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A set of interfaces to interact with Alice: Crypto Finance's smart contracts.


yarn add @alice-finance/alice.js


npm install @alice-finance/alice.js

Getting Started

Alice's smart contracts are deployed on Loom Network which is a DPOS sidechain that guarantees sub-second confirmation. So most of the transactions will happen on Loom Network. However, your assets need to be transferred from Ethereum Network. So alice.js interacts with both networks.

Create private keys

First of all, you need to create private keys for both Ethereum Network and Loom Network.

import { CryptoUtils } from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const ethereumPrivateKey = CryptoUtils.createEthereumPrivateKey();
// save your ethereum private key
const loomPrivateKey = CryptoUtils.createLoomPrivateKey();
// save your loom private key

Create Alice

If you have private keys, you can create an Alice.

import Alice from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const alice = new Alice(ethereumPrivateKey, loomPrivateKey);

or, you can create Alice using 12-words mnemonic.

import Alice from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const alice = Alice.fromMnemonic("glove amused flock sight want basic course invite chase paper crater defense"); // example mnemonic

Map accounts

Your accounts in Ethereum Network and Loom Network must be mapped before deposit/withdrawal of assets.

const mapped = await alice.areAccountsMapped();
if (!mapped) {
    await alice.mapAccounts();

List of ERC20 assets

You can get the list of ERC20 assets that's registered in Alice

const erc20Assets = await alice.getLoomChain().getERC20AssetsAsync();

Deposit ETH/ERC20

ETH and ERC20 assets must be deposited to Loom Network prior to using Alice's financial services.


import { BigNumberUtils } from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const amount = BigNumberUtils.toBigNumber(10**18); // 1 ETH
const tx = await alice.getEthereumChain().depositETHAsync(amount);
await tx.wait();


import { BigNumberUtils } from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const asset = new ERC20Asset("DAIToken", "DAI", 18, "0x...", "0x..."); // DAIToken
const gateway = alice.getEthereumChain().getGateway();
const amount = BigNumberUtils.toBigNumber(10**18); // 1 DAI
const approveTx = await alice.getEthereumChain().approveERC20Async(asset, gateway.address, amount);
await approveTx.wait();
const depositTx = await alice.getEthereumChain().depositERC20Async(asset, amount);
await depositTx.wait();

After 10 blocks of confirmation, transfer gateway oracle generates same amount of assets in Loom Network.

Withdraw ETH/ERC20

ETH and ERC20 assets in Loom Network can be withdrawn to Ethereum Network.


import { BigNumberUtils, Constants } from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const amount = BigNumberUtils.toBigNumber(10**18); // 1 ETH
const ethereumGateway = alice.getEthereumChain().getGateway().address;
const myEthereumAddress = alice.getEthereumChain().getAddress().toLocalAddressString();
// Call to Loom Network
const tx1 = await alice.getLoomChain().withdrawETHAsync(amount, ethereumGateway);
await tx1.wait();
// Listen to the withdrawal signature
const signature = await alice.getLoomChain().listenToTokenWithdrawal(Constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, myEthereumAddress);
// Call to Ethereum Network
const tx2 = await alice.getEthereumChain().withdrawETHAsync(amount, signature);
await tx2.wait();


import { BigNumberUtils } from "@alice-finance/alice.js";

const asset = new ERC20Asset("DAIToken", "DAI", 18, "0x...", "0x..."); // DAIToken
const amount = BigNumberUtils.toBigNumber(10**18); // 1 DAI
// Call to Loom Network
const tx1 = await alice.getLoomChain().withdrawERC20Async(asset, amount);
await tx1.wait();
// Listen to the withdrawal signature
const signature = await alice.getLoomChain().listenToTokenWithdrawal(asset.ethereumAddress.toLocalAddressString(), myEthereumAddress);
// Call to Ethereum Network
const tx2 = await alice.getEthereumChain().withdrawERC20Async(asset, amount, signature);
await tx2.wait();

LoomChain.listenToWithdrawal() waits for 120 seconds then it times out if no withdrawal signature is generated.

Start Savings

Now if you have DAIs in Loom Network, you can start savings.

const loomChain = alice.getLoomChain();
const market = loomChain.getMoneyMarket();
const asset = await market.asset(); // DAIToken
const amount = BigNumberUtils.toBigNumber(10**18); // 1 DAI
const approveTx = await loomChain.approveERC20Async(asset, market.address, amount);
await approveTx.wait();
const depositTx = await market.deposit(amount);
await depositTx.wait();

Get Savings Records

You can get the list of savings deposited.

const myLoomAddress = alice.getLoomChain().getAddress().toLocalAddressString();
const savingRecords = await market.getSavingsRecords(myLoomAddress);
const recordId = savingRecords[0].id;

Withdraw Savings

You can withdraw some or all amount of savings deposited.

const loomChain = alice.getLoomChain();
const market = loomChain.getMoneyMarket();
const amount = BigNumberUtils.toBigNumber(10**18); // 1 DAI
const tx = await market.withdraw(recordId, amount);
await tx.wait();


👤 @YoonjaeYoo