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File metadata and controls

246 lines (199 loc) · 10.7 KB

Interactive features

Features described in this module are primarly designed for interactive usage, for instance in an ipython shell<>_, since one of the key features is the intuitive usage provided by auto-completion.

Cluster indices discovery

:func:`` function list all indices on a cluster matching a provided pattern:

>>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
>>> from pandagg.discovery import discover
>>> client = Elasticsearch(hosts=['xxx'])
>>> indices = discover(client, index='mov*')
>>> indices
<Indices> ['movies', 'movies_fake']

Each of the indices is accessible via autocompletion:

>>> indices.movies
 <Index 'movies'>

An :class:`~pandagg.discovery.Index` exposes: settings, mapping (interactive), aliases and name:

>>> movies = indices.movies
>>> movies.settings
{'index': {'creation_date': '1591824202943',
  'number_of_shards': '1',
  'number_of_replicas': '1',
  'uuid': 'v6Amj9x1Sk-trBShI-188A',
  'version': {'created': '7070199'},
  'provided_name': 'movies'}}
>>> movies.mapping
├── directors                                                [Nested]
│   ├── director_id                                           Keyword
│   ├── first_name                                            Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── full_name                                             Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── genres                                                Keyword
│   └── last_name                                             Text
│       └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
├── genres                                                    Keyword
├── movie_id                                                  Keyword
├── name                                                      Text
│   └── raw                                                 ~ Keyword
├── nb_directors                                              Integer
├── nb_roles                                                  Integer
├── rank                                                      Float
├── roles                                                    [Nested]
│   ├── actor_id                                              Keyword
│   ├── first_name                                            Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── full_name                                             Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   ├── gender                                                Keyword
│   ├── last_name                                             Text
│   │   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
│   └── role                                                  Keyword
└── year                                                      Integer

Navigable mapping

The :class:`~pandagg.discovery.Index` mapping attribute returns a :class:`~pandagg.interactive.mapping.IMapping` instance that provides navigation features with autocompletion to quickly discover a large mapping:

>>> movies.roles
<Mapping subpart: roles>
roles                                                    [Nested]
├── actor_id                                              Integer
├── first_name                                            Text
│   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
├── gender                                                Keyword
├── last_name                                             Text
│   └── raw                                             ~ Keyword
└── role                                                  Keyword
>>> movies.roles.first_name
<IMapping subpart: roles.first_name>
first_name                                            Text
└── raw                                             ~ Keyword


a navigable mapping can be obtained directly using :class:`~pandagg.interactive.mapping.IMapping` class without using discovery module:

>>> from pandagg.mapping import IMapping
>>> from import mapping
>>> m = IMapping(mapping)
>>> m.roles.first_name
<Mapping subpart: roles.first_name>
first_name                                                    Text
└── raw                                                     ~ Keyword

To get the complete field definition, just call it:

>>> movies.roles.first_name()
<Mapping Field first_name> of type text:
    "type": "text",
    "fields": {
        "raw": {
            "type": "keyword"

A IMapping instance can be bound to an Elasticsearch client to get quick access to aggregations computation on mapping fields.

Suppose you have the following client:

>>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
>>> client = Elasticsearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])

Client can be bound at instantiation:

>>> movies = IMapping(mapping, client=client, index_name='movies')

Doing so will generate a a attribute on mapping fields, this attribute will list all available aggregation for that field type (with autocompletion):

>>> movies.roles.gender.a.terms()
[('M', {'key': 'M', 'doc_count': 2296792}),
('F', {'key': 'F', 'doc_count': 1135174})]


Nested clauses will be automatically taken into account.

Navigable aggregation response

When executing a :class:`` request with aggregations, resulting aggregations can be parsed in multiple formats as described :doc:`user-guide.response`.

Suppose we execute the following search request:

>>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
>>> from import Search
>>> client = ElasticSearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])
>>> response = Search(using=client, index='movies')\
>>>     .size(0)\
>>>     .groupby('decade', 'histogram', interval=10, field='year')\
>>>     .groupby('genres', size=3)\
>>>     .agg('avg_rank', 'avg', field='rank')\
>>>     .aggs('avg_nb_roles', 'avg', field='nb_roles')\
>>>     .filter('range', year={"gte": 1990})\
>>>     .execute()

One of the available serialization methods for aggregations, :func:`~pandagg.response.Aggregations.to_interactive_tree`, generates an interactive tree of class :class:`~pandagg.interactive.response.IResponse`:

>>> tree = response.aggregations.to_interactive_tree()
>>> tree
├── decade=1990                                        79495
│   ├── genres=Documentary                              8393
│   │   ├── avg_nb_roles                  3.7789824854045038
│   │   └── avg_rank                       6.517093241977517
│   ├── genres=Drama                                   12232
│   │   ├── avg_nb_roles                  18.518067364290385
│   │   └── avg_rank                       5.981429367965072
│   └── genres=Short                                   12197
│       ├── avg_nb_roles                   3.023284414200213
│       └── avg_rank                       6.311325829450123
└── decade=2000                                        57649
    ├── genres=Documentary                              8639
    │   ├── avg_nb_roles                   5.581433036231045
    │   └── avg_rank                       6.980897812811443
    ├── genres=Drama                                   11500
    │   ├── avg_nb_roles                  14.385391304347825
    │   └── avg_rank                       6.269675415719865
    └── genres=Short                                   13451
        ├── avg_nb_roles                   4.053081555274701
        └── avg_rank                        6.83625304327684

This tree provides auto-completion on each node to select a subpart of the tree:

>>> tree.decade_1990
<IResponse subpart: decade_1990>
decade=1990                                            79495
├── genres=Documentary                                  8393
│   ├── avg_nb_roles                      3.7789824854045038
│   └── avg_rank                           6.517093241977517
├── genres=Drama                                       12232
│   ├── avg_nb_roles                      18.518067364290385
│   └── avg_rank                           5.981429367965072
└── genres=Short                                       12197
    ├── avg_nb_roles                       3.023284414200213
    └── avg_rank                           6.311325829450123
>>> tree.genres_Drama
<IResponse subpart: decade_1990.genres_Drama>
genres=Drama                                           12232
├── avg_nb_roles                          18.518067364290385
└── avg_rank                               5.981429367965072

:func:`~pandagg.interactive.response.IResponse.get_bucket_filter` returns the query that filters documents belonging to the given bucket:

>>> tree.decade_1990.genres_Drama.get_bucket_filter()
{'bool': {
    'must': [
        {'term': {'genres': {'value': 'Drama'}}},
        {'range': {'year': {'gte': 1990.0, 'lt': 2000.0}}}
    'filter': [{'range': {'year': {'gte': 1990}}}]

:func:`~pandagg.interactive.response.IResponse.list_documents` method actually execute this query to list documents belonging to bucket:

>>> tree.decade_1990.genres_Drama.list_documents(size=2, _source={"include": ['name']})
{'took': 10,
 'timed_out': False,
 '_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0},
 'hits': {'total': {'value': 10000, 'relation': 'gte'},
  'max_score': 2.4539857,
  'hits': [{'_index': 'movies',
    '_type': '_doc',
    '_id': '706',
    '_score': 2.4539857,
    '_source': {'name': '100 meter fri'}},
   {'_index': 'movies',
    '_type': '_doc',
    '_id': '714',
    '_score': 2.4539857,
    '_source': {'name': '100 Proof'}}]}}