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Laravel 4 Integration

Powergate PHP client has optional support for Laravel 4 and comes bundled with a Service Provider and Facades for easy integration.

Firstly you need to add the Powergate API client to your composer.json file found in the root of your Laravel 4 application, then run the composer install or composer update to pull in the new package.

Next we need to add the service provider, to do this open up the config/app.php file and add the following line to the $providers:


Then add the new facades to the $aliases array like to:

'Domain' => 'Ballen\PowergateClient\Facades\Domain',
'Record' => 'Ballen\PowergateClient\Facades\Record',

You should now also create a configuration file for Powergate, this contains your API server URL, API user and key. Create a new configuration file in app/confg/powergate.php with the following content:


return array(
    'api' => array(
        'baseUrl' => '',
        'user' => 'api',
        'key' => '__KEY_GOES_HERE__',

Obviously, you should update the values in the above example with your own Powergate Server credentials.

Congratulations, the Powergate Client should now be auto-loaded by Laravel!

Example usage

Once you have configured the Powergate Client for Laravel you can access your DNS Domain and Records like so:-

You can use the Laravel helper function dd() aka. die and dump a list of all of your configured domains like this:


Once you have obtained the Domain ID you can then request that domain including all records, this then enables you to retrieve the required record ID in order to push an update as shown in the exmaple below.

// Return the domain details and all child records for the domain with an ID of `1`.

In this example we will update an IP address of an 'A' record (with an ID of 1) like so:

$updated_ip = '';

$updated = Record::update(1, array('content' => $updated_ip));

    echo "Record updated successfully!";
    // We'll increment the SOA serial
} else {
    echo "Something went wrong, the API responded with the following error: $updated->message." ;

For more information with regards to the available class methods please see the documentation.