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executable file
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executable file
33 lines (26 loc) · 2.06 KB

Command line options

usage: [-h] -type TYPE -readsdir DIR -outdir OUTPUT_FOLDER
                       -index INDEX [-steps STEPS] -analysis ANALYSIS_NAME
                       [-config CONFIG] [-suffix SUFFIX]
                       [-filenames FILENAMES] [-cluster CLUSTER]

Variant Calling pipeline for Illumina PE/SE data.

Required arguments:

  -type         Type of reads: SE or PE
  -readsdir     Path to Sequencing Reads Data directory. Requires full/absolute path.
  -outdir       Output Folder Path ending with output directory name to save the results. Requires full/absolute path.
  -index        Reference Index Name. Most Frequently used reference genomes index options: KPNIH1 | MRSA_USA_300 | MRSA_USA_100 | CDIFF_630 | paris
  -steps        Variant Calling Steps in sequential order.
                1.   All: This will run all the steps starting from cleaning the reads to variant calling;
                2.   clean,align,post-align,varcall,filter,stats : This will also run all steps starting from cleaning to variant calling.
                3.   coverage_depth_stats: Run Only Depth of Coverage Stats module after cleaning and read mapping steps
                4.   core_prep: Run this step before running the core steps. This will prepare the data required for generating core SNPs
                5.   core: extract core snps and generate diagnostics plot data matrices to explore filtered snps.
  -analysis     Unique analysis name that will be used as prefix to saving results and log files.

Optional arguments:
  -config       Path to Config file, Make sure to check config settings before running pipeline
  -suffix       Fastq reads suffix such as fastq, fastq.gz, fq.gz, fq; Default: fastq.gz
  -filenames    fastq filenames with one single-end filename per line. if the type is set to PE, it will detect the second paired-end filename with the suffix from first filename.
  -cluster      Run variant calling pipeline in one of the four modes. Default: local. The possible modes are: cluster/parallel-cluster/parallel-local/local