span>
            <image style="width:300; height:300" src="..." pseudo-ref="23"></image>
            <span>Transition Transition Transition Transition Transition Transition</span>

    module.exports = {
        methods: {

.logo{width: 50;height: 50;}
.title{font-size:42; color: #FF5400;}


Weex richtext component for android/iOS






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